Lightning Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Max Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. blklightning New Player

    Are you on USPC?
  2. Stark23 Committed Player

    No, USPS.
  3. blklightning New Player

    Ok. :(

    Here's my youtube channel:

    Most of the vids are Electric healing... of sorts. Best thing you can do is just pick some powers, dive in, and learn by trial and error. Even better best thing is to go w/ a 2nd healer that will only heal when you're faltering. It will give you a chance to learn, but not cause wipes.
  4. blklightning New Player

    Here's Empusa (D REIGN) playing the AM almost exclusively from the cast bar. I ran that loadout last night w/ my mediocre DPS gear and did quite nicely for myself. It was also just good fun to use.

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  5. 6000Degree New Player

    I have a fresh electric character, and a few questions on dps side :):
    • Why do you prefer Tesla Ball to Circuit Breaker?
    • I don't seem to see it in the video, but is Arc Lightning affected by WM Crits? ( I don't have enough SP on my fresh alt to test )
    • Why you don't cast Voltaic Bolt immediately after Arc Lightning to get power back? Sometimes you did, but most of the time not, is there a specific reason?
    • How long is the window to cast VB again before you lose the DoTs?

    EDIT: I know you didn't do the video, but if you can answer the same, thanks.
  6. blklightning New Player

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  7. Elusian Crowd Control

    I ran some parses on test this morning (ppl could stalk my live results on the log analyser xD) and tbh. AM and WM are pretty similar in damage. Feel free to use what you think suits you more.

    I took a short break on live from Sorcery and playing a bit for now with Elec there despite thinking of switching to Celestial first.
  8. Reboot Prime New Player

    Hey guys just after some feedback on my electric dps loadout and rotationrotation so I figure I'd ask here. I'm currently doing a mix of am and wm in between but im just not sure if I'm overwriting or resetting the electrocharge mechanic as the dots don't seem to tick as high as others I've seen on here or on YouTube.
    The loadout is electrogenesis wired arc lightning electrocute voltaic bolt and tesla ball and im using hand blasters. The rotation is e - gen clipped with wired then straight into arc for the power back and pi. Then straight into electrocute and voltaic bolt for the strong dot. I then do the explosive shot wm combo and into tesla ball which cries on every hit. Then another wm combo into arc then voltaic bolt then another wm combo and start again with tesla ball then electrogenesis. I have prec/might in my reds and might/dom and might/power in my blues and yellow slots. Am I wiping the am each time I cast electrogenesis or does it keep at the level 3 dot no matter how much I refresh electrogenesis provided I keep up voltaic bolt and electrify?
    I'm having heaps of fun with electric and my alt has now turned into my main as I'm loving it so much.
    Any help would be appreciated
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  9. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    You have to cast Egn twice to get the strongest Dot. If you are using it in a group of adds keep casting as soon as it is off of cooldown. If you are just fighting 1 boss then I have heard the if you cast egen a 3rd time it will cut your dot back down to just the first stack BUT I have never seen this to be true. That is just what I have heard.

    On a side note if you go egen>arc>electrocute>vb all in a row without a wm combo mixed in you will get more power back. It makes the rotation a bit more boring but more power. Just a heads up if you get with a group that has some power issues.

    I have not tried Tesla ball but I am not finding much use for CB so I think I will give it a shot and see what I think. The loadout you are using looks fine and should be competitive. Enjoy the power.
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  10. iamlightning New Player

    So I figured out how to reach the 3rd level dot using only eburst must wait about 12 seconds before you stack another use eburst-vb to get level 2 then let your dot tick refresh your dot and then about 2 seconds later cast eburst 12 seconds must go by..was gonna keep it a secret but no need to be stingy
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  11. blklightning New Player

    Are you even required to wait that long? eBurst should be able to stack much faster, since it has a much shorter cooldown than eGen.

    EDIT - hmmm... you're right. Something's not right with that. eBurst shouldn't have to wait so long to stack the DoTs. It's freakin melee. Is that not risky enough?
  12. blklightning New Player

    Another reason why Electric DoTs are pretty great... we can revive downed members w/o losing ALL of our damage in the process. Just hit VB after the revive and get back to work.

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  13. XxFabesxX New Player

    y use staff just curious
  14. blklightning New Player

    Cuz that's the 94 weapon that dropped for me. :p
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  15. XxFabesxX New Player

    what weapon would u recommend and how would u spec sp wise and mods wise white and red,yellow and blue wise as well
  16. blklightning New Player

    I'm not the damage person to ask. I use the 94 weapon I have, but hear that DW->Explosive Shot is pretty awesome.

    SP wise, I spec for dmg crits, then might. Mods are might/power in yellow, might/health in blue, and prec/might in reds.
  17. Petralka Well-Known Player

    I used this method multiple times last night running Necro even with all that I got on top ;) another reason why to love electric :D
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  18. blklightning New Player

    I'm having so much fun with it. I'm working on variations of the rotation. Some are better than others, but they all perform so highly. It appears as if we're power hungry, but the power return is so significant that we end up being more power efficient than other DPS.

    I've got enough recorded. I'll work on a video over the next few days.
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  19. Petralka Well-Known Player

    Awesome ^^ I look forward to watch that video :)
  20. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Is it me or is ESB stronger than SP with the PI?

    I been testing loadouts with Attract setting up PI first. And SP is the same results in overall Dps output but ESB seems to vary. I did managed a hit on two adds (well 1 add and a boss in Lockdown 1st boss) of 6000+ something and the boss was hit over 10,700+ something. Now that is over 16k worth of burst damage.

    Then in an alert I managed to hit both adds worth of 13,000+ something with supply drop etc popped. Now that is well over 26-27k worth of burst damage.

    Now SP does hit hard but I don't recall ever hitting two enemies for over 10k each.

    The only issue I have with ESB is sometimes it misses the target while SP will never miss.