Looking for a Great League Villain US PS

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Soke_Remy_Gambit, Feb 4, 2020.

  1. Soke_Remy_Gambit Well-Known Player

    Hello title says it all. Been playing for 8 years off and on. Mainly play tank and troll but after the event ended was bored and a friend told me to make a new toon with them. Well they ditched me made the toon love the power. Healer Electric. I'm almost to level 30 and been grinding this toon up quickly. Looking for a active fun league. Don't want to be a filler like 98% of the league invites I get in game. Decided to take it to the forums look for a great home. Play daily however only a hour or 2 sometimes through the week. Work full time and family. Thanks. Reply or message me in game ign is Remy Bolts. Thanks.