Level 30 and still getting my **** kicked...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Shadowfear, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. The Shadowfear New Player

    I am a level 30 staff swinging Mental and I always seem to be getting my **** kicked. I'm not really sure what to do now or how to continue leveling up. Any advice would awesome.
  2. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    Stop swingin that sword and start using your advanced mechanic, for starters.

    Then, cue up for all your t1 solos, duos, alerts. Replace your lowest gear with the drop gear and save your marks I till you can't do anything to get marks for the day and find the t1 vendor in the watch tower and buy your first piece of vendor gear which will replace your lowest piece of gear.
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  3. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    You wearing pvp gear ?
  4. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    Stop swingin that sword and start using your advanced mechanic, for starters.

    Then, cue up for all your t1 solos, duos, alerts. Replace your lowest gear with the drop gear and save your marks I till you can't do anything to get marks for the day and find the t1 vendor in the watch tower and buy your first piece of vendor gear which will replace your lowest piece of gear.
  5. Diligent Diggles Well-Known Player

    Well what is it that you're doing?
  6. The Shadowfear New Player

    I haven't messed much with PVP. Honestly, I am doing anything that is in my journal. I don't really like the mental power set. As for gear, I haven't got anything special. Mostly just what is dropped because I am poor and can't afford to upgrade my account.
  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Are you using the AM?
  8. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    You guys are acting like he knows what wm or am is.

    Try checking out the oracle help section. On that note. Go to your on duty tab and q for anything t1 and go from there
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  9. KDICHU Well-Known Player

    what he said and do the feats,
  10. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Don't use your weapon for attacks.

    use this power loadout and rotation
    close to target loadout
    resonance, psychic shock, phantom flames, telekinetic push, mass terror.

    rotation - 1. resonance > 2. psychic shock > 3. phantom flames > 4. telekinetic push > 5. mass terror, repeat 2 - 5 until victory. be close to target within 12.5 meters, just close enough that you see big number when you hit mass terror. You must have resonance up for power return. You know it is up because of the spikey purple hair around your head.

    Range from target loadout
    resonance, phantom flames, telekinetic push, telekenetic bolt, mass Levitation

    rotation - 1. resonance > 2. Phantom Flames > 3. Telekinetic push > 4. telekinetic bolt > 5. mass levitation, repeat 2 - 5 until victory. You can be at full range with this load out or just when the target turns red. You must have resonance up for power return. You know it is up because of the spikey purple hair around your head.

    You can practice either of these rotation in your base or on a sparring dummy to make sure you have it down and power return.

    spec into might. solo and duos should be easy if you are geared proper. Make sure your CR is at the minimum suggested. In raids or alert don't attack on your own these are meant as group content and they will kill you on your own. it take a group to take these down. You can tell the level of enemies and their rank by the color and symbol of their name tag.

    block when enemies attack or use the counter mechanics that were used on the ship.

    hope that helps
    • Like x 2
  11. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Forgot to mention in lower cr levels I always used the range loadout and rotation. Without a proper tank and healer getting close to enemies is a bad idea.
  12. Miserable Dedicated Player

    This guy said staff swinging. I'm done.
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  13. sirzap Well-Known Player

    Have you tried the ff:

    1. Set your Skill points in your movement mode.
    Knockback Resistant
    Stun Resistant
    Knockback Recovery
    Stun Recovery
    Breakout Mastery

    2. Since you're using staff, set your skill points
    Staff Weapon Proficiency +5 Restoration
    Martial Flowers +24 Health
    Roundhouse Combo +8 Vitalization
    Downward Smash Combo +15 Might

    its up to you how would you spread your skill points for :
    Critical Attack Chance [x3]
    Dominance [x3] Power Heal Critical Chance
    Defense [x3]
    Critical Healing Magnitude [x3]
    Power [x6]
    Precision [x6]
    Restoration [x6]
    Health [x6]

    but I recommend to allocate:
    for dominance whether you're DPS or Controller
    if you are going DPS set Critical Attack Chance, Precision , Power
    if you are going Controller set Power, Restoration
    if you are going more of defensive then go for Defense, Health

    3. Power points Get the Iconic Innates like:
    *for Defense, Healing, Recovery
    Intimidating Gaze
    Powerful Resistance
    Wisdom of Solomon

    *for more DPS/Damage
    Weapons Expert
    Tactical Genius


    you must focus more on Defense first then go for Damage/Controlling after (whichever you choose)

    make sure you use PVE gear and buy T1 gears to replace those less than Level 30 gears.
    typically I buy to replace those with the lowest level.
    maybe you should buy a new staff with level hire than 30
    • Like x 2
  14. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Watching this could be a start for you.
    If you have a question..... I could make a video to try to answer your questions.... so don't hesitate to ask. ;)
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  15. Veritech Loyal Player

    To answer your question on how to level up from lvl30;

    Once you hit 30, Combat Rating (cr) takes over as your main levelling stat.

    You can see your combat rating (calculated by the best gear in your possesion) in the stats tab of the inventory menu, or see your equip combat rating (the gear you are currently wearing) either in the same tab or next to your health bar on the top left corner of the screen.

    To raise your combat rating, you need to replace the gear you have with gear of a higher level. You can do this by running solos, duos, alerts and raids from your on duty menu.
    Solos giving the lowest cr increase and raids potentially the highest.

    You can also progress by saving the marks of victory that drop from bosses in the above mentioned instances, and purchasing vendor gear in the HQ (use your map to locate these vendors).
  16. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    This might help you a bit too.
    You may start at the 55 minutes mark if you don't want to watch the whole thing. ;)
  17. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    This might help too. ;)
  18. Tannen Committed Player

    Thanks for this. I have a mental toon ive been looking at leveling soon, and hadnt looked into loadouts yet. Much appreciated even if it wasnt aimed at me
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  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    where do babies come from :rolleyes:

    didnt say who's questions (granted I guess the quoting implies it tho crap)
  20. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Where is that coming from??? not sure if you are trying to jest or not??? :confused:

    If you want I can make you a video about the flowers and the bees if you want?? :confused:

    And yes..... as you seem to know already....... when you quote someone.... 99.378284% of the time the post is addressed to the person you are quoting.

    Not sure why I even have to mention this..... unless this was an EPIC fail at trying to make a joke?? :confused: