List of Add Skipping Content?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SethZoulMonEl, Jul 4, 2022.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Is there a list somewhere of which instances allow us to skip match and minion enemies?

    I also have a few more questions related to something that happened this morning to me:

    1. What is the best way to tell if the group is skipping since people rarely communicate before doing so?
    2. When did they prevent pets from going through doors to fight enemies on the other side that were on the hate table?
    3. How does one take a knee by knocking one's own character out?
    I was in the League of Assassins Stronghold 4-Player mission this morning, and two members of the group were in the same league skipping ahead. I didn't catch on right away and was lagging behind with the a less experienced player. We reached the boss fight, and I was helping the less experienced player clear the enemies at the door when the fight started. After teleporting in, the boss attacked my Quislet by teleporting through the door and would not return back to the room even after I put Quislet away.

    I was a bit annoyed with the two players who skipped without communicating and made a snarky comment about it not helping to rush to the boss fight, but then I noticed the two skipping were in the same league and shut up after they in turn made snarky remarks about me standing at the door and my Quislet causing the issue. My apologies to those two if they read this, however unlikely that might be, but I wasn't aware we were skipping, and I was helping out the other player who promptly left when drama ensued.

    After the snarky comments subsided and I held my tongue the rest of the instance, we completed it fairly quickly. I was a bit confused that one member of the league knocked that character out without any enemies in the room with us to do damage, and that player then knocked out the boss in swift fashion after rallying. I also was confused why my other pets couldn't follow the boss through the door since that used to work when I played back in 2018.
  2. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    I’ll answer #3. It’s a special mechanic (found often in Amazon content) called REFLECT.

    It means that your damage is directed back to you and thus you… hehe… knock yourself out.
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  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I see what you did there, but this was an empty room, so no idiocy involved around mechanics. I am questioning whether the player involved is a speed hacker since I have seen some who resurrected themselves. The speed with which the same player finished off the boss makes me wonder. I watched for other signs during the instance, but I did not see anything obvious.

    Giving the player the benefit of the doubt, there may also have been an AOE left behind by the boss that I didn't notice, and the person just removed some gear to go down faster. The boss also may have been lower from Quislet fighting on the other side of the door for a bit. There are plausible explanations, but it seemed odd at the time. If the person was cheating, there were great lengths taken to mostly hide it.
  4. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    As far as that alert goes, I must say it’s been awhile since I’ve ran it. Ra does have a reflect (whipping his sword and all that). But other than that, idk.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    In old content, there are a few runs which are 'skip' heavy. LOA is one of them, except yeah...if no one else is aware, it's pretty crappy to skip as the stragglers will be screwed. Inner is another big one as there are several points where there are very slow moving adds, so if you get past they will take a LONG time to catch up. Long halls help leave them behind too.

    Many 'skipping' runs are more 'pooling' in my opinion as a lot of the time you end up fighting the same adds you skipped all at once either at a door you can't pass till they die...or immediately after a boss fight when they catch up. For 'current' content some skipping becomes the norm and as everyone is running it (most times), like RW, or TSD you should expect it. However on 'old' content it would be good if the skippers would say 'skip adds' or something. You might still get caught behind, but at least you got a heads up first....for all that's worth as 50 adds have their way with your corpse.

    As far as the weird knockout issue and your quizlet going through a door, yeah, could be a speed hack, but there are other runs where bosses will do this, like Gentleman Ghost in USR/E. If you get close enough to the door he'll spawn outside the door and break the room. Normally the only way to fix that is to have everyone (one at a time) leave and get invited back to 'reset' the run as rally and death are not options. Good luck getting an inv from those guys though...I'd guess you would be out of luck.
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  6. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    One of my biggest pet peeves in the game is when people skip content without communicating that. It's sure fire recipe for a wipe.
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