Lightning Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Max Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Remander Steadfast Player

    I was thinking the same thing. Sure, you have to apply the PI separately with SW, but it got a good buff to the PI damage during the update. It hits very hard. The main bonuses to SP are the 50% modifier and that it supplies it's own PI. With Max Damage, I think you could run a full electrification loadout for both AM and burst. Since Celestial looks to benefit greatly from this mod, I may end up changing my DPS alt to Electricity now.
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  2. not_again Dedicated Player

    I will run with you to compare numbers. Just hit me up in game or on here to set up a time.
  3. blklightning New Player

    Did you do your AM test w/ or w/o using your weapon?
  4. KreaseUK Active Player

    I've only read up to this post so this might of been answered already but I'll post what I know or what I've always thought

    The modifier % you get from using your powers carries over to your weapon combos till either 5seconds or you finish a combo (the number you see when you use your weapon) which also regens power depending on how it goes.

    So the way I've always done my dps since launch is start my powers using the lowest % and finish with the highest possible % power on my loadout then use my weapon combos till I either get interrupted or need to set up my DoTs etc the % from your last power then increases your combos by that amount.

    This style of play kind of went out the window when clipping started but came back when wm was introduced. So imo the new 60% mod will be good for people that use their weapon alot and not just powers
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  5. Shift New Player

    Hey! Shockwave with Max Damage was my idea first! :p I am curious as to what you would be using to apply the Polarized pi for Overcharge in your dots loadout? Consumable? Or switching out SW for SP when you switch out RSK for Overcharge?
  6. Shift New Player

    Haha, they might not be as good as they think then... But, I have been testing with my Electric buddy in league and Tesla Ball seems to somewhat overwrite. If two people cast Tesla Ball near the same time, both will recieve less ticks as they won't hit the same enemy when one of the bolts is on a enemy already. I've been trying to figure out if it comepletely overwrites or not but I think it only does completely if you cast at the EXACT same time. When casted nearly the same time you just lose ticks which is actually alot of damage lost when using it with a WM combo.
  7. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Maybe there was some truth to it then. But I'm still having problems seeing where the am is more useful than burst.
  8. not_again Dedicated Player

    I was thinking switch out SW for SP but that is not what I typed. After thinking about it more I probably won't be using OC with my AM load out. It seems good in theory but I'm not sure there are enough power points with losing the iconic innates. Either way I'll end up retesting every power because I have a ton of ideas for load outs and rotations once max damage is in the game.
  9. Max Volt Committed Player

    Doing weapon attacks in between in order to keep the 60% up
  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    Had a chat with Shiny Mackerel about damage modifiers. Figured if anyone had worked out how they operate, it would be him. He said they do affect abilities and weapon attacks; however, they dynamically update now (didn't always). A modifier will last for 5 seconds or until the hit counter resets. Since an ability cast resets the hit counter, only the initial hit of an ability can benefit from the prior modifier. Any running DoTs also benefit from modifier updates. So, say you cast Electrocute (50%), and use weapon attacks while it's DoT is up and running. Then, before the DoT is up, you cast Wired (35%). The DoT ticks that follow will now hit with that 35% modifier. The modifier itself applies to all running damage at the time, including crits.
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  11. Shift New Player

    Thank you Shiny Mackerel!
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  12. Shift New Player

    Yeah, with the MD hand mod i was just thinking that I'd probably go back to the laodout I started with which was just:
    Wired, CB/RSK, Shockwave, Genesis, E-cute, VB.
    With MD mod SW won't mess up my modifiers and will give me something to fill in the damage between the next VB cast :) Instead of having to wait till the boss is at 35% like I have been with Ionic Drain. Anyone else feel that jump clipping Ionic Drain takes alot longer to get back to doing damage than say Plasma Retch? Or even Fear Gas which feels a tad slower than Retch to me as well.
  13. Cirocband New Player

    What's the best dps loadout that's out not to get the best damage?
  14. Max Volt Committed Player

    Is this a trick question? :)
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  15. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

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  16. La Shark Dedicated Player


    That makes sense why the dot load out was lacking on test sever severely next to burst. I kept scratching my head on this because i tested both loadouts on gu38 and they were neck and neck, well actually the dot was better slightly, but on test server its off by 1/4 dmg. Huh...

    perspective : 12k dmg per second burst load. vs 8.3k dmg per second dot
  17. Cirocband New Player

    I meant what's the best loadout to get the most damage? Lol
  18. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    • Like x 2
  19. Max Volt Committed Player

    thanks bud
  20. Max Volt Committed Player

    This is not an easy answer, many people believe that working wth WM and burst damage offers the best results, other believe AM is the way to go, so I think it does become matter of preferences and playstyle, there is no magic cookie cutter loadout that will make you an instant "Beast", it's how you play and what type of instances you play that determines what will be the best loadout for you.

    Having said that this chart was posted by Spytle a while ago to show what the real numbers gathered by DCUO are in regard of average damage out among the most effective players.


    As you can see according by the numbers gathered by the Devs it does appear that the new Awesome mechanic yelds the best results on average.

    On this note, in the 1st page of this section there are several loadouts that use AM, pick whatever works better for you and go from there.
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