Light Noob Questions

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by MKS, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. MKS New Player

    Hello all,
    Level 8 HL noob here, As my immediate disclaimer, I've read a few forum threads trying to get a grasp on the game dynamics, but still have a few questions before I get into the 2nd phase (levels 11-20) and don't want to regret something I should have done or known earlier.

    Im currently using Brawling as my weapon tree --
    1. Better than MARTIAL ARTS or HAND BLAST? It seems to work well for combo setup in melee range..
    2. I have no idea what path in the tree I should take while leveling, and, if it even matters before 39. I assume it does it setting up combos, but I haven't used any of my points since level 5, because I'm not decisive on what to do

    Power Leveling 'Path'
    3. Is there a certain 'order' powers should be taken as I level, or again, does it even matter before 30? Part of me wants to take a support power to keep me alive, and part of me wants to continue to get construct assault powers

    Of course I had 20 more questions before typing and forgot them. These were my main ones though to start. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Delta795 New Player

    Here's the thing up to level 30 is basically the games tutorial. Eventually you will need to decide what you want to do a Controller or DPS. Until you get there just run in DPS mode and check out Omarrs HL guide.

    Use whatever weapon you prefer...most controllers prefer Brawling or HB for Light, and most DPS will use 1hand or rifle. As for using you SP the guides will help you understand what powers to pick up, but you can always respec your power and skill points so it's not that big of a deal if you pick up something and try it.
  3. MKS New Player

    Appreciate the response Delta -- can you link the forum link to follow? I'll definitely be sure to look at it..
  4. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    you can reset your power points and skill points anytime, so dont worry about messing anything up permanently. it does cost some in-game money but its only a tiny bit.
  5. TavukianSloth New Player

    I dislike brawling as my HL weapon of choice with a passion, after playing with it as such. It's just not me. Now I use 2H, love that weapon. It's really forgiving when you are our of power due to messing up your combos or your combos keep getting interrupted compared to brawling. Now I am not saying all this so you can pick it up, I'm saying it because no matter how good a weapon is if you do not like it, its not the end of the world to use one that you do fancy. ;D
  6. MKS New Player

    I have gotten used to it but do think its hard to handle the ranged mobs from time to time. I was thinking hand blaster, but heard martial arts was quicker in execution. If I change I assume I'd just go buy the weapon I need? Also, can I have both weapon choices at once, or do I choose like roles?
  7. MKS New Player

    Is there a link to said guide?
  8. MugenM422 New Player

    If you're going to be changing weapon type, you need to put a skill point in the top of that weapon tree.

    I'm a HL Troll w/brawling and I read Battery's No Weapon HL guide and love how the mechanics work with HL, but have also used dual pistols throughout the game, just get used to your powers for now, learn the game and then spend some time when you reach level 30 playing with your spec
  9. MugenM422 New Player

  10. TavukianSloth New Player

    MA and HB works great with HL. Yes you will need the weapon you want to use at hand plus you must spend at least one skill point in said weapon tree. Yes you can have both weapon choices at once.
  11. MKS New Player

    Another noob question -- where do I buy items for my level? The watchtower seems to have end-game things, but nothing for leveling. I'm assuming there would be vendors for leveling, not just the marketplace.
  12. TavukianSloth New Player

    So great that I'm picking up MA myself, that clippable smoke bomb <3
  13. TavukianSloth New Player

    Only PvE items you can buy before lv30 are from other players, auction, or obtain them from defeating bosses. You can buy the lv14 and lv24 PvP weapons at the midtowns of metro and goth but you cannot use them in alerts, raids, and the similar sorts.
  14. KeyuBaN New Player

    to answer your question, you can buy weapon items from the vendors in your local police stations (I'm a villain so it would be the nightclubs instead) The midtown police stations should have quite a variety for you to choose from, but the only downside is most of the weapons aren't very good, but they will last you until you get a new weapon while doing story missions. Orrr you can buy a weapon from the auction house with your money, but with your membership level I don't think you can hold as much money as some of the weapons cost.

    When it comes to weapons, you can switch weapons whenever you want, so you don't have to worry about that. I would tell you that you should just play with a weapon that you like. you can easily just look up videos on how each weapon is used in combat and determine which one fits yours play-style from there. me, with Hard light dps, I personally use dual wield for cqc and then rifle for range, and even then it's pretty decent for cqc. I am constantly switching between One Handed, Martial arts, Dual wield, rifle, and shield though because those are the ones I'm most comfortable with.

    Now the power on the other hand, you cannot switch unless you pay for it, so it's suggested that you look up even more powers before deciding the power you really want to be. If you're not premium already, I suggested you spend at least $5 on the game just so you could get 3 extra character slots (making a total of 5 slots), so if you want to make another power, you can.

    Once again bud, no stress. Just try to pick things that you like. if you don't like what you have chosen for a weapon, you can either start over a new character, or you can switch weapons at level 9 or 10 (memories a lil fuzzy). Switching Powers on the other hand you will have to pay for if you decide that you ever want to change it up later on. If you have anymore questions just ask.
  15. MKS New Player

    Thanks for the insight Key. I still haven't chosen any powers yet lol, but I will. I do feel like I need a range so I'm going to try rifle and possibly martial arts. I'm a legendary member for now, so I'm going to take advantage of it while I have it with all the perks it provides.
  16. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    The only concern you should have with powers is deciding what combo's you may want to go into. HL has the combo mechanic where you cast a power then tap or hold melee or range and it will do another power with white precision based damage. In order to execute any combo you just have to have purchased that power in the power tree. A basic combo would be ram snap trap fan. To do that you would cast ram hold melee tap range. Another good one but is melee is Claws hold melee(claw) tap square(whip thrash)clip with another power ram or say snap trap.

    For weapons use the weapon you like. I like rifle and brawling for controlling or for DPS but have used HB, MA, Dual Pistols, and Bow. With brawling your hit counter is adjusted so your regenerating power at earlier levels in the counter. This makes that very fast and effective for controlling. The powers also do good damage and crowd control. For DPS it'll likely depend on your positioning and whether you want to take a no weapon approach at times with your powers. HB are good for capping off the end of power combo's with a solar flare weapon attack but the charge time is longer than MA. I'd also like to point out that melee weapons will increase damage 15% and grant a 20% control resistance. The tap triangle hits a little harder on the rifle. There isn't really a bad choice as long as it fits how your playing with it.

    HL is meant by design to be a melee to mid range power. Some powers will move you closer to the target(claws, boxing gloves, whip) some will pull adds close(fan, grasp hand), some do more damage at melee(impact, ram will do 3 ticks at melee, 2 at mid, 1 at far range). Thats why I like brawling or rifle. I'm able to no weapon with brawling, and with rifle I can do the tap triangle for AoE damage and flip away from my target to escape while doing damage.

    Weapons can be purchased from the vendor and you can buy a weapon and then get a better version once you complete a mission while leveling.

    Hope that helps. Hit me up if have any questions.
  17. KeyuBaN New Player

    No problem mate! and Yes you made a good choice, you get access to all dlc's and stuff so you don't have to buy dlc's just to find out that you don't even like them. If you think that you will only be playing this game for a little bit then just get legendary and pay per month. That way, you don't end up wasting 20$ on one thing for a game you won't even play later on in life.

    If you didn't know already, you also get loyalty points for being a legendary member. Loyalty points can be used to get SOME marketplace items (not all. I don't think it provides dlc's and stuff like that but I could be wrong), but instead of going to the marketplace, you go to one of the little machines in your local police station or nightclub (usually located in the middle area where all hallways meet) and you should see a yellow/goldish/light brown bag icon hovering around the machine (just like vendors, but a machine).

    Hope this helps!
  18. VANOSSOP New Player

    for hl best weapons are rifle and one handed right now, sure brawling in fine but those weapon are much stronger/ faster than brawling
  19. MKS New Player

    I plan to try rifle and martial arts as I level. I'm at the Wonder Girl/Giganta quest line and got wrecked by aggro a LOT, so hopefully rifle will help with that some...(or my gameplay is ***)
  20. MKS New Player

    I didn't know about the loyalty points -- thanks for the heads up on that! I'm a WoW guy by trade so I know (think?) I'll like Trolling once I get used to it. Finger Fumbling a little already.