Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rankkor, Dec 10, 2014.

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  1. Rankkor New Player

    Thanks to all that complained enough and also tried exploiting cliping ice am with weapon to get large numbers instead of using it the way it was intended....now i can look foward to not running end game content ....

    No different then any other exploit like using two hand to clip garvest over and over ,or spamming emp inside pvp due to BB and for all of you who said ice was op, like gadgets hitting 20k on the spot in the blink of an eye ....

    Instead you try and down something before it even gets released block block ....no sorry i was in the middle of a cast ....

    The problem with the feedback DEVS is you only get feedback from a handful of ppl and not the majority of players,...these said players give thier insight and speak for the rest of us ,which isnt fair imo ....scorecard chasers wirrying thier going to get out dpsed ....

    I just want to enjoy the game ,,,,not all powers are the same ice cant hit for 20k like gadgets can it ?
    Ok im done spazzing out ....

    Good job with everything else guys gonna enjoy this GU ....cheers and happy holidays
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  2. Yhere New Player

    Actually, title should now be "LFG NEED FOR DPS FOR L & W, only accepting GADGET DPS"

    How many of the anti-ICE comments are gadget players? 80%?
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  3. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    You want honest observation from a third party?

    Ice didn't need an AM. Neither does Mental, but that's not the train we're on right now.

    And I'm not saying 'Ice didn't need an AM' because it made Ice 'OP' - Ice has been the KING of Overpowered for a LONG time now. Ice works fine on its own and it ALWAYS HAS. You can argue til you're blue in the face about which Tank power is the most fun - but if you want an honest opinion from anyone who ACTUALLY tanks about which one is the strongest? Not a lot of people arguing that one.

    It's also not like Ice was lacking for DPS options either, and it made WONDERFUL use of its self-contained Power Interactions and WM Crit Comboing. Maybe not *QUITE* high enough to edge out the AM/clip exploit spammers, but good enough for Literally No One And Their Mom to be complaining about it.

    Now you're mad because the giant exploitable hole that got noticed was patched before it became an issue on live servers and instead of looking at the fact that Ice is going to continue being a powerhouse, you're complaining that they removed the one GLARING exploit that SCREAMS 'nerf me' instead.

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  4. Avian Dedicated Player

    So you'd prefer that the DEVs ignore exploits for months after they hit live? Because of how you could cancel Arctic Gust with attacking without any delay, Ice was basically able to do incredibly high and consistent damage. You could match the speed at which you'd do a WM combo + Ice boulder strike but do a lot more damage with it which is incredibly stupid considering how ridiculously simple the AM actually is.
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  5. Rankkor New Player

    Very true... Everyone that was commenting was worried about the dps numbers under perfect conditions while exploiting it to make it look as. If it needs a nerf ....i hope the devs bring that idea back into play so i can run L&W Again
  6. Avian Dedicated Player

    Let me get this straight. Are you saying that you wouldn't cancel Arctic Gust to increase your damage output because you "just want to play for fun"? If so, why are you concerned about the "nerf"? All they needed to do with Arctic Gust and Avalance was to only allow it to be canceled through blocking.
  7. Rankkor New Player

    Actually im a t ank sitting at 111 respectfully....i said now we cant BLOCK at end game content....nuthing else ....and i can speculate and comment on whut i already see in game and noone on that feedback thread wants to mention about other powers....i want to be able to survive in L&W not be t he weak link becuase i d out died 20 times .....
  8. Rankkor New Player

    Ok soo go nature and use harvest and swing two hand then harvest then two hand clipping Ok ver and over....yeah your right no exploit there...no insane damage right ...ok
  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    also, correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't there a tactical mod (Empowered Channeling) that already exists that prevents interruption in channeled powers, of which Arctic Gust - the center of the new Ice AM and undoubtedly the thing you're complaining about - is one?

    and I don't wanna hear 'oh i can't use max damage then!'. you get Ice Armor, which in DPS means a standing 50% damage bonus for the next 60 seconds that gets reapplied every time you use five Chill Effects, which happens (on average) every 20 seconds or so.
  10. Avian Dedicated Player

    Have you not read the update notes? Two-Handed and MA is getting fixed. I still don't understand what your point is btw..
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  11. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    And finally, I don't see how changes to the DPS side of Ice affect tanking, period. What are you really complaining about here?
  12. Rankkor New Player

    Exactly soo stop misinterpreting i said i was a 111 TANK ....and as a dps i cant cancel the attack ....which equals instant death against carrol ,and no i wouldnt exploit it . ,,,,like gadgets exploits thier abiltys or any other power for that matter
  13. Rankkor New Player

  14. Avian Dedicated Player

    Again things that have been fixed. All these problems occour because they arern't fixed BEFORE they hit live, which we avoided this time with Ice. Unfortunately the DEVs decided that it would be a great idea to remove the ability to cancel those powers by blocking as well without any alternatives and still release the AM in this update.

    Last part is no longer relevant.
  15. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Based on what I've seen, Ice's AM is still perfectly viable for Love and War. You didn't go into specifics, but I'll assume you're talking about Wonder Woman and Carol Ferris. If you're in the middle of an Arctic Gust cast and Wonder Woman shows skull, you can drop or switch targets to redirect your current attack. As for Carol Ferris, good players will recognize when she is about to do her big attack long before the skull appears. If you see the proper warning signs, you can switch from using channeled attacks to using short WM combos. Block-canceling Arctic Gust and Avalanche still appear to be working to some extent. It is a little bit touchy though.

    When I was testing last night, Ice and Gadgets were doing about the same amount of damage. Ice pulled a little bit ahead in my tests if I had really good timing.
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  16. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    Ice's AM (channelled moves) can now be interrupted by holding block. Everyone chill, it was taken care of.
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  17. Juxes Committed Player

    lol, complaints about other powersets being strong and what not. All because they "lose" in cooperative PvE.
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  18. yssandra Active Player

    That's right the strongest Tank power is Rage in the hands of a great player no arguing over that! It might be harder to master but then it's just incredible.
  19. Yhere New Player

    Excuse me, but how do you now use an ICE am in circumstances where you may immediately need to block? I've resisted going Gadgets all this time, but now will do so.
  20. Avian Dedicated Player

    Rage is better for multipile adds but Ice is better for single bosses.
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