Light Powerset needs to option of color change , READ DONT HATE great idea

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PlasticManWithAplan, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. PlasticManWithAplan New Player

    With all these new lantern suits specially black coming. Please let us change Light powers Villians and Heroes. ring colors... there are SOOOO many lantern suits in and coming to the game... it just feels wierd weilding a green or yellow ring with a indigo/blue/StarSaphire/Orange/and soon Black lantern suits... the slimeline lantern suits are AMAZING. and since Light technically isnt classified as Willpower and Fear Power, hints its just called Light not Willpower light or Fear Light ,
    i again plea , you guys did great with the new batman cowl. the next thing u need to do is add tokens to the marketplace that let Light Powersets. change their Ring color / construct colors to match the specific suits available and the weapon sets that are available

    Hero- Green , To Blue "blue lantern suit" , Violet "Star Saphire Suit , Indigo "Indigo Tribe" which in game is actually like a Whitish indigo"

    Villain Yellow/Amber W/e, To Orange "Orange lantern suits, again Violet for S saphires", And indigo for the indigo Tribe. being both Star saphire and indigo Tribe inspired slimlines are neutral.

    i keep promoting this cause. you see the Npc lanterns of the lists above. among the battlezone. or instances... like you see a Star Saphire Using Snap Trap. Fan, Whiplash/and Chains, All kinds.., it works cause Light power constructs are very universal and if u are to change the color of your ring.... being blue lantern npcs to star saphires. and orange lanterns. . they all use the same animations... except we dont have the big Fist that punches the ground. but everything else they show we have as players. for the most part.

    now im only saying do this for light cause Rage is very distinctive... you cant do it with rage cause you wont see a indigo/star saphire/ blue lantern , Puke or vomit. the rage powers are very specific to the rage ring. so you cant apply it to anything but 'LIGHT,

    Daybreak Soe w/e they have done very well with the lantern content in the last year .5 and if it passes with DC IP i really hope they do this ...specially since dc allowed SOE to add those Energy Construct weapon sets... ATM we only have Yellow/Green.Blue and Red, which is very cool. again they are called Energy Weapon sets. being if they were to call the Token to change Light , Energy Color Alteration token in the Marketplace... WHO knows. but pls vote yes for this... it doesnt hurt anything to have this... gives us the option to look like other lanterns with the suits we have
    B. the players that dont really like the lantern stuff or Light. It wont be a new lantern powerset. its just a Color Skin .
    c. SOE/daybreak will make a killing off this.

    I COPIED THIS IDEA FROM SOMEONE ELSE i didnt wanto type it but i pretty much agree with everything
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  2. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Hard Light Powers follows the story/structure fro mthe First episode. HL Players are actually Deputized Green Lanterns and Sinestro Corp members. Can't change their colors since they represent those Factions of the Corps.
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  3. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Toshknight, is that you? :p
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  4. PlasticManWithAplan New Player

    lol no im a ps4 player i agree and stole his thread
  5. PlasticManWithAplan New Player

    they had gotten rid of this , it no longer is in game. so yes they can change color of Light. if dc allows it.
  6. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Ah then DC/WB wont allow it :)
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  7. PlasticManWithAplan New Player

    who says so ? until mepps says its not happening. possibly can. being Light is not willpower or fear, shoot they got rid of that like year 2 the beginning i think. it use to open up a menu that said "welcome to the green lantern corp or w'e" when you would respec your powers to Light. But it doesnt do that anymore.
  8. Toshknight Loyal Player

    HUUUH? it was my thread he took it from but no its not me.
  9. Toshknight Loyal Player

  10. Toshknight Loyal Player

    I actually posted this and wanted to see what u thought of it.. and I think were gonna have to agree to disagree. Light Powers are not Willpower or fear and the only reason that this idea wouldn't or shouldn't happen is cause DC says no.. but it has never been shut down. I asked someone if this could happen and they didn't rule it out. but didn't say it would happen either. so its all up to the IP that is DC and what is allowed. yea this will make Both partys a crap load of money, and make the players happy too. including me ive been wanting this for ever , ever since rage came out and the power energy weapon construct weapon sets came out..
  11. crapmedrawers Well-Known Player

    Agreed! What did the expect adding the pink sapphires and orange lanterns! Also with the black and Blue lanterns corps! Also implement that aura the black lanterns are corrupted by
  12. Backseid Devoted Player

    I don't care about lore, therefore I like the idea. Why have the other color's gear available then?

    Do the other Corps use constructs just like Green?
  13. Trexlight Devoted Player

    If it comes great but Im also not holding my breathe. In order for it to truly work may require "story driven" reason for DC/WB to go with it. There has to be a reason why Players are allowed the Colors/Powers (cause thats basically what it is).

    Orange is a tough call because, well Larfleeze and mine and all.

    Indigo doesnt do recruitment unless you're a super villain bad guy and they make you reform.

    Sapphires and the Blues maybe more recognizable to allow folks but remember Sapphires arent that "welcoming" to the Males though yes, they can be, but doesnt mean they want it.

    I dont see a reason that Hard Light will get this change of colors because there isnt a story driven reason and this being an MMO, thats what it needs. I can see Blues and Sapphires coming to the Healer Role sooner than changing colors in Hard Light (WHICH NEEDS TO HAPPEN!)
  14. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Some, I dont recall Indigo doing contructs though since doing Constructs require Imagination.

    I know Rage hasnt done Constructs in the longest until they bath in the Blood Pool to regain their Intelligence.
  15. Backseid Devoted Player

    Ah. I thought I read that Blue doesn't either, or that it is infrequent or something.

    Meh, I still say the Rings should have been a Weapon not a Power. You could choose the color at creation, and it would then colorize whatever Power you chose the same color.

    That woulda been neato mesquito. I like the glowy Rings, but hate the playstyle of both powersets.
  16. Veritasum Loyal Player

    I think the idea has merit given the available styles we have in game. But it takes a while to argue this lore thing and make a case. I just don't see this happening because technically lanterns/recruits or not, the power sets were most definitely created to at least represent will and fear.
  17. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I like the ideas but the lore of the lanterns will not support that.
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  18. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    l would support idea of changing power colors besides hard light, but that's probably requires significant game VFX remodelling. While recoloring hard light probably messes with DC rights, so it's not very likely. There could be lndigo Lantern (Healer) powerset in future though.
  19. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    Not all Lanterns use constructs and not all Lanterns use baseballs/jets/guns/trains as their constructs o_O
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  20. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Pretty much this, along with decisions from SOE/Daybreak devs.

    Long ago the SOE/DB folks said "No" to players being able to change power colors and they haven't budged on it at all. The discussions that took place on Atomic's color are evidence of that.

    Add in DC's protective tendencies to anything related to Lanterns and you're facing a VERY steep uphill battle.