Linkdead and Game Drops

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Alba Eclipta, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    I opened a support ticket on this, but was wondering if anyone else was having this issue. Game has been dropping randomly for about a week for me. This morning my character went linkdead beyond logging back in. Restared, reset, and still can't get back into the game almost a day later. So, support ticket was opened, but has anyone else gone through this recently? My game usually drops on q-loads. But I haven't been linkdead in months. Usually logging back in after a reset fixes it. But not this time.:(
  2. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Not myself but I did post here recently about this. In one day while bounty hunting, and running in and out of various Police stations, I noticed a bunch of (DISCONNECTED) players at every single one of them. There would be 1 or 2 right outside so it appeared they warped into the zone and then crashed. another couple inside right at the entrance.. agin like they'd crashed after warping into the station.

    THEN I decided to count after posting. At the Little Bohemia station there was 1 link dead guy outside.. 2 inside right at the door and another three in the main hall close to the stairs that led up to the vendor. Five link dead players all around the Police Station.. I joked that it was the Metropolis Police Chief's way of saying.. "get the hell out of my station and go fight evil".

    Then the other night while doing a Rip in Time . TWO of the 4 man team disconnected at the exact same time and within a few feat of each other. When I went and checked they were hanging in mid air just floating there. It got REALLY interesting when the third guy decided to quit the team and left me alone in there with 2 link dead team mates. I couldn't KICK anyone .. not enough votes. I couldn't search for new team mates so I cold THEN kick someone .. not enough votes. Oh and to make sure we ALL understand the gravity of the situation. this was AFTER we'd defeated Black Adam and had a few mobs to defeat before we could pound Vandal Savage one more time and be done. No way I was quitting LOL Eventually the two statues I had for a team were disconnected and within a minute I had three new team mates and we finished up.. BUT there again not one but TWO Link Dead players on the same mission and within seconds of each other.

    Not sure what its all about or if anyone else its happening to has the same issue as you do but it seems to be widespread. Hope it clears up for you soon.
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  3. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    Heya. The problem was resolved and tech support was very helpful. I followed instructions and it was fixed. The customer service has always been top-notch.
  4. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    Yep. It's been happening a lot lately. Not sure why. I get to play well enough. But sometimes the game just vanishes from the screen like it was never there. lol
  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Well to update I just logged out for a while...needed a break and a snack LOL So far tonight I had the following happen on missions

    My 157 Tank was on the Demon's Pit for a few marks and I was bouncing back and forth between DPS on the mobs and Tanking on the bosses. DURING the first boss battle the other DPS went LinkDead on us and we finished off the boss with just the three of us. Now we were a "nice" group and no one started a kick vote we just moved on without him and took out all the mobs to the second boss battle. Then the 3 of us defeated the 2nd boss without him. Then we took out the couple of mobs standing between us and battling Ras' al Ghul. THEN .. the link dead DPS finally crashed and we got a CR 175 to replace him .. Ras' never knew what hit him LOL

    Then I TRIED to do the Kandor Central Tower raid with my CR 171 Troll. We managed to take down Zod and were about to battle Superman when the Tank went Link Dead. This group was not as "friendly" (??) and the kick vote went quick. Then as always with these PUG raid groups the fun began. Of course we didn't get another TANK to replace the one that dc'd. Finally one of the DPS agreed to switch ... and then after a team wipe .. THAT guy went link Dead along with our Healer. Both got kicked and that's when the usual PUG raid tango began .. As fast as we managed to get a new player to replace the one that was gone someone else decided the raid had taken too long and quit. At one point we were down to 4 players left and then finally managed to get back to 8. We headed in and attacked and then..... (SIGH) the new Healer went link dead and team wipe number 3 or 4 occurred. By that time we were 40+ minutes in and no closer to defeating Superman and Super boy than we'd been 15 or 20 minutes earlier and I just gave up and quit the team and switched to one of my other alts.

    Now the one Link Death on Demon's Pit was no big deal.. I was beginning to think that team MAY have been able to tackle Ras' without replacing out snoozing team mate BUT 4 Link Dead on ONE raid?

    Anyway after that I was on my CR 154 Troll (yes I have a LOT of trolls LOL) and had no problem on either the Phantom Zone or Demon Pit with him. So it's NOT me .. I swear!
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  6. dresserball Dedicated Player

    No they are far from top notch. I would rate this support as one of the worst I have ever used.
  7. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    I have update on this issue. I go link dead, and the game otherwise completely drops from existance everytim my character goes into a queue for high-tier content. I have no dropped 4 times on a Q for Bombshell Paradox, and even Paradox Wave. Everytime in the past few days that i Q for certain content above or at T5, my game just dies after I click OK to enter and the loading screen comes up. I have reinstalled the game. Didn't fix the problem. So i can only rune low end content? What is going on here?
  8. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    Yep. It's happening to me on every attempt to enter high tier content.
  9. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    This time, the game dropped as soon as I selected the character and clicked play.
  10. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Well I managed to go a full day with no horror stories and then the nightmare occurred again today.

    I was on with my CR 167 Munitions troll and we stared off with one of those "I don't like the make up of the team" deals where a CR 175 DPS quit before we even moved away from the entry point to the RIP(r) . we had a Heal and i was in Troll mode along with a guy playing as a Tank.. Guess he felt that wasn't enough DPS . Picked up another DPS pretty quick and we were off. Before we even got to Vandal Savage the first time our healer went Link Dead and after the inevitable kick vote was replaced with a DPS. We took of Vandal with no real issue and headed toward Kahndaq and THE battle where I like having a healer around. During the battle with the mobs we had another Link Death (a DPS) and had to wait a bot for the QUE to find a replacement... We got a CR 160 Healer and started battling. Two team wipes and another LINK death later (the DPS again) the vote to open up and LOOK for new members failed and the "healer" brought another TROLL in and then switched from healer to DPS.

    So at that point we had 1 tank, 2 TROLLS and 1 DPS with NO healer at all going against Black Adam, mobs of his guards and the flames that spread over most of that room when ever he hollers "To me men" . Well the other Troll switched to DPS and went UP from CR 160 something to CR 175 and we finally got the healer back into healing role. We finally defeated Black Adam on try number 3 and then...... The Healer went link dead and was replaced by a DPS. At that point I wasn't that concerned about heals .. frankly IMO that second battle against Black Adam is the toughest on the Alert. I have never been on a team that had really bad results against Savage either time you face him

    We headed out and wiped out the mobs .. and It seemed like we were battling lag as much as we were the mobs. I lost track of how many times I'd fire off an attack and 4 or 5 seconds later actually see it hit a mob. Anyway we managed to battle through that and FINALLY defeat Vandal Savage again to complete the alert. The Tank and I were the only two left of the original 4. We lost two different healers and over all had 4 link deaths PLUS our early mission Deserter (but he quit himself the game had nothing to do with it) . Still that was 4 link deaths on ONE alert.. that's basically losing an entire team of players TRY to complete one mission. I have no idea how long all that took I was just so happy to be done I didn't even bother to look.

    The best part.. I had done the same alert three other times before that with no link deaths and no team wipes.. I kept thinking to myself..WHY does there always have to be ONE of these that's a total disaster? o_O Ahhh well couple more days and I can start attacking Greek Gods, Demons and Monsters . and their allies LAG and LINK DEATH from the bowels of server hell! Muwahahahahah LOL