Livestream Preview: Munitions! Guts AND Glory Required.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    That is a good idea, it is very artillery.
  2. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    Maybe I'll make a Cobra toon. Been watching G.I. Joe lately.
  3. PhantomFox New Player

    This powerset looks great, I'm excited to start a new toon and try it out. Really don't like the headband though, since it ties so closely to style and really limits your aesthetic choices if you're not comfortable with looking silly (sillier?) in combat. I liked the suggestion of a bandolier instead, though that might conflict with the current Reload buff (which looks great!).

    Also glad we're getting Munitions "out of the way." Maybe there will be less animosity when the more "spandex-infused" powers come out. Once they launch all the Deathstroke, Punisher, Deadpool, etc toons will have already been served by Munitions.
  4. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    I know mine is coming :cool:
    • Like x 1
  5. DCUO Milkshake New Player

    This is completely off-topic but, will there be any news regarding the constant system crashing while playing or even logging onto DCUO via PS3? Its been consistent since the update and i havent been able to freely run content ever since.
  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    this power is a just for "fun" ,not competitive fun , pve and especially pvp lacks heavy...