Lifetime account

Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by Demonio696969, Apr 26, 2017.

  1. Demonio696969 New Player

    When u will allow to buy a lifetime account? Thx
  2. Magician Dedicated Player

    It was available when the game launched for a window of 3 months. It's unforeseeable that it will be offered again in the future.

    That being said, being a lifetime member, DCUO pays me to play the game. However, a lot of "perks" to being a member are fading away in light of replays and stabilizers.
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  3. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Look at it this way, losing those benefits impact the lucky lifetime members such as yourself, less than the ones who sub month to month (or any of the other monthly plans).

    I also apologize if this comes across as being jealous or some other such thing. I'm glad at least some folks have it :D
  4. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    I don't see how legendary benefits are going away. Let's see: we get more Stabilizers than other access levels, we get replays every month, we get 10% off MP, we get Legends characters from the vendor, we get member boxes from event content

    Looks to me like membership is getting new benefits all the time tbh
  5. Demonio696969 New Player

    Well but the question is will u put that kind of subscription again or not? Cause i spent a lot of money on my old ps4 account and now that i changed to a new super pc i cant play with it, and all the time nd money i wasted if for
    Nothing thats my angry situation. Thx anyway
  6. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    For all we know, there are zero plans to ever sell lifetime again.
  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Like others said, it was offered before the hack attack. They came in, I forget when, and started messing with those benefits. When they introduced replays and loyalty points they forgot about those lifetime subbers. At first, as long as you were legendary, you got all of your stuff every month. It was awesome. You could take little breaks, come back and have a boat load of replays and loyalties waiting for you. They went and added a little line to legendary benefits, again don't remember when, and made it so if you don't log in at least once on one of your toons, you get nothing that month. They keep your cash, you lose your membe benefits. Nice huh?

    As is, the only benefits to legendary is loyalty points, replays, extra fragments, inventory, episodes. Now if your at end game, you could get away with unsubbing for most of this year. There is only 1 DLC scheduled for June. All seasonal and events, so far, have been for everyone. Heck last September thru Feb, I think, all episodes were open to everyone.

    Sorry to go off topic, but no, there will never be lifetime memberships again on this game.
  8. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Do lifers get 6 stabilizer fragments like legendary?
  9. Magician Dedicated Player

    Lifetime legendary members are simply: Members that don't pay for a subscription every month.
  10. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I really wish I bought a lifetime membership back then.
  11. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Not entirely true. You pre-paid at a discount.
  12. Magician Dedicated Player

    Fair enough.