Lightning Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Max Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. malirris New Player

    In the overall grand scheme of things how is Electricity doing currently anyway in comparison to other powers dps wise? Been looking at switching to either Elec or Celes lately, but wondering which is going to have greater benefit or simply perform better once max damage mod drops
  2. Wrxxer Level 30

    How is everyone coming up with the DPS numbers? Taling the total damage done in an instance and then dividing by the time?
  3. Cirocband New Player

    Thanks for the help. But what's AM stand for?
  4. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    so I finally reached corrupted gear on my Electric Alt.
    spammed it 16 times and now I have my healer gear for the moment.

    decided to go with bio cap, bio surge, invigorate, galvanize, and flux.
    im torn on electrogen and ionic drain.

    advise? suggestions?

    also, what is the proper way to maximize healing with these powers?
    for example, using bio cap and then using bio surge for a team heal instead of a solo heal..
    also, tips for galvanize? was having a rough time seeing the effects. I know its close range, but how close?!

    only did 1 trigon run so far without knowing what im was very successful, no deaths and no one dropped under 80% without a tank. but I seemed to REALLY enjoy healing, as much as I thought I would be DPS only
  5. not_again Dedicated Player

    The devs and that chart are based on DPS on T6 bosses. At the time of the chart that would only have included the AF1 alert bosses. I am assuming it is the same way they are tracking numbers now. So every time you encounter a boss in the T6 raids, write and your damage and the time inside the instance before the fight starts. Then when it is over write down the your new damage and the new time. Then to figure out your DPS on that particular boss it is (new damage-old damage)/(new time-old time) make sure time is converted into seconds.
  6. Max Volt Committed Player

    AM is a brand new term that was introduce with our revamp and means "awesome mechanic"

    There's an awesome mechanic for both healer, dps and power recovery.
    The dps AM technical name is "electro charge", and it basically allows you to blend 3 dots in a big single dot, which will continue endlessly as long you refresh it every few seconds.

    If you wanna see how it works there's a very basic video I made on the first page of this guide
  7. Cirocband New Player

    Sure, what's the link for it?
  8. Max Volt Committed Player

    As I was saying the video is posted on the first page of the guide
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  9. not_again Dedicated Player

    From today's hotfix:

    • Voltaic Bolt will now properly hit a single target from max range.

    I never really noticed this but I do not usually fight from max range, but I have noticed that VB would not always hit the target you are locked on to but others around it. I am not sure if this was also corrected with the hotfix.
  10. Max Volt Committed Player

    I did notice in the past that SP had a little longer range than VB, but like you said, it never bothered me either since it is very rare to find yourself that far from a target.
  11. Shift New Player

    I just finished doing some testing and Idk if some of these things are intended or not:

    1. Wired does not apply the Electric pi on several targets on the first hit, only on a single target.
    2. Voltaic Bolt, unlike it's counterpart Harvest, has something wrong with it at the moment. It is not spreading the 3rd tier dot from one enemy to a fresh batch of new ones. I am having issues telling if it is because the new enemies are not Electrified(due to the LH dummies resetting pis so fast), or that even if they are, when VB is recast hitting the enemy that has the 3rd tier dot on it already and connecting the VB strike from the 3rd tier dotted enemy to to the new ones, the new ones are not recieving the 3rd tier dot but 1st or 2nd tier instead. Harvest does not have this issue as it spreads all poisons stacked from one enemy that has all the poisons stacked on it already to the new enemies thus keeping the strongest dot it has up at all times and minimizing wasting time on casting.
    3. Galvanize will not heal a teammate in a raid even if you are right next to them but they still have higher health than most of the rest of the raid group even when their health is at 75% or lower even(Fire tanks and Rage tanks in particular). I do not know what the cap on how many targets Galvanize can hit on teammates but it should be raised to 8 if it isn't already or always hit the closest teammates to you not dependent on how low their health is.
    4. Same problem with Galvanize, due to the nature of Electric being a burst healer if a teammate has higher health than most of the rest of the group even when they are at 75% or lower, alot of the burst heals won't hit them(Bio-cap, Surge when Safety net is not on, Galvanize, and even Electroburst).

    That is all I can remember of what I wanted to post about the possible bugs I found. I am, regrettably, going to switch to Sorcery due to boredom with Electric since our dots got taken away and the AM is bugged/under par to WM+Burst(In my findings). Good luck to you all and I hope they get these things fixed :)
  12. Max Volt Committed Player

    1. Ya Wired always been like that, it is intended, they want your teammates to electrify for you.
    2. Yes voltaic bolt only refreshes what's on already and doesnt spread it around, every time you fight a boss and you have new adds come in you'll have to restart the electro-charge cycle.

    Galvanize wise I'm barely using it nowadays, so I haven't noticed any issue.
    Blacklightning might have more insights.
  13. Shift New Player

    I know that about Wired, just showing that it only hits single target and teammates can end up targettign the same thing as you in a big crowd so not everything gets electrfied :/ I am just saying that in case Weapon of Destiny applies pi on AoE for a comparison. And that shouldn't be how Voltaic Bolt works as it is supposed to spread the 3rd tier dot from one enemy to a new one if Nature and Electric are both supposed to have the DoT AM. If VB stays that way then Natures AM will keep working alot better than Electrics :/ The only real thing that Electric has over Nature AM wise is that Electric doesn't have to get in melee to get to 3rd tier dot while Nature has to use SG to get all their poisins out unless they changed Briar or something since last I checked.
  14. Shift New Player

    Rechecked and this is what the Work in Progress thread said for the update to VB:
    " * Voltaic Bolt
    * Increased the range to hit from maximum targeting distance
    * Will now deal damage over time even if you are only targeting one Electrified enemy
    * Refreshes the Electrified power interaction state
    * Increases the potency of new power interaction (from Electrogenesis or Electroburst) damage over time effects
    * Damage to enemies is no longer split with objects"
    So, it doesn't say anything about spreading the 3rd tier dot. So I am wrong about that being a bug, but Nature has a huge advantage over Electric with that in the AM area then with the way harvest spreads the full strength poisons :/
  15. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    I'll be curious to see the above posted chart of AM vs WM over a longer period of time. Electricity just recently received its AM, and it is also possible the numbers are skewed by quantity (and quality) of players utilizing each. Not only that, but damage is also highly dependent upon how one is modded along with trinkets and soders; it just seems like Electricity's WM is somewhat low compared to the others. I also don't get how Celestial WM is so low considering that most people run it with buffs plus WM versus only utilizing the slower combos- player tests have shown WM + buffs give better damage then combos. Something tells me this chart is a bit whacked. :p

    Back on the topic of Electricity...
    I'm curious to know how people are modding in the WM era. Is it still suggested to go mostly Might in Blue/Yellow and Might/Prec in Reds... or Prec in Blue/Yellow or a combination of Prec and Might between the four? Having respec'd a CR76 alt to Electricity, currently not modded since I removed them a couple months ago... I'm trying to figure out how to mod this time around. I'm coming from experience with Sorcery and Earth, both of which I went full Precision since I utilize the Pet AM and WM makes for great Pet support... but probably not so much for a non-Pet AM. I am used to utilizing WM a lot, so I want to make sure that I either adjust my play style to become more power centric or mod correctly for both powers and WM.

    Thanks for the help.
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  16. Shift New Player

    I went for a straight split between might and precision since I liked to go back and forth between my AM build and WM build. So I'd have Might/Precision in all my reds, Might/Health in one blue and Precision/Health in the other blue, and Prec/Power in one yellow with Might/Power in the last yellow. Good Weapon damage as well as great power damage.
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  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    Testing WM burst, balanced was clearly better than full might or full precision. The AM is probably better with a might lean, as you're likely still using dry WM combos with it.
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  18. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Like Remander and Shift mentioned it really depends on which loadout you are running. If the AM Might lean if burst Precision lean. I really enjoy running the AM but I am toying with putting together a separate set of gear for both WM and AM...just not sure I want to go through the hassle of farming all those bits.
  19. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, I have no interest in that. Whenever there's a question of what you might use from run to run, better to just go balanced. You'll be effective either way. The lean is really more for max/min purposes.
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  20. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    I agree balanced is the way to go...but I am curious to see the max side of each. I just do not think I am curious enough lol, but maybe next summer when I do not have any classes to teach....maybe