It's a tradition for me to get those every year now third one as I've got Wonder Woman's VA to do it too, and Hawkgirl from JLU. It's my pleasure to get those for the community. (= Happy Anniversary!
To be honest, I was talking about George Newbern. Who voices him in DCUO for a few years now. (Also in JLU, Injustice...)
Better than anything the official team has given us this year. Kudos. BTW. So when doing that, are you writing the whole thing word for word or just giving some direction like "As Lex Luthor, give a somewhat threatening Anniversary greeting" and letting him vamp? Either way, money well spent.
LOL I just give a short brief like "Hey, can you dedicate it to the DCUO Community as if Lex Luthor is talking to them?"
Is James still voicing him? Was it a different VA just for Brainiac Returns? Certainly James is the guy who did all the classic episodes and beyond, and totally nailed it.