Lightning Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Max Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Tested ID and I managed a WM crit of 6500+ followed by 16,700+ with only wired popped. So my Might was over 6317+ plus Escalating Might

    Still Finishers aren't worth a spot on loadouts at the moment. But this build can get the finisher or go either electrified or polarization loadout by going 6 - 6 - 3.

    This time Wired and trinket

    4085 + 18988 = 23,073 Might based damage
  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    ID is actually one of the better finishers, IMO.
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  3. blklightning New Player

    Gimme an exact rotation you want tested and I'll run the combat log and get you the details you can't get from PS.
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  4. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    So my Gemini nature kicked in and I respec'd my main to Electricity from Celestial, which I had just respec'd back to from Sorcery, but found Celestial too familiar for what I was looking for. I had been running Electricity on an alt, so thought I'd see what it was like at CR106. I remodded to be mixed Might/Prec, since I still utilize a lot of WM as a soloist; I also swapped to Nitro soders and Might trinket, and discovered that my little Boo Jr. trinket gives me a nice 20/s Might boost as well. I ran through Gotham Under Siege several times and totally am loving Electricity. I about fell over when I hit an eBomb WM power crit for 18K :eek: ... never seen a number that big before and it completely wiped out the poor Cyclops.

    With other powers, I'd usually run with Fury as Sorcery or RS with Celestial, but haven't even felt a need for RS with Electricity. I'm really surprised more people aren't running as Electric DPS, I haven't even needed to use Electrocute, mainly been avoiding it because of WM power crit exclusion. I also noticed that, even with the drop in Precision after remodding and not using Flex soders, my DW>Bow still hits pretty hard.

    Anyway, just thought I'd share. :cool:
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  5. blklightning New Player

    Wait until you try the AM DoT loadout. The damage really adds up.
  6. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    The way I see it, if you doing burst crits you want the flex soda. If you doing AM dot stacking then you want the Nitro soda.

    I did enjoy the DoT stacking but depends on the trolls. I end up using 50-150k more power than my burst loadout. But I must say the damage output is indeed now the same due to Max Damage. The nitro soda makes it easier to get 1000 tick dots going off. But I like the hybrid AM build better in my honest opinion.

    I use RS, CB, EC, SP, EG, Wired

    No VB yes but still performs exceptionally good. And Static Push without the WM crits can still do decent damage. It can crit up to and from 3300-4600 at times.
  7. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    The problem with that is, since I'm a soloist, things never last long enough to build DoTs up on in solo content. :p I did run through GUS with the AM loadout and even with using powers in the order to receive power back, the power consumption still outweighed the damage output necessary for the content (if that makes sense). With my burst Amperage loadout, I can burn through everything in the content I run with lower power consumption while utilizing WM power crits.
  8. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    cant see the video at work.
    what's your loadout and rotation? just curious :)

    also, is AM finally out damaging burst loadouts?
  9. blklightning New Player

    It's not really a loadout video, just showing off revives and refreshing the DoTs. I have even better video of that to come, just trying to get a smooth raid, so I can focus on what I want to test/showcase vs... messiness.

    I don't know if the DoTs are better than the bursts. I'd venture to say that if you properly lean might, then the damage is more than formidable. I don't do WM DPS, as it's just so boring and uninteresting to me.

    Will have a loadout-type video up eventually. Maybe in a few days or so.
  10. Xzotix Committed Player

    Just wondering if it would be better to go straight might in the red sockets if you go strictly AM?
    I tried the AM with Tesla Ball and was Impressed that the overall damage could surpass a SC in a most raids.
    Like you I tend to stick as close to the AM power return as possible.
  11. blklightning New Player

    Electric is a power where you WILL have your entire bar on cooldown, or times where it may be too soon to cast a power to start a power-return rotation. For those times... you have your WM combos. Because we use our weapon in between rotations, I think Prec is needed.

    For powers like Fire and Gadgets, where weapon use is nearly non existent, I spec full might.
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  12. Xzotix Committed Player

    O.K., makes sense. Thanks!
  13. StarWave251 Level 30

    I’m about to pull the trigger on a second try of electricity. I see a lot of discussion about different options with the new hand mod, so what is the go to WM burst loadout and the go to AM DOTs loadout now?

    Thank you!
  14. blklightning New Player

    AM DoTs are beyond beast. Will be even better after the damage boost to Arc Lightning in GU41. So long as there is not a DoT on the target, Arc will hit them extra hard. So... you lead your starting AM rotation w/ Arc for the added burst.

    I top the charts w/ ease. Will make a video after GU41.
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  15. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    For burst as long as you using Maxed Damage you can run

    RS, CB, Flux, SP, Attract, Wired

    Clip both Attract and Wired together and you'll get the WM crit and PI set up at the same time. Attract does have a bigger cone than SP and it does the exact same damage as Overcharge does but hits more enemies and places the polarization interaction to make SP hit at 100% it's maxed damage. SP still does more damage once the PI is setup. But when you need to recast Wired it's best to clip Attract and Wired together.

    Even in lower raids (Nexus for example were things die way too fast) its best to start rotations off by using Attract/Wired -> WM combo into Static Push -> then another WM combo into SP, then recast Attract/Wired on the 3rd rotation.
  16. Omnipotent Ziltoid New Player

    Here let me bring everyone in to the next generation of electric dps. Electrogenesis, arc lightning, electrocute, voltaic bolt, shockwave, wired. No weapon mastery, clip range hold attack with each power, using shockwave when everything is on cooldown for burst damage. Old school might based dps, no reliance on slow wm combos that don't work with lag issues. Just straight speed.

    Stay in rotation order to get your power regen, you'll need it at these speeds.

    You're welcome
  17. blklightning New Player

    LOL, thanks!

    Been using a version of that, but with Tesla Ball instead of Shockwave. SW is the only power on your loadout that uses Polarized. Tesla Ball will do extra damage on Electrified enemies. You may get even better damage with that one.

    I agree, it's a super fun loadout. First time in forever that I've actually enjoyed DPSing things.
  18. Omnipotent Ziltoid New Player

    I tested tesla ball and lost tons of damage. Shockwave hits very hard
  19. Remander Steadfast Player

    Correction: SW uses Electrified, not Polarized.
  20. Omnipotent Ziltoid New Player

    I didn't catch him saying it polarized. This is a 100% electrified loadout, all from range.

    Death to WM lol