Title says it all. While it is quite obvious that when you stand near someone and they get disconnected for whatever reason, you can clearly see that they are disconnected since those very words appear before the character's name in all capital letters. However, if you're not near someone, especially a Group-member or a League-member and they disconnect, nothing shows up in the chat logs showing that that character has been disconnected or forcefully logged-out of the game. This is quite inconvenient as we currently don't know if someone is disconnected, AFK, or any number of things. Especially infuriating is trying to maintain a conversation with someone who is unknown at the time to be Linkdead, since the chat logs show no evidence of that person(s) being no longer in-game. I guess what I'm wondering is: Is this intentional, or was this simply an unforeseen issue with Linkdeath as GU28 went live? Or am I simply the only one being affected by this?
I see the same. Maybe it's so a vote doesn't start when they actually do disconnect? I was still seeing the same symptoms as before the linkdeath function ... their mic icon disappears, and their character goes idle ... so there might still be clues. I'm happy that the function exists. I'm happy that now I can see that people have disconnected instead of just guessing. Even broken, this is better than it was, IMHO.