Legion Flight Ring

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by QuantumFlange, Nov 21, 2024.

  1. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    Please stick this in a vendor now.

    The alert is inanely dull, nothing but unskippable cutscenes and the ring drop rates are ridiculous. I’ve run the alert over 200 times and have never seen a single ring drop…

    I get it, RNG is the nature of the game, but PLEASE spare us the hell of those interminable cutscenes and the imposed 2 minute stand-around (or fitness test as it’s officially called) and let us buy it directly, or turn up the drop rate significantly!

    I’ll even settle for cutscene skip consoles - anything to save my sanity.

    Please and thank you xoxo
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  2. KidKretz Committed Player

    just curious if you have run it via elite?

    one of the posts about that ring mentions they got pretty fast doing elite, speculating on the huge difference of drop rates between the two
  3. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    I had a similar issue trying to get the robocop helmet from phantom zone alert. Back in 2016 tried running it daily for 6 months. Spent replay badges, nothing. I quit in 2016 and returned 2 years ago. 4rth day back and I get it to drop from an elite run.
  4. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    A fair few of them have been elite runs, but the majority were normal.

    It’s so hard to get anyone to run that alert normally, let alone getting a group for elite runs :’(
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I had gotten 2 on drops back in the day when this was 'current', which is incredible as I have bad drop luck AND I didn't run this alert all that often(maybe 1 or 2x on elite even) for the reasons you mention above...it's pretty boring for like 8 min of cutscenes.

    I'd guess the drop rate was adjusted at some point....they should adjust it back some.
  6. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    People I know have all gotten it from reg runs. I have been unlucky but I only run it in content dry spells when I remember I still need it. Thanks for reminding me :oops: ;)
  7. Multiverse Creator League

    You pretty much need to get it from the Broker.
    Pretty much what I did for multiple characters. :oops:
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  8. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    I’d love to, but there’s never any on the broker :(

    The drop rate needs looking at but more ideally so it should be added to the 31st Vendor, it shouldn’t be so ridiculously rare for content that’s 4 years old.

    Getting into HQ is hard enough, let alone running it enough to get the damn ring to drop.

    Devs can you please consider adding the ring to the 31st vendor?
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  9. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Or at the very least, adjust the drop rate?
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  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    The original 3 items of this type are all available from the Dr. Fate Vendor in the House of Legends. The Legion Flight Ring really should be, as well.
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  11. PlayerNumberWhoKnows Active Player

    The skip cutscene console /option would be very good, time saver. In every instance (solo duo alert raid) it should be optional so players can consent to skip it, and also watch it still if they dont want to skip those.
    With one word: TIME
    it could save a lot
    Its also there in some episodes and some instances but mostly not, wonder whats with the inconsistency, maybe its the devs time being saved by not working on the skip cutscene thing, not the players time.
  12. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    The main issue with this is: Do you allow one player to choose skipping the cutscenes for everyone? Do you make it so all players have to use the console, in order to skip the cutscenes, or do you make it so using the console opens a vote? Do you allow a simple majority (3 out of 4, or 5 out of 8) to skip, like when voting to kick or to reopen an instance? Do you only make the console active if everyone in the group has seen the cutscene, so new players don't miss out on the story?

    That's why the option is mainly only there in certain solos. But yes, I would like to see a way of at least skipping the "orientation" cutscene. It's too long, boring, and adds very little to the story, other than a joke about how long and boring the orientation is. And it's really only funny the first time.
  13. PlayerNumberWhoKnows Active Player

    Imo all or nothing. it has to be unanimous. when going with a premade group of any size, its not that hard, its fast and simple. other than that we have to watch, it would be still much better. as of now we have to wait it out all the time

    That episode 46 solo is obnoxious too with the cutscenes, and its a solo.
    the main issues is something we probably dont know, cuz they dont tell it.
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  14. Korlick Loyal Player

    I dont know if you already got it or not, but just in case, letting you know that right now theres 4 rings in the broker (US Server).
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  15. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    Maybe they can make a new flight ring with current dlc level stats like they did with the speed force ring for the anniversary event. They made a second speed force ring.
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  16. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    And then make it available in the anniversary vendor, like the Speed Force ring. Of course, the vendor ring wouldn't give the feat, but at least we could get the ring.
  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I notice you didn't mention how much they were going for. o_O
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  18. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    IT FINALLLLYYYYYYYYYY DROPPED (for someone else in my group but they were kind enough to sell it to me).

    200+ runs later and I’ll NEVER have to set foot in that alert again thank god.

    Super cool way to make people hate certain content ^^
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  19. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Well, I had to farm for money, as it were, but I've managed to grab 3 or 4 of them from the Auction Broker for my characters that have either Super Speed or Acrobatics as their normal Movement Mode.

    We still need these to be in the Dr. Fate Vendor, though. And we need equivalent new Movement Mode items for the other 3 Movement Modes, ESPECIALLY Skimming!
  20. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    This comment right here about drop drop rate making people hate the content sums up why abysmal drop rate rng is a failed way to run a game. You don't get excited to run stuff because you know it's not gonna drop. It also apply to tc and resurgence capsules. I haven't spent anything only the last 4 that has come out.