Looking for a league (Villain) 18+ US PC

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by xkcell, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. xkcell New Player

    ingame name: XkCell
    Faction: Villain
    Server US PC
    Age: 33
    Gender: Male

    About me:
    I stopped playing WoW and FFXiV a bit ago and am looking for a fun game to put some time in.
    Started yesterday and got to level 18 and i'm enjoying the game so far.
    In WoW I did raiding as a healer, tank and DPS. Probably the most experience there.
    BC-WOTLK, skipped cataclysm and did Pandaria and legion.
    FFXiV had some netcode issues so raiding there was miserable.
    Not that it is too relevant, but I also raided in Destiny I, putting kings fall on farm in hard and challenge mode each week. Even, perhaps less relevant, I was playing Ultima Online when I was 10 years old and was over the top excited when the Pentium III came out!

    Why I want to be in a League:
    I've almost always been in a guild or ran one, from UO, to WoW to FF14. I enjoy learning, and once I find a good source of information I tend to study on the subjects and learn quickly. I like making new friends and being active in discord. I'm seeing a lot of end game guides saying "FURY IS TOP DPS!" and i'm over here using (force) push and pull, then setting them on fire like a demon cosplaying sith. I don't know what these things mean, and I'm confused how contorl works, perpetual stun locks? Seems interesting. Also, I don't entirely enjoy playing with people under the age of 18. Hell, its getting to the point if you can't at least legally drink get off my lawn. I'm also considering the subscription model, but it seems like there are tons of ways to play without that..?

    Whaat i'd like from a league
    - play with adults
    - learn about game
    - discord
    - PVE content
    - Instanced content
    - memes
    - a good learning resource website for DCUO.