Lets have another Name Reclaim event Devs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pr0tojay, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    It makes sense after the server merge.

    I personally would want it because some guy has had my name for at least over 2 years by now. Hes been level 8 this entire time, most likely on the brainiac ship still.
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  2. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    If its someone's alt, it wouldn't matter.
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  3. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You can't be lvl 8 on the ship.
    As far as name reclaim I'd rather they allow 2 spaces and punctuation marks in our names to add variety.
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  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Yup, seriously. I have several toons that are level 3-8 that I use as mules or name holders. I cycle through them every once in a while so they stay active. If one of them happens to have a name you want, tough.
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  6. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Yeah, I read that wrong.... I thought that it meant remove any alts names that were ''unused'.
  7. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    The server merge had a mini name reclaim. The most senior, active character on an account that paid money, got to keep the name. Sorry that your character was made after a character that is more than likely an alt on another account.
  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I agreee.

    Here is how name reclaim should work though...

    Toon has not been active in the past year (no login activity).

    That is the only requirement. If you have 8 toons that sit in your toon list and only play 2 for instance and never touch the other ones, well if you do not touch them soon, the names will be reclaimed.
  9. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    It would be redundant to have another name reclaim as the server merge already got rid on any names that were contested and inactive. Here were the requirements:

    • Active Character
      • A character active in the last 90 days will keep its name over a character inactive in the last 90 days
      • If both characters are active or if both characters are inactive, continue to contributing character
    • Contributing Character
      • A character on an account that has spent money in support of the game will keep its name over a character on an account that has never contributed (free)
      • If both accounts have contributed or if neither account has contributed, continue to oldest character
    • Oldest Character
      • The character with the earliest creation date will keep its name over a younger character
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  10. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    That only goes back 90 days though. Ive got friends that literally hadnt played in several months, but logged back in before this happened just in case.
  11. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    And? I don't know what your point is. They are considered active, gave money to the game, and created their character before yours. It stinks but it is the way it is.

    How would having another name reclaim change reality? Are they no longer active? Did they no longer create the character first?
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  12. Harlequin_Nox Committed Player

    We had a name change 1 year ago, after four years of not having one.

    The game's activity has largely stabilized, and with Crossplay now we've already had another consolidation of names.

    If there is a character theme you want, try to think outside the box. If it is truly original, you will get your name.

    You can also develop a system that generally works. For me, I always use two-part names (one space between them):

    First Part: A nickname, verb/descriptor, or title. "Buggy," "Backhand," "Nuclear," or "Captain."
    Second Part: A regular name or last name. "Jones," "Pete," "Tabitha," or "Cronk."

    You have many possibilities with the small list I've just provided:
    "Buggy Jones," "Buggy Pete," "Buggy Tabitha," "Buggy Cronk," "Backhand Jones," "Backhand Pete," "Backhand Tabitha," "Backhand Cronk," "Nuclear Jones," "Nuclear Pete," "Nuclear Tabitha," "Nuclear Cronk," "Captain Jones," "Captain Pete," "Captain Tabitha," and "Captain Cronk."

    Some of these may be taken. Most of them, I guarantee, are not.

    There is no need for another Name Reclaim any time soon.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Nope, all the largely speaking un-used names have already been purged.

    In order for you to retain your name last time you had to have logged in within an "acceptable time period".

    The devs made this clear last time.

    Another name reclaim is not going to get you that name "xxbatman2099xx", just make "xxbatman2100xx".

    someone with a name on a low level alt is not against the rules whether that be genuine or whether they're reserving the name to change one of their toons too later.
  14. ErnieB Loyal Player

    if you where active you should have kept the name, and his toon been deleted by the game.
  15. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I lost Mr Fixit on my villain. He is now Mr Fixit_PS
  16. ErnieB Loyal Player

    And your friends should have stayed, you complain about an inactive character taking your names, yet your friends where inactive and only logged to keep their and leave again, how is that fair.
  17. ErnieB Loyal Player

    you can fix that, PC players for some reason always show as [PC] on the PS screens.
  18. Forsaken Mentalist Well-Known Player

    Sounds like some guy has a name You WANT. Not some guy who has your name and isnt sharing
    But, in all seriousness, if he has it as an alt, but still signs on his main, another reclaim wouldn't help you.
    • Like x 1
  19. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Lets not, didn't really enjoy seeing selling names thing all over the place.
  20. Harlequin_Nox Committed Player

    What is wrong with Mr Fix? Or Mister Fix? Or Mister Fixx? Or Master Fix? How about Master Fixx?
    Even: Fixit Master. Captain Gadget. Mister Engineer. Master Engineer. Tool Master. Master O'Toole. Mr Ficks. Mister Ficks. Master Ficks.

    You have a lot of possible options if you only get creative. If in a pinch, try googling synonyms for the name you want.