I am looking for a serious ps3/us hero league that can help me grow and that I can help in alerts and raids. I have been a player for awhile only at a premium level, but I am a very busy person that only gets to play 5-12 hours a week. This could be between one and five days a week. The main thing I am hoping for is to get help with GOT raids to raise my CR quickly so I could help with higher alert and raid for the league. If a league is interested leave a message or show up at the GOT entrance 01/21/2014 between 3:30pm and 5pm EST my toon is Blood Sight w/ Green Light Powers
I am looking for a league I can join to help me pull through gates, that will help me increase my CR so I can help them in the upper raids and alerts
Come check is out at https://forums.station.sony.com/dcu...-1-would-love-to-have-you-usps-heroes.188526/ let us know what you think! Hope to hear from you soon