Let's be honest! For Devs and community.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    It's not just my concerns though, it's a multitude of individuals who are fed up with the direction this game is continuing to go in. If you enjoy the game the way it is now then that's fine but it doesn't change the fact that this is the worse state it's ever been in. It doesn't change the fact that numbers matter more than our personal feelings on what should or shouldn't be done. As a company, their first priority is to see how can they make a profit from all this. More players, different more innovative ways to earn things in-game, would usually equate to more money overall. Reel in the people by giving them what they want. It's that simple.

    2014 DCUO had its issues, yes, but it terms of overall enjoyment, gameplay experience and player engagement, it's unmatched in comparison to after the revamp. Yes, I'm extremely grateful that Advanced Mechanics are gone. It wasn't good for the longevity of the game and it was extremely unbalanced. If the game functioned like it did before the revamp this game would be flooded with players. The issue is that through the increased monetization, this game has lost its identity. Artifacts, Allies, Breakthrough mechanics, they all moved it in a direction foreign to what players remembered the game was like. Funny enough, people are saying that we all have to get over it and adapt but wouldn't the same be said for everyone if they decided to take my advice and bring a lot of older things back? You all would have to readapt to the meta wave as well, correct? It goes both ways.
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  2. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    You know what, there's some truth to what you're saying but I will also agree to disagree with a lot of what you're saying. Whether what I'm asking for looks bizarre or outlandish doesn't change the fact that the state of this game is clearly deteriorating. Mock me as much as you like, when this ship sinks the only people to blame will be the ones who didn't fight for change and belittled the efforts of people that truly wanted the game to thrive. The destruction of a dynasty comes from within it. You are a perfect example of that.
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  3. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    When I said force I should have been more specific. What I meant was of players wanted the weapon master power bonuses they would need to use their weapons more. I did state that we keep the way skill points are distributed so that includes if one would like to spec for superpower or whatever they'd like.
  4. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Like how they have test servers, I wish they made a test server with pre revamp, pre artifacts, pre allies, 2014 gameplay mechanics but with current content, current augments, current way we use skill points and I bet my entire paycheck that there would be far more players on that server than the current revamp ones we have now. I say that with utmost confidence.
  5. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Those are good ideas. Eradicating poverty, famine and disease worldwide are also good ideas.
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  6. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    True, luckily this would be easier to accomplish in comparison to real world problems and afflictions.
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  7. Metallix Well-Known Player

    Take stat clap out of the game or give us an option if we wanna be star clap or our regular combat but to be honest stat clap made players sorry we need it the way it use to be the game really needs work on it it's a lot of problems we need new powers new abilities for traits new skins new hairstyle and rework on the old hairstyles two more artifacts slots
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  8. Metallix Well-Known Player

    Can we get a name reclaim for the league ik it's a lot of people quit dcuo in its names our there ill want but can't use it
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  9. M3RCURY97 Level 30

    The stat clamp needs adjustment. Why don't they just add a piece of gear? It will buff players in old content. Downside is more of a grind for new episode gear.
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  10. Captain Catalunya Active Player

    We need more Time Capsules. One at month
  11. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... Who died and made you the Pope of a "multitude of individuals". There are plenty of individuals with all sorts of "concerns" - you don't speak for them, in fact most of them are probably concerned about completely different things and expect different solutions.

    Lol... What nonsense. That's not a fact, it's an opinion, colored by the fact that you've been playing the game for too long, so that you're bored with it, yet you're not very good at it either. You imagine that if the game went back to the way it was when it was new and fresh to you and when you had a good time - you'd enjoy it the same way again, but that's just naive. And I don't believe there are a lot of people, who would be happy with your proposed "solutions" - as evidenced in this very thread.

    lol... You don't have any "numbers". All you're presenting are your personal feelings of nostalgia. Which is why nobody cares about your opinion, or your ideas, except the few players on the forum who only care enough to tell you, that you're wrong.

    Bottom line is - the game is going to continue more-less in the direction it's been going, nobody's going to remove artifacts, or the stat clamp, or whatever else is grinding your gears. Learn to live with it or move on to another game.
  12. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Slightly easier, sure. But all still fall under the umbrella “no chance in hell” which was kind of my point.
  13. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    Instead of asking big, I would love to fix some core problems first.
    Here is a little list, what bothers me since years:
    - Why the characters not fixed postioned in the character selection screen, why they have to move down in the list? Fix it. Like Fix Fix.
    - Why the currencies are random orders in my every character? Why It can't be organized?
    - Why the ammenities are useless for might user dps players? After A and B, the other options are garbages and/or I can't benefit.
    - Why most of the legg mods are useless? Some of my characters cant have viable options.
    - Why the crafting is laggy, can't craft multiple items at once, and why is not sorted with tabs?
    - Why some of the powers can't be canceled? Its frustrating that I can't get out from aoe dmg because of this.
    - Why we don't have a proper group finding system instead of spamming a chat? Its 2024...
    - Why don't we have a searchable and trackable feat system?
    - Why the skill trees are boring?
    - Why some of the skills are useless and never been used? Why don't you remove it and make the remaining a bit useful?
    - Why the omnipotent gears haven't two sockets or why dont we get a fully upgraded one again, after we leveled up to max? Its not support the players who are playing both roles of its powers.
    - Why don't we have a proper buff and debuff bar?

    And a list goes on and on...

    And for the rest:
    The stat clamp has to be purged. Its not just a bad idea in the first place (limit the game potential in a sub based game, gg), it makes players to not play alts, or going back to old contents, because they don't want to spam chat for old bountys, or old instance or else.
    All artifacts and allies has to be account bound and usable in every characters. Becasue of the current system, I am not able to try other builds and game styles. Mostly because of this ****** artifact system.
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  14. KidKretz Committed Player

    with years of hindsight behind us regarding the clamp, a couple things will remain true, even after a simple gear change is made to it

    1. players still wont know how to build properly. i will still see ppl with rainbow augs and lvl 19 of bad artifacts

    2. there will still exist alerts/raids with cryptic mechanics ppl just cannot figure out or understand what is going on

    3. getting 1-shotted by not pressing block during a boss attack will continue

    as much as i want rid of the clamp, after all these years i would much rather the devs teach their playerbase how to properly play their game first. maybe then we can overcome the clamp together :p
  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    What you're asking for is, at the very least, the equivalent of an NGE-level change for the game, for no other apparent reason than you think it will bring the game back to glory. That is both unreasonable and unrealistic.

    And the ability of players to make new accounts could and probably would throw off any sort of accuracy you might have with an in-game polling system. That ability to make new accounts is one of the problems with trying to fight against spammers, after all.
  16. Shadoe New Player

    The best first move they could make would be adding complete crossplay. All groups, markets, etc... just ONE server, basically. There is a semi-healthy population on consoles... but, it's disappearing, more than ever now with other options. The reason is that the game seems 'dead'. If they combined through 100% crossplay, this would make the game seem very populated.
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  17. Metallix Well-Known Player

    If they taken y'all money we should get what we ask for
  18. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    Agreed, but it's easier said than done. There are a few obstacles that come with making the game cross-play like getting all the servers together, update scheduling across different platforms (Nintendo sometimes is very finicky with updates), players losing their names, tweaking the game to prevent performance issues, and time, which is a very big factor. With all that being said, it's still doable, it's just a matter of if. I've seen games that are still in early access with a team of 6-9 developers set up crossplay across all platforms. So if they can do it, the DCUO team is definitely capable.
  19. Roocck Committed Player

    Working hard for years to get maxed gear, CR, and skill points to become strong and then returning to find out that stat clamp has been implemented, making everyone weak and unable to easily defeat enemies, would feel like all that effort was for nothing.
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  20. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    This is entirely and utterly true. Even the "non naysayers" are a perfect example of that. They don't want the game to change, and that is an extreme detriment in itself. They go as far to even dismiss hypothetical discussions that could never even come into fruition lol!