Loot idea: Instance tickets

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ItsRem, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. ItsRem Well-Known Player

    Was talking with a league-mate earlier, and we got onto the subject of the loot in T5 content, which could actually be applied to all content at this point... Mainly how solo-loot is not beneficial whatsoever for league runs... It's a long, drawn out topic at this point, however I would like to see some good come out of this thread...

    His comment: "Instance trades would be a lot better than this current loot system..."
    My response: "Yeah, they could do it like that, but how could they make it so it would be worth it?"

    And even though it is an idea that's most likely going to get trolled and/or ignored by most; I think I have a fairly sound response to my own question... Instance tickets. The concept is simple in theory: Each ticket can only be used within 1 instance as a one-time use (hence the poorly thought-out name) and it only works within a certain period of time... Think R&D scanner & vault ticket all in one. With a major catch: It can only be used inside an instance; walk-ins would not apply and the tickets would not be able to be used to prevent "tier-skipping".

    Example: Say you and two others get that healer piece that the healer is actually running the content for, while the healer gets an *insert support role here* piece that has no value to him... Instead of solely forcing salvages, or getting ignored/denied the item trade request from submitting a ticket, why not just allow us to handle it amongst players via marketplace?

    The reasoning in the example is obvious, and I'm sure anyone who has ran content since solo-loot's been implemented can understand it... We're using money on replay badges as-is to "take our chances"... So why not allow us to spend more money to also be able to trade for it? As well as putting it back in the players' hands versus having everything 'force-fed' and not being able to do anything about it...

    I can keep going but I think this is decent enough to start...

    - Bullet point/short version-
    • Allow players to be able to handle loot (whether it be single items or multiple) amongst themselves. It would still be distributed automatically, leaving it up to the players if they want to trade items.
    • A confirmation window before allowing use of ticket to prevent "accidental use", and a set time period to make your trade by... Like an R&D scanner.
    Again, I would like to see something possibly come from this thread other than a lock, so please try to keep it constructive...

    Wishful thinking, but it doesn't hurt to ask...