Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rankkor, Dec 10, 2014.

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  1. Rankkor New Player

    Not saying interruptable im saying cant cancel the attack so i wont die in last boss L&W are you guys not reading
  2. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Guys, it's dead simple:

    Remove scoreboard and clipping from the game and the whining here on the forums is done. You'd be surprised how many "exploits" will be gone with clipping in total - as clipping itself just is not an exploit because the devs are unable to fix it ;) - and how few people would care if the scoreboard bragging was gone as there is no scoreboard anymore.

    If removing clipping means no GU/DLC for 6 month: do it anyway; it will dissolve so many unnecessary balance discussions whatsoever . Removing the scoreboard can be done in less than a week I guess ;)
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  3. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Sorry but i do not see the problem. Now ice players will have to learn when to cast whatever power it is.
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  4. DCUController New Player

    in all fairness looking at the score board isnt always about competition, least not for everyone.

    Some use it as a tool to see how they progress in dmg out, or simply to measure how they are doing in terms of dmg compared to other DPS' their tier and their power. I know I use the scoreboard to simply measure much more dmg out I get / how I advance in dmg with mods, SP' and gear I get.

    now I can't speak for the FoTM chaser's or the ppl who like to exploit glitches but don't categorize everyone in the same area, b/c we're not all the same :)
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  5. DCUController New Player

    right its like "OMG ppl have to think / be smart when they cast powers" now.

    before it was spam spam spam. god for bid ppl actually play with common sense lol
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  6. Cable Committed Player

    You can see it in the update notes. The exact same fix for ice was posted in the test server hotfix and people are reporting you can still block out of those powers on test server, after the fix.
  7. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    The way I understood, the ice powers are not cancelable ONLY ON PC TEST. If I am right, you should be able to cancel them on live.
  8. spack2k Steadfast Player

    u realize removing scoreboard = killing the game !

    if a MMO has no scoreboard ppl will just start to use 3rd party programms and if dcuo baning ppl because of that all competitive oriented players will leave the game , now tell me what will a game like DCUO do if they losing 90% of its playerbase ? replace them:eek:
  9. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Yep, I use it as a tool to improve my gameplay efficiency. If I'm not doing as well as someone else who is similarly geared, that just means I have more to learn about my power set. I also use it to compare my own runs and try to get the most out of my character through trial and error. The better I am at my role(s), the more a group benefits from me being in the group. That should be true of anyone.

    The scorecard does need a revamp, though. There are other reasons players fall behind in their main duties than just the numbers on the current scorecard. I think pick-ups should be encouraged more through the card. Nothing irks me more than players who are so focused on their primary duties that they fail to pick up someone who is nearby.
  10. Rankkor New Player

    Two powers to do damg. Using am .....ok if it wer a diff power would you say the same if putting up dots had a animation and that was long and you couldnt cast it fast would you try and find a way to cast it or wait for the right time ? Its not a SC its an AM with two damg. Casts
  11. Aces Up Well-Known Player

    For the love of...

    Let's try this again. After you cast Arctic Gust or Avalanche, IF you BLOCK you will STOP the channeled power and your character will BLOCK.

    You will therefore NOT DIE when Carol attacks if you BLOCK out of Arctic Gust or Avalanche.

    If you BLOCK after casting Arctic Gust or Avalanche, it will STOP THE ANIMATION of the channeled power and your toon WILL GO INTO A BLOCK STANCE which acts as normal.


    I'm sorry for the caps, I don't mean to yell, I'm just getting a little frustrated that I seem to be failing to make this understandable and want to be clear.
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  12. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i dont get it ... u complain about not beeing able to use ice AM for last boss in L&W ... what about adapt ? or do you see any rage player threads complaining about not being able to use its AM there??? ofocurse not they use WM and so u can.
  13. Rankkor New Player

    I can read .....the forum also said powers and i quote......"ice" being able to attack or block to cancel has broughtway to much negative feedback due to this it is getting reverted....

    So ok what exactly does thus mean ? So kind of hidden mesg.....? I dont think so ...

    They said it will be reverted ,they have to find a non controversial way of doing it .
  14. Rankkor New Player

  15. Aces Up Well-Known Player

    All I can tell you is what I experienced.

    On the test server, which I have spent hours on in recent days, I could block out of Arctic Gust and Avalanche all day yesterday. I just could not use a weapon attack to cancel out of it (that's as it should be).

    If this is not the case on live, it will be different to what was on the test server. I suppose that's possible but it does seem unlikely.
  16. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    If you go on test and at least went on test yesterday after the hotfix then you would have noticed that you can cancel the animation and damage with a block....just like you can with any wm or any am. They will add the weapon attack cancel later when they find a lesser controversial solution. It's not too hard to realize that....it's not some hidden cryptic Indiana Jones message lol xD come on folks use common sense; you guys are better than this.
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  17. Aces Up Well-Known Player

    Thank you for the sanity!
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  18. Rankkor New Player

    Im just reading update
    Notes and thats what they say "Block/attack " will be reverted.....its not hard to check for urself if you can find the energy or time to respond to my thread then you have more then enough brain power to go to SOE posts
  19. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Never seen that much nonsense in just a single post :D
    Yeah, I know DCUO has the worst community in MMOs, but I'm pretty sure it's not made up of 90% cheaters and competitive egomaniacs. SOE is by now already banning people for damaged RAM (see threads with "banned for nothing" titles in support section) and if we had 90% competitive players, why do we need a "slackers-be-gone"-update we're just now getting ;) ?

    Majority of players on top is on PSN where 3rd party programs are no problem and handled by PSN anyway as eg jail-breaked playstations cannot connect.

    The scoreboard is just important for egomaniacs; socially challenged low-lifes who simply don't get the fact that alerts and raids etc are designed as a matter of group effort and not as a stage for a one-man-show and gaining "bragging rights". I'm sure we can replace the fraction of players that are of that kind and improve the quality of community in the same step; as a "social" game or game with social aspects - need to look up how Spytle put it when discussing HoP - shouldn't encourage that sort of behavior anyway - and we all know DCUO is soooooo social that we even got a social focused DLC with HoP ;) :D ;) :D

    If you doubt the numbers, use Sore's App to see how many toons are there and also check how many of those toons are "competitive" (I'd say CR109+ and SP120+ is competitive enough):

    Total toons: 20,805,937
    CR109+, SP120+: 18,266

    90% competitive players???

    I'll have to quote Jack Ryder on that one:

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  20. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    No. I will not turn this thread into an argument or flame war. I will not succumb to the darkside. I refuse to start a war. I already said what I needed to say. You can block whenever you need to with the Ice AM. Done. Point of story. Have fun on live.
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