Lock boxes ....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by apocalypsegodx, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    I wish the drop rate would stay like this for members ! I've actually played like all day, norm I log in run my duos and 2 relevant alerts and log out . Back in the day I would reset raid and re play them but the gear drops suck so I stopped buying re plays but getting a whole bunch of boxes made me want to play everything :eek:
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  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    same here, the past few days I've played everything from T1 to T7, duo's, alerts, raids you name it lol

    gotten some neat looking styles from hero side, and I agree I wish it'd stay like this for legendary ppl.
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  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    SamE here I love it
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  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    It could stay that way for Legendary, Premium, and Free to Play players. The only ones who could realistically afford to open every box would be Legendary players, and it might entice Premium/Free players to buy keys more (won't work on me at $2 each, but that's beside the point).
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  5. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Definately should keep the rate drop for promethium boxes. I love it!
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  6. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    I disagree if it stays for legendary day break loses nothing and its an added perk for thous who do sub
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  7. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    I finally got that stupid avatar bombardier head to drop.. fabulous. I hope they keep it this way, it's rewarding to play for long periods meow :)
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  8. areacode8O8 Committed Player

    .....are awesome!!!

    Hoping to score the waist tail, and phantom reaver gloves. Best spawn hands in the game.
  9. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    I have ran everything on my on duty tab at least once today this is the most I've played in years
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  10. Benn 10 Committed Player

    I am hoping to he the most high that I get those adaptive android boots. So many of my leaguemates and friends have those boots. Lol I am Ridiculously jealous. Those boots go with like anything!! Lol I need those in my toons life.
  11. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    Andddddd if I get a style I already have.. I stack my compounds for um! Love those boxes! ♡
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  12. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    I can't stop playing lol hoping for that phantom reaver head
  13. seek76 Committed Player

    You do realize if it stays the same for every player, DB loses nothing. Your argument makes no sense. They need money, if it entices people to pay, its all profit for them. Why would you cut off a potential revenue stream just to please people who are already subbed.
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  14. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Freemiums and Premiums already have an increased drop rate over the Legendary players
  15. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I do not believe that is true. I'll continue to track once this deal period is over and let you know, but I did not see an increased drop rate when my subscription ended. If you have proof of your statement from a member of the development team, it might help your statement. Otherwise, it is pure conjecture, and I'll consider it nothing more than a rumor.
  16. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    Yeah, the drops have been quite consistent. Gotten quite a few style pieces that I've neede throughout this past week. Wish this was the norm for Legendary :cool:
  17. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Yes it is conjecture because have never been anything other than All Access for the last ten years at least, was just going by what others have said: several people have mentioned how they seemed to get the Prom Box to drop more often as a Premium or Freemium than when they were Legendary
  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Yeah, several people say a lot of things without backing them up with empirical evidence. I trust my combat logs over random people on the forums. ;-p
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  19. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Says the random guy on the forum :p
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  20. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I had two lockboxes drop as Premium prior to the deal. My GUI calculates the time from the first lockbox to each subsequent lockbox, removing any timestamps that occur more than 20 minutes apart (calculated based on when we are automatically disconnected due to inactivity). Assuming the first lockbox would have reset my drop rate for subsequent lockboxes, my second lockbox should have dropped based on my Premium status. The drop still occurred more than 6 hours later.


    Here is what I have seen since the deal started:

    And what I saw when I was Legendary:
  21. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    HE ain't random...he's my brother...Might have aged myself with that musical reference...