Lockdown vs the other 2 raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gucciana, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Gucciana Committed Player

    So ive completed lockdown 2 times now the loot table giving me nothing but useless stuff
    im just wondering what is the point to that raid when i can get the same rewards from the others that take less time from me
    the way i see it is the "hard" raid should be a guaranteed 94 drop just one if anything and the other 2 raids should just be a chance at a drop

    i get that if i want a challenge then to do it but even the marks arent worth it if i reset the others
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  2. Ice Lantern New Player

    I agree, Lockdown should have a guaranteed drop. It's ridiculous that people can just spam Necro for gear due to not only how easy it is but how little time it takes to complete. At the very least if Necro was going to be this easy, it should have taken longer to complete than Artifacts,
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  3. Xibo Loyal Player

    Is only the law of least effort that rule, they prefer spam Necropolis rather than do Lockdown because infact Necropolis is more easy but after 1 or 2 weeks the thing will change i think.
  4. Gucciana Committed Player

    if im looking to spam raids and get the most out of it as possible gear wise i would just do the bunk easy one because reward is the same hard raid should be worth it and easy raid should be a stepping stone towards something harder i just hate knowing that a bunch of players who were carried with walkins can continue that legacy with raids that drop same gear there should be a reward with the effort you put it not always least effort with most reward
  5. Gucciana Committed Player

    if that makes sense
  6. Avian Dedicated Player

    It seems that certain gear pieces only drop in specific raids, so spamming Necro to no end will only get you the same things.
  7. GregDawe New Player

    Not true, I have had every piece drop in Necro across 2 toons

    And yeah I agree, I am all for the chance thing, but not in the one that is labelled the hard one.
    LHL should either be a guarunteed drop on each boss, or a 75% chance drop for level95 gear
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  8. Gucciana Committed Player

    nope it isnt a certain item with certain raid kinda thing all items drop in a ll of them
    i can spam necro for a full 94 but thats ridiculous if i do the hard raid i should get a reward for it not a chance its pretty simple
    people who take the lazy route should get less where as those who challenge themselves should get more
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  9. sterl320 New Player

    running the inter gang alert twice gets you the same amount of marks as doing 1 raid for less replays. it's faster, easier, & less stressful than running any of the raids. you won't get a shot at the 94 gear, but you probably weren't going to get it anyway with each reset of the raids with the current loot table. I'm deff not resetting any of the raids

    by the way, did you beat lockdown with the laser artifact? if so, how?
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  10. GregDawe New Player

    I am hoping that they get onto that quickly, 100% chance drops in LHL, 2/3 in artifacts, and 1/3 in Necro.
    The raids with chance need all 3 bosses to be beaten in the same reset week for the loot to drop.
    Marks/symbols are rewarded each boss, but until the entire raid is done, you don't get you gear.

    If not that, then I'd like to see a bonus SoP instead of a bonus MoF for non gear loots.
  11. Gucciana Committed Player

    nah both times were with ice once and fire as the second laser is my next goal
  12. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i think the 97 neck drops only in lockdown .... thats it if iam not wrong
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  13. sterl320 New Player

    lockdown won't forever be as hard as it is, and once it's not hard, everyone would of course spam it until they are full 94 if this was implemented. it would throw the whole reason why they have the loot tables this way right out the window. I don't ever see that happening.
  14. Elusian Crowd Control

    Yep. Thats the little carrot to chase for those who going in this raid.
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  15. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    The gearing up system is designed without counting RBs into the equation. A portion of the playerbase want harder content so the devs made one of the raids harder than the others.
    This means that discounting RBs a person who completes all 3 raids each week will gear up faster than a player who can't finish LD, thereby giving the bragging rights and improved gear that comes with it.
    When RBs come in to it they mess up any sort of method of working out a timescale a player will gear up in and that is each individuals own choice.
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  16. Schimaera Devoted Player

    ~what Ivy said. The DLC isn't out for a week yet and there are like a billion complainment-threads about loot tables, raid difficulties, how random the random number generator is, that it should be a manually number generator or somthing, and so on.


    Raids are fine (Necro+Artifacts a bit too easy I guess), Loot table is fine, if RNG isn't your friend, stop playing MMOs. If you don't want to spent replay badges, then don't. Why do you care how others progress through replaying?
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  17. Luckyme92781 Well-Known Player

    We beat it 2 nights ago. Very tough. We got to Kalibak in 15 minutes but took us awhile to get our coordination down. we just stood against the walls 4 on 1 side 3 on the other with the tank in the middle. We ran healers with shields and most of the dps had shields. 2 were on gun duty. Tank kept the technician away from the artifact and we always burned it down everytime one would come out. We found it easier to jail mantis rather than jailing Kalibak. Hope this helps.
  18. ermike Committed Player

    This is actually a good idea.. outside of the neck, there truly is not a reason to run lockdown while we are still gearing up. Giving guaranteed 94 drops would make this raid stick out and be worth the trouble it can get. Otherwise.. gear up and come back in lockdown for feats later.
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  19. Yui Loyal Player

    Technically speaking, you do get a chance to get 94 gear. It's just not that big of a chance. That's why people replay raids, because they want to get a shot at getting the current best gear from them. Also, that's the reason why raids costs so much replay badges to reset, because they drop the best gear in the game.
    If people had to pick between resetting the new T6 alerts and the raids, I'm pretty sure most, not all, but most, would pick to reset the raids for a chance to get 94 gear. I know I would, specially for Lockdown for that OP Necklace.
  20. sterl320 New Player

    you read it wrong. I said you wont get a shot at the 94 gear by replaying the alerts.