List the worst movies you ever watched.

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Morcra, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Be very, very glad about that.
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  2. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Since when do 'children' have a beard and a moustache? o_O
  3. John Brawler Committed Player

    from most to least tolerable.

    1. spiderman 3
    2. twilight (was forced to watch it and have now been regularly driven into a rage just hearing the words "vampire" "werewolf" or "sparkly"
    3. last airbender (i swear to god it's like they took the pilot episode and the season one finale, took out every piece of humor, then replaced the missing bits with the crappiest action scenes i've ever seen... and since i used to be in high school theater that's saying something.
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  4. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    I am sad to admit, I actual did force myself to watch that one. All of it. Well the first movie. Could never bring myself to watch any of the rest of the movies after the monstrosity of boredom that was that movie.
  5. Krypton Dedicated Player

    I loved that movie. :)
    I am not using Google till after I type this, to test my knowledge. However was that a Joel Schumacher film?
    I loved that "seedy" world, plus I loved the costars who all became pretty well known later on, but at the time they were nothing. :)
  6. DAFLASH6521 Well-Known Player

    Lol. Remember the scene where it took 5 earthbenders to move a boulder slowly towards a firebender?
  7. Krypton Dedicated Player

    I did not mind the movie either. I was living out in Hollywood at the time that was coming out. The industry was calling it Fishtar, or Kevin's Gate. :)

    As the movie was severely over budget, with so many production delays etc.
    It foretasted to be one of the biggest flops in the mold of Istar, and Heaven's Gate.

    However, If I remember right it broke about even, and might of even had a small profit with foreign market sales. :)
  8. Morcra Committed Player

    that part made me cringe incredibly so. people say they actually placed up the wall to protect the kid and parent but it barely showed that and the camera just kept moving. there earth bending didnt even look like earth bending it looked like they were dancing "im a little tea pot short and snout". Earth bending was based on the external and close style of Hung gar.

    in there they were dancing out of sync with a horrible end pose that has nothing to do with earth bending AT ALL.

    i was never so bummed in my life.
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  9. Krypton Dedicated Player

    Your idea is sound. However, if you actually write it, I can then show you similarities to other stories depending how written.

    I work in Development. I read ALOT. :) It can be painful. I am supposed to find "original" ideas. However, what truly ends up being original is setting, and the characters in terms of the situation they are thrust in.

    Just based off your Long version Logline, I would just suggest to use the equation as a macguffin.
    A great example for reference is North by Northwest. Hitchcock used macguffin's brilliantly.

    The story would be about the ramification's in the mathematician's world for discovering the equation.

    Also just write the story and worry about the equation stuff for later, or you will probably never write it.

    Good Luck. :)
  10. Krypton Dedicated Player

    I never saw this movie. However, I think it is funny how back in the day studios used to use M. Night's name prominently in advertising.

    Now they don't even mention him at all in marketing, as it hurts anything he does. lol

    A lot of people had no idea he did that scfi film with Will Smith and his son. lol
  11. ReAni Mator New Player

    Every romcom ever made and every movie with Arn Swarz in it pre and post the original Terminator, especially Batman and Robin, seems like two good rules to live by. Oh wait up, Conan was so bad it was good, so I guess they get a pass too.
  12. Krypton Dedicated Player

    Loved Pretty Women. Went to see it twice at the theater. lol

    I liked many Arn movies in the 80's Twins was great. I also liked the Jingle all the Way film. :)

    Original Conan was awesome when it came out. I don't remember it being bad at all.

    I am a fan of John Milus and always thought Oliver Stone as a good writer, so I am biased. When it came out though I was a kid and remember really liking it. I also had no idea who the director or writer was.
  13. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    I decided not to pick a movie I hated from beginning to end, I chose a movie that could go either way. Joel Schumacher indeed, no mentions of his Bat films yet, but that's too easy.

    And along those lines, another movie I'm going to pick is "The Departed". I've seen the original trilogy, I don't remember if it was before or after Scorsese's remake. I don't see how anyone could be satisfied with that ending. I remember the original movies being more focused on the Matt Damon character, which I think helps when....


    The main character (Leonardo Decaprio) is killed off by a random character who is only indirectly involved. And that killer is then killed off seconds later.
  14. Krypton Dedicated Player

    I have not seen the original of that movie.

    I absolutely loved that film so much. I love it when bad guys sort of get away with it. Hence why I love Gillian Flynn's writing, and Gone Girl. I was so hoping she would have a similar ending with Sharp Objects, but good guys win in that one.

    Back to the Departed I loved that Matt got away with everything for the most part, and Whalberg get's away with murder as well.

    The company that produced that I have applied too. They specialize in bringing over Asian films and translating them for the American Market. I know they were well versed in the original properties.
  15. Sardik New Player

    My list:

    Green Lantern;
    Man Of Steel;
    Iron Man 3;
    X Men 3;
    Wolverine 1;
    Fantastic Four 1&2;
    The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen;
    Any Michael Bay movie(they are all the same).
  16. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    It's just that the American version focused so much on the Leo character that after he dies, it's sort of like "now what?" I didn't feel as if they gave us enough about the Damon character to carry the final scenes of the movie.

    I believe the original "Infernal Affairs" was followed with a prequel, and then the Matt Damon character got his own final movie to wrap things up.
  17. Krypton Dedicated Player

    It is interesting the differences. I wonder if the whole Leo thing was Martin? He loves that guy.
    Looking back on it, what your saying rings true.

    All in all though loved the movie still the performances were great for me. I still love and think about Jack doing that Rat imitation. lol
  18. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    Well I can't discount that Leo and Jack and the rest of the cast were especially good in the movie, maybe there's a extended cut somewhere. I'm about 97% good on the movie, I just really didn't like that last 3%.:D
  19. Krypton Dedicated Player

    If only you could make every movie 97% good. lol

    The company I used to work for just released their movie. I want to watch it, as I never found out if they used my Hymm music I had to research. lol However, I doubt it is very good. :)
  20. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    After Earth doesn't make it on my list of bad movies, Will Smith actually played his character as a strict military father without any hints of his usual goofy self. I can appreciate that but it's still really dependant on one's opinion of Jaden, it's still a decent rental.:D

    Some movies are inherently suppose to be light, so I don't think those are worth mentioning in "worst" lists.:confused: