Let's slowly to to remove the scoreboard

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MEBegnalsFan, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Pretty much.

    It's an amusing affectation and it provides a tally of how a run went.

    It's not the only important thing in the game by any means, and it's also not the #1 bonafide cause of player issues, dispute and trouble. I think the fact that people are ******** speaks loudly enough for itself, so I can't see removing it solving any of the imagined issues that it's currently responsible for. If people really think players are going to quit being ******** because of the scoreboard, they're mistaken - instead they'll just kick you the second they see your power set or CR rating.

    Besides, with the 3 hour kick timer? I RARELY see kicks these days based on scoreboard. I've seen more kicks because of personal dispute and disconnections than i have because of 'low DPS field goal practice' since I've been back.

    I'm seriously starting to think that this is like the folks who insist that any change to R&D is meant to kill the Broker - if synthetics didn't tank the market, nothing short of playerbase genocide will manage that. 'Get rid of the scoreboard' is a learned reflex reaction to something that is now no longer effectively an actual problem because of other implemented solutions to previously existing issues.
  2. Eternal Flame Active Player

    I was using a example of what could, would, or has happened. If I can't see a guys name, but all I see next to FOR EXAMPLE "Player A" has Deaths - 15, How do I decide who to kick? You were arguing something that was completely hypothetical, to answer you question, yes, I made up the "15 deaths" part to help make a point. Please answer the question, How is the scorecard a cancer to PvE?
  3. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    It destroys teamwork. It shouldn't but it does. You would think the the majority of the community could use it correctly they dont.information it gives out in no way shows why something happens. If you need more reasons talk to derio, backseid, or many others who have been discussing this issue for a long time. Perhaps they have more time for you.
  4. Eternal Flame Active Player

    So because someone can't use their brain or correctly interpret the information, why should it be removed for everyone? You want it to be removed for everyone because of a few idiots.
  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Or to hide his own bad dps? :D
    • Like x 1
  6. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Well, in fairness... the original poster's primary crusade *right before this* was to have HL updated to include a faster start up time *AND* an arbitrarily higher balance point for melee and midrange than other power sets... Specifically comparing output of HL *only* to the output levels and speed of Ice... Then the HL changes get announced, and five seconds later he's posting about how the scoreboard needs torn down.

    In the last week or so I've even seen a lot of people complaining that the scoreboard itself was a driving factor in people complining about wanting their powers to be balanced correctly, so it smacks of irony, if not outright hypocrisy...
  7. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Maybe fairness was the wrong word.
  8. majosea Dedicated Player

    yes then
    new scorecard now reads
    for all

    [IMG] on serious note dont think its needs to be removed just revamp , pickups , deaths
    counters , ect , instead just raw power out , dps heals and trolls ect , because the numbers will differ time to time depending on the group ,
  9. Eternal Flame Active Player

  10. Gods Disciple New Player

    It sounds like you've had 1 or 2 bad experiences with individual players which has made you feel this way but tbh, the scoreboard is useful and I do not think it should be removed.

    It gives you a real life way of testing new loadouts... a lot better than just on a dummy stood still and It gives healthy competition... the main reason people play MMO's!

    If you're worried about people playing for the scoreboard then you need to play more with your league and recruit people that play for the team and not their self.

    I agree the scoreboard should have some added stats though and for me a big one has always been pick ups.
  11. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Yea why balanace powers lets just remove scoreboard and no one figure out why we cant pass this content :D
    Yea why balance powers lets just remove scoreboard no one figure out why we loose at pvp if u cant c how many times u died :D
    Im gona say no more ...!!!!!!!

  12. Eternal Flame Active Player

    The Scoreboard is nothing more then raw data, information is something you glean from raw data. The information comes when someone with some intelligence processes said data.
  13. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Well said. I disagree that content cannot be completed without the scoreboard but well said.
  14. Morcra Committed Player

    the scoreboard needs to be improved, not removed. I depend on the scoreboad to see how well im doing and whether this loadout is good or not. Its VERY helpful in those cases.