Looking for info on troller AMs.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BipolarDiva, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    How do they work,
    What loadouts are best for troll AMs
    Need info for gadgets and quantum.
  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    There is no troller AM. Just trollers get the bonus damage for using DPS AM. If you know how to use DPS AM for those powers then you can make adjustments for controlling and test it from there.
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  3. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    They work exactly the same as they would as Damage without Power regeneration.

    With that said Gadgets is not very practical except for Distract into Paralyzing Dart or EMP Pulse. Because Gadgets requires 3 Power Interactions on a target the only Power cost effective way to do this would be when you need to apply 2 debuffs which you would combine with a PoT trait. Even better if you use Paralyzing Dart since the whole rotation would apply 3 debuffs and PoT which could be all useful depending on the fight. You would have to all 4 anyway if you needed them so there is no additional Power cost.

    Using Time Bomb -> Tachyon Burst -> Time Shift would be good if you need to refresh PoT and apply a Defense debuff. So too would Time Bomb -> Wrap Barrage -> Time Shift (-> Tachyon Burst) if you need to apply a defense debuff, damage debuff and possibly PoT. All of this is practical because you would use most of the Power required already and just have an added Time Bomb cost.

    In general you are probably not going to get off Advanced Interaction damage more than once every 10-12 seconds unless you really don't need your Power pool at all which I find hard to believe if you feel it necessary to be a Controller in a group.

    Overall don't expect tray based rotations to do too much damage while being a support role. If you use the rotation too much you won't be taking advantage of your support features and you likely should just toggle your stance. Hard but true reality.
  4. Veritech Loyal Player

    Troller AM damage is a bad idea.
    People are going to be leaving out essential troller tools from their loadout to get more damage?
    I predict many dear diary threads on the topic.

    Gadgets for example, sure you can go distract>p.dart for damage, but what happens when someone goes down and your detaunt is on cooldown still, or room mechanics need to get done?
    Groups will fail because the troller wants to be a dps.
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  5. kyrieirving Active Player

    i see, so using the Am for support roles isnt really pratical for raids mostly solos and duos
  6. MrB Dedicated Player

    I gotta agree. We saw this when hl got its combo am and you can do infinite combo as a troll but didn't get damage boost. There were trolls doing the infinite combos without throwing pot, debuffing and no insta power.

    Sure there are people who will utilize it perfectly but lets face it, many will make trolling a mess.
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  7. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I wouldn't go as far to say that but specifically for Gadgets no since there is no "partial buff" for its version of Advanced Interactions except for Distract.

    For Quantum you could use this loadout:

    Time Bomb - Temporal Extortion - Even Horizon - Time Shift - Tachyon Burst - Quantum Tunneling

    You get all the tools that you need for controlling but if you know you need to use a debuff or refresh PoT you could hit Time Bomb first then use them. You would get partial boosted damage from Time Bomb especially if you are midrange/melee. However you should, to conserve Power, only do this at the refresh point of your debuff or the refresh point of your PoT which is roughly every 10 seconds staggered with Tachyon Burst every 20 seconds.

    You could use 2 debuffs every 10 seconds if you wanted a damage debuff and willing to sacrifice Quantum Tunneling or don't need a Supercharge for a particular fight. You get 2/3 damage every 10 seconds and full damage every 20 seconds.

    A similar approach albeit less efficient could be used for Mental too:

    Mass Terror - Psychic Empowerment - Bastion - Phantom Flames - Terror Tendrils - Psychic Resonance

    Every time you need to debuff you would use Psychic Resonance -> Phantom Flames -> Mass Terror. This has the added benefit of giving you a mass stun as well but you require 2 traits worth of Power compared to Quantum and the damage is less every 20 seconds.

    Munition would not be in a good position since you require at least 2 channels to even start the damage bonus unless you want to melee and precast with 'Splosion (very Power inefficient). Gadgets is not so great either as I explained in my other post.

    Light is in a very good position; probably the best position overall and nothing about the rotation (range/midrange) would change.

    All Tanks except for Earth and possibly Atomic have basically no Advanced Mechanic damage realistically available. Celestial and Sorcery are in a good positions. Nature will have an immediately good position due to both Savage Growth and Harvest able to heal, do damage and refresh. In addition to the possible inclusion of Hive Mind and Swarm. Electricity is in a decent enough situation but a lot of Electricity users are reluctant to use Electrogenesis and Electroburst to heal which they would need to in order to be Power efficient. Specifically for DoT powersets it would be very easy to piggback on another player of the powerset but in Damage and use your refresh every 11 seconds (Harvest/Voltaic Bolt) since you can "copy" their DoTs. This could save on specialisation and Power.

    Of course all of this requires all adjustments to be made first. However the moral is that it is not "useless" per se but you should really use the tools strategically and availability may not be frequent depending on Advanced Mechanic type and role played.
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  8. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Hi Biopolar,

    If your desired result is to increase your damage output as a support role the only real increase I ever seen myself without jeopardizing the integrity of my controller role is to use a Weapon Master with a DPS weapon along with a damage consumable such as static grenades.
    You get the full DPS output of the WM and your stats aren't that drastically reduced in that it allows you to still have your full Controller arsenal, crits, debufs to be an effective solo controllers in the end game raids.

    Going AM in a Support Role, I don't believe will give you a higher level of damage output you may be looking to do. It will increase a bit, but the trade-off of not being at the optimal level for your Controller role isn't with it in my opinion.
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  9. lukelucky Devoted Player

    2 trolls and one mostly power out or hl and the other cnan debuff while damaging and power dumps. Sounds fun if we dont have 5 dps
  10. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Thank you, I am hoping in the future to see pot stack using 2 controllers. The way heals can. That way we could lose instant power making this idea of troll am viable. OR double the ticks on pot allowing the removal of instant power. I realize I'll garner kneejerk hate on this but I think it's best.
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  11. Backseid Devoted Player

    Yay! Let's give support roles options to do damage! That makes sooo much sense!


    Bad bad bad idea.
  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    shoulda known this would of happen (the threads like this I mean) when celestials dmg in heal role went live.

    it'll only get worse specially with HL and gadget peeps, as alot of those players like to attempt to DPS in troll role as it is.
  13. Proto1118 Committed Player

    If the devs wanted support roles to do more damage, have the a Max Damage mod give support roles a 40% - 60% damage modifier and call it a day. Work smarter, not harder.
  14. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    People are already doing that. Do you remember how indignant people got when it was suggested that a controller should have a damage debuff for the James fight?
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  15. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    It seems like more of an afterthought, and it wasn't planned out very well.

    I'm very disappointed in "Battle Troll"ing.
  16. Omega Boy Committed Player

    I don't think the mental AM will work very well for me while trolling. I would lose my 2nd debuff & grandeur from my load out so I doubt it'll be worth it for the damage done in endgame. Maybe it will be slightly useful on content towards the bottom of the relevancy window. Once they update mental, I'll set it up, but the armory I use for my AM may get a bit dusty from not being in use.

    I'll give it a try on my quantum though. That might actually work ok.

    I doubt I'll even attempt it on my munitions or gadget trolls.
  17. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Today's controllers baffle me. I see more controllers using heal debuff over everything else. There are very few instance where's it useful. 3 years ago I was told damage and def are the ones you should use.
  18. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Sadly trollers who are lucky will be fine as some of the perks makes this easy. HL I can crank up some damage while effectively doing damage.

    Fyi if the trollss are not 2nd to dps in damage out well someones doing something wrong especially with the power back machanics. Solo trolling is be a battery instead of play as intended. This is way more of an issue (5 dps) then AMs in support roles.

    Atomic, rage tanking and celestrial all battle designed support roles. Devs are building to support role runs NOT 5 dps raids. I love it and dont use bad players as an excuse cause well most run 5 dps and this is a major contributer to u der developed players. I dont think hardly anyone is bad simply lack experience or habe yet to learn. Bad is knowing and simply cant do. Lol me as a dps, no, no no I can I just get bored and stray from max damge rotations to enjoy the run. Support roles I never have an issue. 2 healers and two trolls as intended well everyone has time and oppertunity to wreck shop and enjoy the run.

    As a troll and tank I am sick of solo trolling. As a tank 3% maybe generously % 10 of the trolls since 2011 allow me to tank as I tank with 2 trolls or as intended. Fire juggles to protect themselves its a poeer design. U constantly juggle with one troll. Lmao gl with that most of the time. So essentially support roles perform a choir so 5 dps can mindlessly spam.. ZZzzzzzz Zzzzzz zzZzzZzzz. Not 4 me.

    Good job devs