Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rankkor, Dec 10, 2014.

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  1. SirMuttonChops New Player

    I believe you said...

    These are the players that are maximizing their damage out, the ones that are trying to learn everything in the game to be better than others. These are going to be the players that actually KNOW how the game works because the rest of the players aren't going to be maximizing their DPS, aren't going to be precise or efficient in how they play the game; that's just no their goal.

    So, you want

    to be the ones that give feedback, even though those are casual players (this game has ALWAYS, from the beginning, said it caters to casuals, and the population during Origin Crisis proved all of this).

    You want players who don't know how to play the game to be the ones the devs listen to (and I believe they ARE the ones the devs listen to, hence, weapon mastery, nerfed Origin Crisis content, nerfed FOS2 bridge, etc.).
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Locking this up. No longer constructive.
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