Let's be honest! For Devs and community.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    At least you acknowledge it, that's the entire point of "suggestions".
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    So true. 10/10 best comment on a post this year!
  3. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Who died and made you 100% okay with the poop show this game has become? Lol?

    Change is good, be a part of the solution, not the problem.

    Edit: I didn't agree with the OP idea either, but you don't see me being a negative nancy to change. Try to help instead of pretending like their mere suggestion is going to change the game lmao

    Some of you folks act like these suggestions are the devs themselves changing things and that your entire world is gonna end due to hypothetical discussions. Chill out.
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  4. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Actually, it did sound quite arrogant. You are openly saying "the devs left the company because they didn't listen to me, so please listen to me because I am right". That's absurdly preposterous, specially because you don't know the real reason why they left. You are simply assuming that they left out of frustration over not being able to do what YOU told them to do.
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    A quarter of the team left for a better job opportunity and another quarter got canned because 2023 was a bad fiscal year.
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  6. Great Architect Loyal Player

    There is an interesting fact about game design - that largely people are very very good at identifying the things that they believe are wrong with the game, but incredibly bad at producing solutions. This is primarily because their solutions favour heavily what they want the game to be, at the expense of what others want the game to be, and are often unrealistic. This is why the Developers don't listen to the "solutions" of the Player base per se. On occasion the Devs solutions may be same as those of a section of the community's wishlist, but that is largely coincidence.

    This is why you get threads bemoaning "That's not what we asked for". Yes it is. You asked for a change, and you got a change.

    This game has been through many changes in the past, some of which turned out to be mistakes (e.g. AM, damage reduction at range, that brief moment where we had a "Power" that did nothing but restore Power, the old Weapon Skill Trees, Power Points, OG Weapon Mastery, etc.). Is there something fundamentally broken or wrong about the game right now? I don't think there is.
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  7. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    I was being facetious.

    I'm pretty sure the point of suggestions is to bring to light a potential course of action. Nothing in those suggestions has even the tiniest minuscule chance of coming to fruition.
  8. Cana0101 New Player

    "In one fleeting moment, from the Land doth life flow
    Yet in one fleeting moment, for anew it doth grow
    In the same fleeting moment thou must live, die and know"
    - Batman before he died taking Gotham with him

  9. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    Any green mofo?
  10. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    As was I.
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  11. Owlman 2 Well-Known Player

    The Owlman agrees with you about your last comment, but never forget it was veteran players that got us to where we are today. And how many of them are left?
  12. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Veteran players NEVER asked for artifacts or allies. We did however, ask for them to remove Advanced Mechanics and Dial back on Weapon master damage, that's it. The Devs added unnecessary elements to the game that drove people away. Not only that, when removing AMs they changed a lot of power ability functions and made certain powers actually worse even though they are more balanced than they've ever been. The game has experienced identity crisis trying to find ways to monetize everything they can. The only things I actually like from the Revamp as a veteran player is the way we can distribute Skill points in the new SP trees and Augments. I hate that primary augments can't permanently level up with your character and get switched out every episode.
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  13. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    You made extremely good and valid points. However, yes, there are things wrong with this game currently. If we had the same exact game we have right now in comparison to a DCUO that was let's say...GU30 game mechanics but we had post styles, episodes, skill point trees and augments. Most real players would take the GU30 version I mentioned in a heartbeat. Again, nothing beats a failure but a try. All I ask is that they try what I suggested even if it was a trial run on the test servers on PC first.

    I like the points that you made earlier though. Very understandable from that point of view.
  14. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Please devs, make a rollback test server to test my theory.
  15. Owlman 2 Well-Known Player

    Players from the forums wanted AM's removed. It was players from the forums that wanted damage dialed down from WM. It was those players that did not like the comp and that everyone had access to do high damage if they were skilled enough. It was also those same players that complained about Pvp being unfair because they didn't want to put in the time to get the gear. They just wanted the feats without putting in the work. It was those same players that caused the revamp. What did you think was going to happen? It drove a mass majority of the game away, so they had to come up with a way to make up for the loss of players. You can thank yourself for Artifacts and Allies. People should just play the game the way it was intended to instead of being know it allies and ruining this great game to satisfy the wants of the few while the majority of the population suffers to satisfy the needs of the spoiled, entitled low skilled players that have nothing better to do but complain on a forum for a game that are really not good at. The Owlman Has spoken.
  16. Owlman 2 Well-Known Player

    And for a follow up, those so-called veteran players that demanded that AM and WM be removed, where are they today? Not playing this game anymore, that is for sure. They took their ball and went home. Not the Owlman.
  17. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    This isn't entirely false but I strongly disagree with the Artifacts and Allies being my (veteran players) fault. I'm sorry you feel that I'm not skilled at the game but it's not even about me at this point. It's much, much bigger than that. It's about the overall health of the game and the lack of initiating solutions to fix things that are clearly falling short. If they would just give what I said a shot then I have no doubt in my soul it would help reverse a lot of the damage that was done. Heck, if I'm wrong they can permanently ban my IP address so I can never play this game again. I'm truly trying to save a game I love here. The question is are you?
  18. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Correction, we didn't want WM removed, silly. We just wanted them to dial back on overperforming weapon master skills. The WM damage bonus increase to power abilities was awesome though! That's one thing I wish they kept after the revamp as well. It seems like you're going for my throat instead of helping give credible criticism to help fix this game. Accepting the way things are is (yes man) energy and won't do anyone any good in this situation. Either help or don't but please refrain from trying to meditate the impact of my post so you can get brownie points from your forum bros.
  19. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    He only complains about artifacts and allies because they cause him to lose in PvP. I've seen his numerous FB posts crying and whining about it, and saying "take off your artifacts and allies and fight me!". He's "one of those".
  20. Memories Past New Player

    I don't even care about the systems in the game combat wise anymore as heavily as I care about skill points currently. Even if I wanted to come back for the gameplay, I'm not grinding out 900-1000+ skill points by the time they implement any of those system changes. The fact the skill point system was allowed to inflate this long for profit was one of the worst decisions they've made that has led to a lot of accounts being sold and bought because newer players or returning players don't want to grind that out. Most that I know that even tried, quit around the 400-500 mark. On a personal level, I'm not grinding out hundreds of bounties in every dlc, I'm not grinding out 40+ episodes of generator mods, rnd plans, op collections, all vendor pieces purchased, hundreds of elite raids, thousands of legends pve, $5000+ on time capsules, $1000+ on artifact and ally xp, etc. just to compete in damage especially when half of the grind is rng or flat out time gated. They got me confused if they think that's even remotely going to happen lol I told people for years I'm not even debating coming back seriously regardless of what playstyle is current until there's a stat squish on skill points like they did for PvP. DC never implemented a proper catchup mechanic that involved the most important part for end game players.
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