Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rankkor, Dec 10, 2014.

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  1. Rankkor New Player

    I see so you can respond again but you cant lift a finger to check soe posts and see for urself what it is that was reverted? Ok live in your blind world pretend DEVS didnt post it ...
  2. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Amen brother amen :)
  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Perhaps you can provide a link?

    I checked, but I cannot find anything definitive one way or another. I did see "PC TEST Only: Reverting the ability to block or attack to end Avalanche, Arctic Gust and Flame Cascade until we can develop a less controversial solution." But since that is PC TEST only, that would imply that it was only done on PC TEST. Do you have newer information that I am missing?
  4. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Until the devs can figure out a workaround for the block/attack cancel exploit your going to have to be extremely careful in two raid fights in the entire game, not by any means game breaking.

    Your going to have to have a tank that can keep Carol away from the purple lanterns given to her by the predator or avoid your 2.5 sec channels when the beam comes down or you could just keep an armory ready with a WM load out until they fix it.

    They didn't say there leaving it like this said until they could find a solution. You have options and if you already know the fight this is a non-issue and non game breaking.

    Leaving the exploit in once it hit live would have been very ugly
  5. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    I'm having trouble believing what I'm reading. Your complaining because your ICE and??
    Ice dps has always been among the top, from what I'm to understand Ice Tanking is the easiest to do. Though I'd disagree with the last part, I find my Earth tank easy to handle.

    If I understood your original post.
    There was an exploit you were using and they nerfed the exploit. Your angry that they nerfed the exploit but not other exploits for other class's. Am I understanding this correctly?
  6. Rankkor New Player

    Yeah ur miss reading or not understanding ....i said cancel my channeled attack .... Not exploit it ,,,,and if its on PC TEST then its implementimplemented and carrys over to live .... So yeah they did say it ....REVERTED like i said
  7. Rankkor New Player

    Pc test carrys over to live so if its on pc test and nothing changes then it goes as is to live .... W uh at planet do you live on ?
  8. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    The fact that your ICE and complaining about anything is the part that I'm reading. How can you be Ice and still complain? You've been on the OP gravy train for how long??

    If you really wanna get wound up...change to fire. Those guys are used to getting the shaft.
  9. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    They had an afternoon to fix it yesterday. While I rarely see them work that fast, it is a minute possibility. Until we get an update on the live status of ice, we will not know its current ability to cancel the channeled attacks.
  10. Rammy Well-Known Player

    I was just clarifying what the problem that lead to the exploit was. I actually agree with the ranged attack cancel being removed but the block cancel being removed as well confuses me.
  11. Rankkor New Player

    Op ok gadgets really ? Do you even play ? And i've been all power sets sir.... It doesn't matter what power i am ....you dont make an AM where your powers cuase you to get one shoted . do that to every other AM see what happens.
  12. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I live on Earth. It would be next to impossible for me to post on the forums from any other planet given the telecommunication interference and distance of communications. If you would like further reading on the subject of interplanetary communications, there is one for the planet Mars if you thought I lived there for some reason:

    I realize the above probably makes me look like a mega-nerd, but I did work with NASA/JPL on their Mars rover, so I'm a bit more familiar with interplanetary communications, communication windows, etc. than the average person.

    See my previous post for reasons why I am asking for updated information.
  13. Glacier Extreme Well-Known Player

    Ok...my fellow ice users...no worries. Whether or not the am channeled powers are "block cancellable" or not we'll still be the envy of most powers. Just look at these ice threads.

    No ice player is upset that this so called "exploit" was found by ONE person. We're upset that we cannot enjoy our am as intended when introduced! We don't care about a damage exploit. Any seasoned ice dps can hold his/her own in any content with wm. We aren't crying and making threads about our power.

    The sensible thing to do would have been to withhold all the current update am. They all seem to have their issues. Releasing them as is seems like a mistake. Opening the door for more of these types of threads that pits specific power users against one another.

    Most of us wouldn't mind if it took a bit longer to iron out the AM kinks and release quality work.

    Back to the topic...again ice dps users...if you question the AM mechanics..simply continue to use wm and wait it out. It's only a simple exploit that 99% of us never got to use or play with anyways.

    We're still arguably the best balanced power in game. ..take pride in that!
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  14. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Do I even play? Why no I bought this account on EBAY. How does gadget abilities have anything to do with Ice? You want more for ice or you want gadgets nerfed? Maybe I need another coffee.
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  15. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    I like all of your comment but that part. There's always kinks in am and they'll iron them out. I've no idea why Ice would use AM. It seems fun to play and is welcome in every group the way it is right?
  16. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    nope block canceling causes all kinds of other exploits if you haven't been around long do you remember the geranade glitch among many others all through block exploits
  17. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Sarcasm's running rampant in this thread now.

    I do hope they provide ice with a way to cancel its animation that is not exploitable in the very near future. It would be nice if it was as early as when the servers are up again, but it is probably not a simple fix. Hopefully we see something in the coming week or two at the most.
  18. Veritasum Loyal Player

    No offense, but historically these types of things are blown out of proportion in the forums, but few actually care in game. I am certain the majority of the people in game don't know the difference between Arctic Gust and the iceberg that sank the Titanic. It will be ok.
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  19. DialH New Player


    Really wish Ice AM was left out of this update. However, this week has taught me that if I simply make a flame-bait thread with over the top title and language and a youtube video, I can get pretty much anything removed from the game.
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  20. Rankkor New Player

    Look the reason for this thread is to voice my opinion on the matter ....and since we are all speaking for everyone that use's ice then i figured why not voice my opinion as im sick of not being able to voice it in feedback for pc...some talk about oh you can just play smarter ir adapt... But 75% of the dps's out there that use ice will go down becuase we cant block when needed thats a fact, and due to that we ice users will get an unwanted bad rap sheet if we use AM ....

    Rage was the same so many ppl couldn't do it ....it gave rage a bad name ....you'd say rage tank and just like that pooof.... You were out of the raid ,all because of a few ppl couldnt grasp it ....

    Same will happen for ice dps that uses AM until they fix it....

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