My bad. Forgot which tree it came from. Will swap TB out for it and see how it differs. Maybe try it tonight.
I tell you, I messed with it on test once Max Damage dropped, and it does hit hard. FWIW, I'm thinking about switching Vi to Electricity. Don't like the direction they took with Fire, and Remander is now forever Celestial.
Yeah... the only thing I like about fire now is the mobility. Burning Determination and the massive "easy mode" given to the Fire AM kinda just did it in for me.
I would be interested to see the actual raw data one of you uber testers do with this rotation. I test by gut and running with the same dps to see how I struggle or excel. Would be cool to see how the actual dps breaks down
Is everyone just using Wired for the might and critical chance buff? Or is there another reason because when I used wired to electrify an enemy it takes about 2 hits were as Arc Lightning ensures an enemy or enemies will be electrified on first contact
that's not even good and you will lose to an extremely good dps such as myself. You'll also be power hungry compared to others and the damage output gap will be too high.
The AM is far from power hungry. And... the damage gap is not what you think. I can top the charts w/ the AM and 136SP. Against uber DPS? I can compete, but will not be on top. I'm ok with that. WM loadouts are... boring. I can't help it. i don't think they're fun at all.
So I'm changing from Sorcery to Electric as of today. Last night I ran Necro at cr 107 with only 124 sp and I managed as a total for Necro over 2mil, close to 3mil. I was second in damage. The number one spot for damage was someone using electric and had an amazing 9+ mil. And this isn't the first time I've been blown out of the water by electric players, so I'm hoping to regain by damage confidence with electric. For the most part I understand how electric works. I'll have three armory for dots/am, one for soloish/burst, and third for healing. Question I have is concerning armor mods. I understand with dots/am you would go health/might, might/power, and might/precision. Does that mean for my burst build I would go more precision with prec/health, prec/power, might/precision or straight precision? And would I change my sp loadouts with dots/am crit chance to might priority and for burst be more crit chance to precision priority?
Actually I'm regenerating power so I'm not using much power at all and have a power to damage ratio of about 25 to 30 to 1. This rotation is doing great numbers. In a 30 min run I'll put up on average about 10 mil damage out Depending on who's with me. Like I said I don't test other than going by gut and comparing it against dps that I know can burn fast. Just thought I would try to help but evidently people want to remain stuck in wm hell. Lastly there would not be a gap. Trust me
Well... it appears that Shockwave is the winner. I ran TB in Artifacts, and SW in Necro and LD. Surprisingly... LD was my best DPS in speed and power efficiency. I really love the animation for Tesla Ball, but SW is where it's at for now.
I wanted to use TB too because it is a cool animation, but a SW is easily the better choice and it's really not even close
I'm not sure Omni is talking about using the AM. He says in his post to just clip out of the range hold attack between each power he lists. A little more clarification would help.
Yes I am using the AM. That's how I'm regenerating power. I listed my loadout in order from left to right. Always go left to right and your getting power back. Once you have achieved your stage 3 tick it's just a matter of doing weapon clip/arc, weapon clip/ voltaic bolt, weapon clip/SW, when electrocute comes back it's WC/arc, WC electrocute, WC/voltaic bolt, WC/SW/wired. It's the speed of this that creates the high damage. Speed> WM any day of the week
He's speaking as if power regen is the AM and the vagueness of his original post isn't very beneficial for a "guide".
I have a question about your rotation and the power return. EG gets return if cast after EB, which you don't use. AL gets return after EG. EC gets return after AL. VB gets return after any of those 3. You use hold range between each ability cast. How do you order the rotation? Where do you like to put Wired?
If you use the abilities described, you will stack DoTs (EG, VB, EC), which is the AM. You can't avoid doing so, unless you wait a long time between EG and VB. He mentioned needing the power return, because of the speed of ability casts and relative paucity of weapon attacks.