Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rankkor, Dec 10, 2014.

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  1. Glacier Extreme Well-Known Player

    I respect your opinion. It's a bit unfair I can't utilize my powers new ability because of an issue caught at the last minute. There is no short term answer to block cancelling. Its been an issue in the past.

    Only a ametuer ice dps spams boulder on carrol. It leaves you vulnerable after the cast. Glacier flash is quicker and does much better single target damage..I wanna get outta there...I have no need to run up my score by senseless aoe damage that leaves me vulnerable.
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  2. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    Dude, some players posted here saying you can BLOCK and stop the animation, you CANNOT ATTACK to cancel the animation, because they played AFTER the last hotfix in test server, so what is your point? Did you played the test server AFTER the hotfix? Say your experience about his and people will understand your point, by the way, if you didn't play in test server AFTER the last hotfix, your words are no meaning.
  3. Rankkor New Player

    Wait till it hits live you will eat your words and revert back to .....but it was on pc test and and ....nothing
  4. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    I will eat a fine Hot Dog in 20 minutes. I think you need to wait, and start to play., then you can came here and start a war. And if you are right, I will help in this war, but, right now, what you have? A post my Mepps? Don't forget the write a lot of time wrong. Look at the GU43 post. They are say Skymming, but you can read Flight there to. They said to Ice power, talked about Artic Gust, Avalanche and..... Flame cascade?????!!!!!!! So wait and see.
  5. Prosser Dedicated Player

    Yup, I'm on live right now, and you can block out of arctic gust.
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  6. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    Alright guys I think we can stop arguing. And Rankkor watch your mouth next time, you should be more respectful and open minded to what people say. I'm a nice person so I decided to not reply back and start a flame war. I understood what you meant because the notes were ambiguous but I was going by what was on test last night and it seems to have made it to live.

    Lock it down Mepps.
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  7. spack2k Steadfast Player

    I have to give the favour back :
    1.since when are 100% of competitive ppl in dcuo all like u say "cheaters and egomaniacs"...

    is for pvp only if u didnt know that yet most playing damage role on pve side of the game.

    wrong again ...i know alot of ppl who analyze the scoreboard to see how to improve a group performance aswell...most of those are support players.

    i am afraid this doesnt work that way ... u want to replace the ppl who always want to improve themself and the game with those who are always satisfied with what they play and how they play... thats more or less "brain dead".

    numbers ... u wana tell me 20 millions are active ? and if so only those with cr109+,120 sp+ are competitive ?


    Your wrong !
  8. BroadSt Bully Well-Known Player

    I may not be the smartest guy... but don't you think, you know, you should actually play with the power on live before coming onto the forums complaining about it and throwing a fit every time everybody offers a different opinion/fact?
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  9. spack2k Steadfast Player

    you have to adapt its just 1 raid and even there just the last boss fight ...ask rage players who have to go melee for their AM in highest content.

    btw HOT = heal over time while POT = power over time
  10. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    On live, you can block to stop the attack. Are you going to let it go now? People aren't talking without trying things out.

    USPC was up for a couple of minutes and was enough to see that you can block to cancel the attack, Mepps confirmed it's supposed to, and they're still open to feedback.
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  11. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    That's not a quote. I'm 100% sure Jack Ryder knows correct English grammar. 101% TBH :p
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  12. spack2k Steadfast Player

    your right , i just quoted what hes saying in the game all the time :p not what hes spelling.
  13. Rankkor New Player

    No im not letting it go because now im on live and you cant block out of avalanche or artic gust ....only half the time if that ...so keep saying its fixed you sound silly all that say you can block ....its like saying i can tank and keep aggro half the time
  14. SirMuttonChops New Player

    Soooo... your problem is that the devs get feedback from players who go out of their way to maximize the DPS of a power set, by learning everything they can about the mechanics involved? And you would prefer the devs listen to the people who don't actually know how the game works, and don't care?

    I think you have that backwards. The majority of the feedback comes from mediocre players who don't know the majority of the mechanics of the game, and the good players get ignored and overlooked as "elitists" because they actually learn all the mechanics of the game and call the mediocre players out when they don't know the mechanics.
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  15. Glacier Extreme Well-Known Player

    The irony in this! :)
  16. Rankkor New Player

    No thats not what im saying , once again you think you can read and follow hand and foot on what everyone else is saying ,why not read the topic and the opening post before you actually type ....and yeah i would like to give feed back instead of the usuall handful of ppl on test server ....they shouldnt have the right to speak on behalf of all ppl on dc...
  17. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    It could have nothing to do with ice, per se. When Celestial first came out, people were shouting the same thing ... Nexus no Celestial healers. I can see why people don't want to run a high-end raid with someone who might be trying out a brand-new loadout. Kinda sad for the people who're using the same loadout until they feel comfortable with the new one, but that's what happens.
  18. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    I bet you can't, actually...
  19. Ciphey Well-Known Player

    Moot point... Every power gets a better Ice Armor with the Max Damage mod.. ?? Why can't Ice use a unique mechanic and this mod like every other power can?
  20. DCUController New Player

    yea see thats what I don't get, I as a DPS will pick ppl have ran across the room to pick ppl up due to tank is tanking, and the troll will be doing a console or picking someone else up.

    But I will still manage to top the charts lol, would it of mattered had I came in 2nd or 3rd or last? not really, as I was making sure we actually finished :p

    now if I get the vibe from ppl that they are just trying to top charts and what-not, I will make that my goal to s*** all over them lmao, just because I know I'm skilled enough to die, do pickups and still take a dump on ppl who like chasing the scoreboard full time lol
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