Lightning help

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by DeadSteel, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. DeadSteel Active Player

    I'm using lightning, my current cr is 97, at the time I'm trying to be a healer and my main weapon has to be dual wielding, I have over 90sp maybe well over 90 but I cant currently check, but I'd like a couple of load out options for both healer and dps I want to heal but I also want to do damage. Any help would be greatly appreciated. pending on the response I may present a few other characters.
  2. Delta795 New Player

    EBurst / Egen / Vbolt / Arc / Electrocute / Tesla Ball
    (I would switch to 2H for hammer throw to clip Vbolt)

    Bio Cap / Bio Surge / Arc / Galvanize / Ionic / Invigorate
    (I would switch to Brawling - MA weapon mastery)
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  3. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    Delta has excellent suggestions for you. For your SP, make sure you use 77 sp in all your crits for both crit heal chance and magnitude for your healer amory, and then crit attack chance and crit damage magnitude for your dps armory. Remember for armories you can respec both your powers and skills along with your gear. As an electric dps/healer you will need different powers for each.

    You don't have enough SP for weapon mastery yet. As Delta said, this is more important for your healer loadout because you save 25% on your power cast. I use 2 hand->arrow storm, but Delta's suggestion is also good. You need about 106 sp for all your crits (77), 2 WM (28), and 1 combo (1).

    Delta's healer loadout is excellent. Bio cap, bio surge is your go to combo. Bio charge everyone with bio cap, then use low cost bio surge to heal. Arc Lightning is your tank heal from far away. Ionic drain has a big range, hits all 8 team members, and when you use it with the empowered channeling white mod protects you from damage.

    A good option is also to use handblasters for your dps until you get more sp. You don't want WM in your handblaster skill tree because you do 25% more damage with Solar Flame without WM.

    I would suggest you use shockwave instead of Tesla Ball to start out with. Tesla Ball is better for lots of adds or if there are only 3 dps in a raid. If you are in groups of 4-5 dps then shockwave will be better and it is easier to use in a rotation then TB. The basic rotation with shockwave is to setup your DoTs, then clip Solar Flame with shockwave, keep DoTs up with VB, reapply electrocute, repeat. Here is the loadout and rotation.

    Electrogenesis, Arc Lightning, Electrocute, Voltaic Bolt, Wired, Shockwave

    EG clip/Wired->AL->EL->VB->Solar Flame clip/SW->SF c/SW->SF c/SW->SF c/SW->VB->SF c/SW->repeat

    Depending on how fast you can clip Solar Flame, you should be able to do a 5th one after VB. It's good to use VB after the 4th clip to make sure your DoTs stay up. After you cast Electrogenesis a 2nd time, you don't need to use it anymore. You can also drop Arc Lightning after the DoTs are up. Just start clipping Electrocute or VB with Wired depending on the cooldowns. You will only have to work on this for boss fights. Most adds will be dead before your 2nd EG in the current raids with 4-5 dps. Delta's loadout will give you an immediate max level DoT using electroburst. Just keep in mind you need to be closer to use it. I prefer Wired because it buffs you and your other team members and I don't want to get too close to the boss during those longer fights. You may as well use EG twice in boss fights because they go on for awhile.
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  4. DeadSteel Active Player

    Ok cool thank you for the suggestions, and the reason I need dual wielding is because my lightning is a Nightwing iconic so I need my escrima sticks
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  5. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    I'll try clipping dual wield throw tonight if I still have my IL100 weapons around and let you know how the damage compares. If you are interested in the weapon damage comparisons look here:

    You can see with a full SC, your dual wield throw will be 12.2 dps clipped weapon damage as a base, which looks good. The important things to remember are: 1) Don't get WM because you will do more damage without it (in the case of dual wield throw 25% with SC), 2) you do even more weapon damage when you don't use a supercharge. Some electric dps use circuit breaker, but alot of us (including me) don't. I will have to test the damage comparison some day, but with either shockwave or tesla ball I don't have room for it in my loadout. By not using a supercharge, I'm getting ~20% more weapon damage. This plus the increase not using WM is about 25% overall.