Looking for an active, talkative league.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Conduit, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Conduit New Player

    I don't want to be in any overly vulgar or childish league.
    I'd like to find a league with active players that talk, joke, have fun, etc.

    I'm currently CR88, SP119, Electricity DPS[Pure], 1H/DP.
    I'm close to CR89, just need one piece of Norseman or one of the new masks in T4 Inner.

    The current times I'm online are any time between midnight PST to midday PST.
    It fluctuates according to how much sleep I get.[Early morning to noon]

    I don't really mind what the CRs of the other league members are, so long as they're active and talkative.

    If you have any questions considering other prerequisites of your league please inbox me. Either on here or in the game to "Titan303", do NOT PM me in game, it's annoying to keep track of them with all the flooding posts and I'm usually talking to friends.

    Thank you for reading, I hope to hear from someone.
  2. LORD_SHOCKA New Player

    PS3/PC? EU/US? villian/hero? people really need to add these things.... at least i know your US becuase you are PST, but i could be wrong.
  3. Delta795 New Player

  4. Conduit New Player

    Oh sorry. This is only my second time posting here, last time was on the old forums so I didn't have to specify what system.

    I'm a Hero, USPC.

    Again, sorry for the lack of information.