Thank you for posting this. It does give me some hope for electric in GU50. Did you also try clipping solar flame to see if you can get better damage than charged blast? I use the non WM version because the damage is 25% better. I don't like stepping closer to your target each time, but it is faster than Scissor Kick. I haven't tried charged blast, so I'll try it out on live. I've tested clipping Solar Flame with both SW and VB, and I didn't see any damage difference. I've just been using VB since it's already in my loadout. I should go back and look at the burst damage for both to get a better idea, but the overall dps seemed to be the same. Has anyone measured that clipping with SW does better damage? Thanks.
Thanks for correcting me. I watched it again and you're right, there are 2 prec hits. I need to work on my clipping! I'm not even close to that fast.
not sure there are a huge amount of people that also reminds me of the two handed throw that you could clip out of the it may get adjusted...may idea
T There is big difference You can hit 10k+ with SW with buffs. But you cant hit even 7-8k with VB because it helps you to keep your dots alive and SW is only for damage. The real damage of VB comes after using it so you should use it every 5 seconds. You mean charged blast? it is nearly same i tested it
Found an interesting bug with how our dots are working on Test....would like to see if anyone can reproduce it on live to see if it is effecting things there also. I may be able to get some time to try tomorrow but wanted to see if others could do it as well just in case. Here is the vid of what I am talking about. This is what Black Jaq had to say about it...may give some insight on it also.....or you could just read the thread in the test forum...but this should save you a step Electrogenesis - when cast on the 8 dummies, the Auras are quite strong on the two targets that receive, but weaker on the remaining targets. There are no double ticks on those who don't have the aura. This seems to be contradictory to how most people think the power works. Never noticed this before but as the power nears the end of the cooldown, Electrogenesis starts to fade in size of AOE if VB is not cast. I was challenged to test whether max DoT was transferred to multiple targets when VB was cast. The answer is no. I was able to manipulate the tree alcove dummies so that I had a full, 2/3 and 1/3 dot on each dummy by only electrifying one at a time and using Electrogensis. So we must change targets to ensure that we can get something other than the basic VB DoT on another enemy. I was also able to replicate part of what Electrizzaro was doing. By targeting the middle of the three dummies and Electrifying and casting VB first, and then adding an Electrogenesis, VB, EG then VB, I was never able to get full DoT on the center target but was able to get full DoT on the out targets. If I recast EG, I would get an extra DoT on the center dummy, but casting VB would erase it and not fold it in. This will also make it difficult that if we do get adds that are hit by VB first, and not by one of the other two DoTs. So there appears to be some definite bugs and we can't tell if it has anything to do with power stacking or some other bug in the ability.
Electrogensis is one of the go-to powers but it's really inconsistent with how it works. I figured it would be best to point that out to Tunso since he said that is their focus first. I didn't cross check my results with anything on live though so maybe it is "working as intended."
gotta keep pushing this its the biggest update of the year if you ask me lol !!! more power , more damage and no weapon use ,just pure am like all the rest !
its very far behind on test server ! i used a 114 skill points about 9787 might ice toon cr 126 against 8 targets i was hitting 25k - 28k same stats with electric hitting 19k - 23k
I am going to hold my judgement of this update until it is live. I personally hate a lot of the ideas being thrown around for electricity. There were only a few tweaks that needed to be made and it appears those tweaks were made they were not made high enough. I parse 10K+ on a single target on live currently. I only am seeing single target damage of around 12-13K on test. This is very discouraging. On a single target with high health is where electricity and nature should shine I was expecting more around a 15-16K parse. I hate the idea of only playing off the tray powers only. If you want to do that there are several powers that fit that play style to do max damage. If you want to stay heal and play with tray powers only celestial is saying hi. I appreciate all of you testing especially the playstation players who have taken the time to download the game and spend $15 to try and make the powerset better.
Play from the tray is only fun for me while dpsing, not healing. I do not think anyone is pushing for it in healer stance just the ability to do it in dps stance. If we do get it done there is nothing stopping anyone from still throwing some weapon attacks or WM in the mix and not play straight from the tray. Mostly we are still asking for the Dots to be increased and that is where most of our damage should come from. there are a lot of us that are also just asking for the burst to be increased from a power combo arc>vb (my fav suggestion) to match what the standard weapon attack or wm combo does in the same time frame. If done then you have the option to do the power combo or weapon attack of your choice without being left in the dust by the player that is doing the other option. I mean after all the Am is supposed to be equal to the WM version and the alternative for those that do not like WM. Currently is is Wm or AM+Wm or weapon attack clip. Pure AM gets left in the dust.
This is the part that makes us different than the tray powersets. Nature and electricity are powers that require the most inputs/strategies to squeeze every last once of DPS out of them. We have choices of a few powers that can be interchanged where play from the tray powersets do not. I can pick up at least 3 weapons and run parser and get almost identical numbers. I can interchange AL/CB/TB/SW and now e burst and still get very good results. That is the beauty of the powerset for me if the powerset goes 123 finisher then I will be moving on to a different powerset or game altogether. Another thing about our powerset is you are able to play from the tray, while you will never be max damage you are able to hold your on and not hinder the group. (Pending the update and the damage numbers actually being balanced with other powersets) I do think we can all agree that there needs to be another increase in the DoT and possibly buffing some of the burst powers like SW/SP. I am against buffing the burst from VB as it cheapens the powerset and basically will force you to not use powers such as SW. Once again thank you for testing the powerset and please continue posting the videos for those of us who will not get to see these changes until they hit live.
No worries. I do like the choices that we have and with the "you have to cast this power after that to get power back" feature removed it will give us more options in our rotations. However if I just play from the tray (which I do) I do not keep up with other powers. I routinely get out dps'd by cr's 3-6 cr's lower than me. Not by a little but a good amount. It is also not because I do not know what i am doing or low SP or anything like that. I do try to get every ounce of DPS out of my power as i can but only as far as still enjoying to play. I could throw up dots then WM or weapon clip solar flare or what ever and hit VB to get max damage out but I would rather not play then do that. I find it boring and actually fall asleep while doing it. Playing from the tray help me stay mobile inbetween powers, helps with pickups, getting out of AOE's and keeps it interesting all while keeping me awake and enjoying the game. Fire's Am is 1234444 and repeat. BORING EXCEPT for the fact that it is mobile. I LOVE that I can move around with that power and now that it does good damage I do not feel like I am holding the group back. With Electric currently the best AM rotation is 12345 wm or weapon attack the 5 again. Just as boring IMO. How it is on test you can throw any power in the AM in any order and get power regen ...the only way to do that as it is now on live is follow the power with VB. When GU 50 goes live there will be so many more options for rotations and if one option can be play from the tray I am game. I will continue to play from the tray regardless....I just want to stay competitive while having fun and not have to sacrifice one for the other.
I couldn't agree with you more. I recntly bought an armory for my quantum troll durring the summer sale and I hate dps'ing with it. I honestly don't know how anybody can enjoy the game playing that way. Especially since its so inefficient at doing damage, because it does no damage for like 6 seconds between time bombs. (basically worse version of the dot powersets weakness) All powersets shouldn'tplay the same either. If you want to play that way, switch to a powersets that already works that way. Not a fan of this update, they also put no effort into the light update. Its become clear that they are never going to return light back to a clipping power, so i guess 'll be respecing him to water or atomic. On the bright side there a ton of good games coming out q4 this year.
I disagree with this to a point. Its certainly not the same level of regen that fire, ice, and gadgets got but it is much better than what we have now. If for no other reason than the fact that you are no longer restricted to casting powers in a certain order and you will get power regen on each power cast as long as it's within the window. So refreshing VB won't be such a power drain. Granted, if you try to just spam powers without spacing them out a bit it can be rough. Will you need a troll to be fully powered? Yes. Is it the same as what we have now? Definitely not, it's better. I get through most content without needing to pop sodas. Usually will need one in an extended boss fight if I'm using my breakout a lot.
Since I'm premium I can't post anything in the test threat . GU50 will probably be the last on to balance the powers hence I want to suggest slight changes to electricity's healing. In pvp it flat out is almost useless. Burst heal for me can only go up to 2.5k and even then it's rare. It's mostly in bellow 2k. The healing is nowhere near sorcery's or natures. It spends too much power. Even fire tanks can push out more health than electricity.
The update is for AM balance. I suspect PvP changes will be coming down the road as it's already been hinted that they will be removing immunities.
I had said they just need to bring ice and fire down in this update about what mental and quantum doing ! Then get electric on pats with them !
I saw something in the testing thread that I hoped I would not see, but it happened. Please testers, do not accept our power doing less than the mid range powers. Their power set is much easier to use and their is no mechanic in this game that makes you actually move from mid range and stop attacking or cause you to die if you stay at mid range. Until that mechanic is in place we should not take a hit to our damage potential. Also, when you say something like "I am fine with us doing less damage" you are discounting the fact we have no burst. So not only do we not do more "Damage Over Time" we get out burst as well. So basically you want to give a bad damaging powerset a slight buff but keep it a bad DPS power. Sorry for the rant but I am not willing to settle and you best believe if this hits live the way it is on test and the numbers that people are posting not get better I am going to blow up the developer discussion thread.