Loading Screens and Disconnecting

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by SandMancr, Apr 9, 2016.

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  1. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player


    and the truth is Everyone.

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  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

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  3. Reaper501 Well-Known Player

    Can I have a new feat...........it's a 50 pointer called "Ridiculous Legends of Broken Stuff".
  4. silikyan Well-Known Player

    Same Same
    Same Same
  5. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

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  6. pakuroto New Player

  7. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Yes, me too. Can't log back in. Infinite loading connecting screen...
  8. Major Cedric Level 30

    same as here 0x0034
  9. Phil Osyfee New Player

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  10. Unida Dedicated Player

    this game is playing as good as the Lakers these days....
  11. metalfenix Committed Player

    dmn, I go to get a bath, and when I return, bam, infinite loading screen. Bad DCUO, bad.
  12. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

  13. Captain JackDaniels Well-Known Player

    Dear DCUO, please buy a new server and stop hurting your customer base this is getting ridiculous.
    My league and I are about to give up on this game. It is getting so bad.

    Like and post if you agree community!
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  14. pakuroto New Player

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  15. Unida Dedicated Player

    meh, off to play world of tanks!
  16. MrB Dedicated Player

    See this is one of the reasons why none of my rl friends didn't wanna stick round. After locking at gu, crashes, and game mechanics they asked me why I was playing a beta game. Crashing wasn't even that frequent at that time.
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  17. Multiverse Creator League

    See.... there is a lesson to be learned right there....

    NO MORE baths for you...... EVER!!! ;) ;) ;)
    • Like x 2
  18. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

  19. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Yep. Too many lags, crashes, bugs, disconnect. Something is going on and they should upgrade what is causing this. They clearly cannot handle the too many population anymore with crossplay and plateform.

    It's like the ps3, you can upgrade with SSD but eventually you're gonna have to get a ps4 to fully make the game running well.
  20. pakuroto New Player

    pakuroto doser of dcuo and themost older player want to play[IMG]
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