Lights power Disperity with it's single target and why

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tsavorentless, Jun 21, 2020.

  1. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    Please don't delete. Idk where to put this or how to directly get my point across to a dev that might consider my issue. Let me know where to put it and I will for future reference.

    Light is more a single target power then say Aoe like Electric or Nature.

    Anyhow here we go ....

    Light burns power with it's single target more then any other power I've seen and not only could u run outta power playing as Light but you get the most power in during a raid thus stressing the troll trying to dish to heals and ur taking the heals and tanks power stressing the whole group. It's superpowered needs more power back to fix this or something comparable. The rotation issue is lights range single target which is handclap 3 times and on 3rd clip ghand yank repeat.

    In comparison

    By adding solar amp it lessened the gap for aoe powers when using single target. The strat helps but the gap in single is way less then the Aoe gap is with say strat n trans on a single like light. The trans is only good at 200 for it and light crits high to begin with so it's not even close.
    Not only that if you don't have max sp for the might and power stat ur completely ish outta luck. You will run outta power using it's range single or u just can't use it every rotation and you're gnna get stomped. You won't be able clip as much and You'll have to use longer combos losing tons of dmg. Say you were electric or nature and you were running ur rotation and you have to stop n use something completely crappy because of power issues you'd be pissed and ur drinking bottled city soders and the troll still can't keep u powered then that means something is wrong.

    For me certain trolls can keep me powered but I have everything pretty much in the game but I suck the trolls dry.
    Yes I know how to spec I got 541sp and so my might n power is maxed out n my base mods are 4 blue max power. I also have 11 200 arts and 1 that's 179 on this one character. Not only do I have all this I did it playing 1 yr out of the last 6 which means I would be number one on a leaderboard for the most done in the shortest amount of time and that's a feat in itself. No this doesn't make me better than anyone it just means I'm organized and smart on how I do things.

    Light should not have to use a power art dpsing like the omegahedron when other powers don't have to. You also can't say to not run the rotation. Lights main boss Dmg is here and it's single target is where it shines. That is if it gets fixed.

    The only other issue where it effects Dps is it's Supercharge strafing run. it's ticks of Aoe need cut in 1/3 from 12 to 4 and put on the first hit because you'll never get off all the ticks cuz the adds die too fast and using it for a single target boss defeats the purpose. Even doing that n adding the 80 k on the first hit it will still need buffed say the 4 ticks 25%. It still wouldn't be comparable to call of the deep but at least people would use it and it's 100% super that no one ever uses not do they use ballistic because that's a cast which is dumb.

    If you need a video of the situation let me know wut you want and I'll do so.

    The problems I brought up were Dpsing issues. There are major issues for controlling with light that makes it dead last as a troll by alot. I can make a future post explaining why it's got the biggest gap in all the support roles or even video explaining and showing.

    The power issue again though is pretty close to game breaking say when u run with a solo heal in elite current content and you have a good light dps. For example say u ran Sge Raving Mad when it was current with a solo heal as a light dps. Yes it's still possible to pull off but it's alot harder cuz there will be major power issues By having a light dps with a solo heal.
    That heal will have power issues
    with power in and it will be the light dps that caused it and the controller will be fighting to keep him full. This shouldn't be happening. I hope you consider doing a change.

    Ty for your time

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  2. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    I DNT know wuts going on but my lower villain light toon is the only one having the issue but my main hero light is now working. Really confused but idk.
  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I don’t have any issue with power on HL. Yes it is more power hungry than most powers but it’s damage is also high. For the most part I can maintain my power with just the PoT and my soder colas. But with getting the trolls power dump it makes it so I’m okay. Also, for the part that you said it’s more of a ST power, it has a pretty strong aoe range rotation too
  4. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    I know wut it does and it runs outta power on single target. You have lower sp and you're beat I have 542 n it still has issues.

    The troller issues are the def debuff has a 4.4 sec cool down and it's only aoe debuff stun. Every other troll power has instant and aoe debuffs. Only solution is making the combos debuff. Its last as a troll by a mile. Say u wnna help a tank n stun a group of adds gl. It's just dumb.

    Muni better both roles
    Gadget both roles
    Quantum better both roles
    If u know wut ur doing

    Mental way better troll but I can't say on dps.
    Light great single target add solar amp heat vision for powers not gd single it makes it smaller in the difference.
  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    If you have 542 sp than yes you have more sp than me. That matters why? I’m almost at 500 myself and as might dps that extra 50ish sp doesn’t matter much so you bring that up is pointless other than trying to brag I guess. Good for you?

    You’re talking about the dps side so why bring up the debuffs or the troll stuff? Yes HL is the lowest troll and that’s because of the type of power HL is. Not sure why bring that up thou.

    I have never had an issue with power as HL regardless if it’s ST or AoE. And I’m not even going to try to figure out what you are trying to say with your last line in your comment. Autocorrect might’ve gotten to you.

    When it comes to HL dpsing it is strong in ST. The power usage matches what it can do. Lower the power cost and in turn they will lower the damage. That should not happen. On aoe HL is greatly underrated. It can hit hard there too. On aoe the power cost is not where near what other powers have to use.
  6. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    I'm not talking about having more sp then you in general I'm stateing that if people have lower sp they don't have all the might n power stat then they'll run outta power. I'm maxed n I still have issues.

    The last line is how it's single target n powers that weren't then the gap was shortened with solar amp.


    Ur running
    Snap trap heal debuff is single target . Entrap aoe sux n shields everything

    Output debuff lweight strike is aoe n is kinda weak 1 burst hit.

    Def debuff lbeam - is your aoe stun with a 4.4 sec crown



    Group shielding

    This above is wut you'll use to troll as light.

    Not much aoe, def debuff is too long of a cool down being it's the only aoe stun.

    Other troll powers debuffs don't have long cool downs, have dots and most all have aoe debuffs. Light is last as a troll and its a combo power that u don't combo with as your role. equals dumb. The power builds supercharge too slow also.

    They're not gonna lower the single target dmg then the power would be trash. If thats wut ur worried about I get it. Then light can stay a high sp power to use which is stupid but hey. I personally don't think how hard it hits matches the power. If it's to run outta power then I think it should hit harder if not stay the same n fix the single target power issue.
  7. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    The power consumption is one of the risks you take when using the best loadout, this is fine as it is
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  8. Cajaritotutututu Well-Known Player

    I was facing this problem even on alerts.
    My current gear is full elite BOP gear + op belt, maxed on origin augments and maxed bop augments.
    I switched the base mods from health to power, no longer facing the issue so often, can del with it with the supply drops & doing only a few times longer combos.

    And in raids the troller if he trully sucks i run out of power, but i usually run with a friend who has only a few pieces of elite gear and not maxed augmets. As for artifacts soulscap (120), rao (100), parasite (80) and i've never faced a serious power issue.

    So i believe you should improve your power management or talk to the trollers so they spam recharge.

    Another thing, depending on your loadout, many pople uses entrap (300 pow) cliped with inspiration (300 pow) thats really power heavy, i switched entrap for chompers (100 pow) most of the time deals the same damage and much lower power consumation.
  9. gemii Dedicated Player

    Not sure if it has been mentioned but I made a thread on the general board

    Hardlight is the only control power without a Aggro drop ability.

    Should this be changed? I’d say turn light barrier into a detaunt it’s the only shield light has.

    Or should it be left alone?
  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Not sure what excuse they have now but HL used to have a shielding ability which was removed to make room for a different ability back when we had power trees. Would be nice to have that ability returned and have it also be an aggro drop. Or give barrier the aggro drop and still add the shielding ability
  11. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    Imagine not having all sp for might and power they'll have power issues thats wut I'm getting at and when that happens they'll b number 1absorbing all the power from the troll.

    Gd prec still beats it's single so enuff worrying about nerfs.

    Also ballistic assault shouldn't b a cast.

    Number 1 issue is the trolling it should debuff with combos.
  12. Requake Dedicated Player

    So, what about powers like rage, do they also need to be reconsidered?
    When I go full on melee dps, I also 'suck' a trolls power and consume the most power in the group usually.

    The game gives you multiple options (lower power cost powers), HL might be a bit of a one off, with its combo system, but I'm sure there are less power hungry loadouts to be used.
    In fact, I see it happen between 2 HL dpses every day, while they have similar artifacts and gear;
    The one does decent damage and doesn't run out of power, the other one does less damage but drains his power bar even through the troll spamming his 'group power heal'

    Also concerning the 'draining' a troll argument:

    Your troll his group power heal gives power to 4 other people, one of them being not the troll himself, so at best, there's 7 people to be targeted, with 1 solo healer and 1 or 2 dpses you still have a pretty big chance to hit the healer and tank. Not even talking about the fact if there is 2 healers or tanks.

    PS: shouldn't this thread be moved to the Gotham City (General Gameplay) forums @admins
  13. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    I have a rage toon n it doesn't suck things dry like light. Why because ur not gonna melee an elite raid boss. Lights issue is single and rage doesn't suck things dry as light does.