Let us save Ally to Armories!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by qECLIPSEp, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. qECLIPSEp Well-Known Player

    Can we please have a fix for saving ally set ups to armories? I use different ally set ups for different armories and they will save as long as I'm on but as soon as I log off I have to go back anf do it again. Please can you make this so that armories save these set ups as equipment?
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  2. Leonite Well-Known Player

    Agree. Passive power regeneration is good while troll'ing but useless when prec-based dps'ing.
  3. Evanhhs Well-Known Player

    Wel they might as well make generator modes saveable in armories;)
  4. Leonite Well-Known Player

    I can understand that Generator mods doesn't fit in armories since the mods are consumed when placed in the generator. Others like artifacts, augs, and allies are not.
  5. Capt. Retro Well-Known Player

    Yes this would be a nice QoL change. Everytime I log in I need to re save my allies to their respective loadouts because logging out will always reset this, but as long as I'm still signed in it will keep the armories I've set during that session. It is a bit silly to constantly have to redo it because I want to deploy my allies differently based on my armory setup. Thanks for your time.
  6. Leonite Well-Known Player