Legends PvP guide- Your Favorite Character(s)

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by The Enquirer, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Kyle Rayner

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Kyle Rayner........... A brief summary of playing as Kyle Rayner
    Powers...................................... A list of usable powers
    Weapon Combos........................ A list of weapon combos
    General Tips.............................. Basic tips for using Kyle Rayner
    Advanced.................................. Advanced tips such as baiting and counter punishment
    The Recap................................. What you should come away knowing
    Fighting Kyle Rayner................... How to fight Kyle Rayner
    Closing Remarks......................... Thanks for reading!
    Click here for specific statistics

    Intro to using Kyle Rayner

    Kyle Rayner is a character with slightly lower than average health who uses one handed as his weapon and flight as his movement mode. His survivability is increased due to having access to a shield. He is a fairly easy character to learn and has some nice opportunities to clip due to one of his powers having a precision combo.


    Construct Pencil- A single target power that lunges you towards your target and knocks them down. You can tap melee to utilize combos from this power at no additional power cost.
    • Combo 1- A conus AoE power that can sends opponents into the air. It interrupts ranged attacks and is vulnerable to block.
    • Combo 2- A conus AoE power that knocks back opponents. It interrupts ranged attacks and is vulnerable to block.
    • Combo 3- A conus AoE power that knocks back opponents. It interrupts ranged attacks.
    Inspired Blast- A 360 degree AoE attack that knocks back opponents.

    Flying Fists- A mutlitarget conus knockdown that moves you towards an enemy. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your regular weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost and is a good power to clip with.

    Lantern Ward- A 360 degree AoE attack that can push back opponents. As long as your opponent is within range of it, they will continue to receive damage from it. It hits for 4 ticks of damage.

    Mind Over Matter- A shield that will absorb all damage for 3 hits or 1652 damage. For each hit absorbed you will regenerate a small amount of power.

    Conflagurate- A ranged AoE that will stun opponents and apply a DoT that will hit for 4 ticks of damage.

    Weapon Combos

    Quick Chop (Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Your basic lunge attack.

    Focused Blast (Hold range) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- Your basic block breaker.

    Air Launch (tap melee, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A quick slash that launches opponents upwards and has a knock back effect.

    Spin Chop (tap melee x2, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is one of your go-to attacks. A quick but powerful attack.

    Flurry (tap melee x3, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An attack that stuns opponents and hits for 4 ticks of damage. This is another go to attack as it is good for power regeneration, stunning, and very good clipping as it has a somewhat lengthy animation.

    Cleave (tap melee x3, hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Used right after flurry, this attack will probably never really be used unless you are out of power to clip with. It has a chance to knockdown. It does decent damage, but often times it is just better to clip, or start a new combo.

    Flip Slash (tap melee x4, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is your heavy hitting attack. It has a lengthy animation so clipping helps a lot. It can also knock back opponents.

    Spin Slash (tap melee x5) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Hitting for 2 ticks of damage and with a knock back chance, this is sadly another attack that will most likely not be used often as it does not deal very much damage when compared to an attack you can get for less clicks/taps.
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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    Kyle is fairly easy to learn as long as you understand basic clipping mechanics. You're generally going to be clipping your attacks with flying fists as it's extremely power efficient.

    On occasion you'll be clipping your attacks with construct pencil for baiting purposes. This will be discussed more in depth in the baiting section.

    Watch your power as Kyle's burst damage, while not overly taxing, can still take a decent chunk of power.

    Lantern Ward deals low damage for each tick. You're really only going to want to use this power on nodes wherein all the ticks are likely to hit.

    Your shield is one of the most power efficient shields in the game actually. It gives you back power, so at the end of it, it will have only cost you just over 10% of your power, compared to other shield's 20% to 25%.

    Inspired blast does not split damage which does make it ideal for situations where you're surrounded.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.


    Baiting is the process of tricking your enemies into blocking or lunging at you so you can effectively counter them. Baiting an enemy relies heavily on knowing their reaction times, so it may take a few rounds before you learn to bait an opponent effectively.

    Baiting with One-Handed relies on letting your opponent become familiar with your attack pattern and changing it so you can easily punish their blocks. Due to the simplistic nature of the weapon itself it is mostly going to rely on your own reaction time and accurately being able to predict your opponent.

    You can use construct pencil to bait opponents as well. There is a small window wherein you can wait to use the first combo. If your opponent knows that the combo is blockable it's certainly possible that they will block. Wait to see what they do and then react to it.

    After a Hard Stun

    To deal the best possible counter punishment with Kyle use the following combo:

    Block Breaker > Clipped with Construct Pencil > Construct Pencil Combo > clipped with Flying Fists > Air Launch > Clipped with Inspired Blast

    Fighting Against Kyle

    Many players get predictable and will continue to do the same weapon combos over and over again, particularly with one handed.

    It is possible to counter bait Kyle to a degree if you're quick enough. Remember that bit about how you can bait people into blocking with the construct pencil? Use that to your advantage. Try to force them to use and miss a block breaker.

    Kyle's shield restores power and there isn't much of a way around that. However his shield can be tapped down, meaning if you hit it once per second for 3 seconds, his shield will cease to function. When the shield is up don't go nuts trying to hit it with a ton of damage. You'll only expose yourself to more counters, and most likely, waste power.

    The Recap
    • Be sure to understand basic clipping mechanics
    • Know where and when to use your shield
    • Use Construct Pencil to bait opponents
    Closing Remarks
    Thanks for reading this guide on Kyle Rayner requested by MsTickle Fate!
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  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I completely forgot to respond to this when I had tested this, yes, you do only get one pet.
    • Like x 2
  4. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Had to edit the above post as I realized it was a bit confusing. Sorry about that!
  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    By Sabigya

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Two-Face............ An introduction to Two-Face
    Powers................................... List of usable powers
    Harvery Domination.................. Info on powers in Harvey Domination.
    Two Face Domination............... Info on power in Two Face Domination
    Rifle Weapon Combo's............. Two Face’s Rifle’s weapon combos
    General tips.............................Fighting as Two-Face
    Advanced................................ A few more advanced tips to playing as Two-Face
    The Recap.............................. A summary of Two-Face
    Fighting Two-Face....................How to play against Two-Face
    Closing remarks...................... Thanks for reading
    Click here and scroll down for specific statistics

    Intro to using Two-Face

    Two-Face is a high health character who uses the rifle as his weapon and acrobatics as his movement mode. He relies on counter punishment, range attacks and his mobility to take down enemies. He is the only Legend with two SuperCharges. Two-Face is a primarily offensive character, who is deadly at long range, and very dangerous at mid/close range.


    Bullet Storm- A long range channeled conus attack that is vulnerable to interrupt. It will hit for 7 ticks of damage. It is noted that this can and should be jump clipped.

    In Your Face- An AoE attack, that pushes the user away from enemies while knocking down opponents. It deals increased damage to helpless enemies and grants dodge for 2 seconds. It is notable that this is usable while controlled.

    Twisted Minds- Spawns 3 ranged henchmen to assist you in battle.

    Fire Barrel- Places a barrel that explodes when it comes in contact with an enemy and leaves a large AoE field that damages all enemies within it. It will hit for 6 ticks of damage.

    Harvey Domination- Turns Two-Face into One Face, granting him a blue aura, increased health and new sets of abilities for a limited amount of time.

    Two-Face Domination- Grants the user a red aura, increased critical weapon chance and a new set of abilities for a limited amount of time.

    Harvey Domination

    Bullet Barrage- A long range channeled conus attack that grants 75% damage mitigation. It will hit for 4 ticks of damage. Unlike Bullet Storm this is not vulnerable to interrupt.

    In Your Face- An AoE attack that pushes the user away from enemies while knocking down opponents. It is notable that this is usable while controlled.

    Twisted Minds- Spawns 3 long ranged Riot Officers that will snare and encase enemies.

    Oil Barrel- Places a barrel that explodes when in contact with an enemy. It will knockdown enemies 3 times.

    Two-Face Domination

    Bullet Storm- A long range channeled conus attack that will deal large amounts of damage while leaving a DoT. The power will hit for 7 ticks of damage and the DoT will hit for 4 ticks of damage. This attack is vulnerable to interrupt and can and should be jump cancelled.

    In Your Face- An AoE attack that pushes the user away from enemies while knocking down opponents followed by 4 ticks of damage. It is currently bugged and deals no damage on helpless enemies other than the small DoT. It is notable that this is usable while controlled.

    Twisted Minds- Spawns 3 Melee/Range Henchmen to assist you in battle.

    Acid Barrel- Places a barrel that explodes when it comes in contact with an enemy and leaves a large AoE field that damages all enemies within it. It will hit for 15 ticks of damage.
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  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Weapon Combos

    Note: Two-Face’s rifle combos are the same as regular Rifle combos though with different animations and a few changes.

    Surprise Volley (Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Your standard lunge that deals 4 ticks of damage.If any tick of this attack is blocked you will be countered. This is a unique lunge in that it does not move you very far at all.

    Full Auto (Hold Range) Block Breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- Your basic block breaker, this attack will combo into other range attacks. Hits for 2 ticks of damage.

    Grenade Launcher (Tap Range)- Launches a Grenade from your rifle that hits all enemies in a AoE around it's impact.

    Flame Thrower (Hold Range, Hold Forward Key when close to enemy) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt-Your block breaker when you are close to the enemy. This can be jump cancelled.

    Back Slide (Hold Range, Hold Backwards Key when close to enemy) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt-Slides away from the enemy while stunning them and dealing 3 ticks of damage.

    Sliding Barrage (Hold Range, Hold Forwards Key when away from enemy)- Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt. Slide forward into battle while stunning enemies and dealing 2 ticks of damage.

    Mortar (Hold Range, Hold Backward key when away from enemy) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- Drops mortars on the enemies with an AoE attack that deals 3 ticks of damage.

    Overhead Smash (Tap melee x3, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to Block- Slam your rifle on the enemy. [Note: In the description it says (Tap 1, Hold) but that is false and requires an update or a fix].

    Rifle Slam (Tap melee x5)- Backfist your enemy with a rifle knocking back your target.

    General Tips

    Place your barrel when you have CC immunity or Counter immunity to make sure it gets placed. It is best to place it right on top of your enemy when they are countered. You can also place it on nodes to make sure the enemy comes in contact with it.

    Be sure when not in combat to place a barrel down.

    You can spawn minions then use your Supercharge and use their corresponding henchmen to have 6 out at the same time. This works great because it distracts the enemy for a good period of time, also sometimes stops an enemy from lunging towards you and most importantly splits damage.

    In team matches where your allies are busy fighting enemies, it is best to give them support from range as that is where Two-Face does the best.

    Due to the limited number of active abilities, in your face will be your most used power. In node maps it can be rather annoying as you will be going back and forth from the node so be rather weary of that.

    When in Harvey Domination you can practically use Bullet Barrage as soon as it comes off cooldown as it has no risk involved with it, deals massive amount of damage, pushes back the enemy while granting you 75% damage mitigation for all damage. This is practically your “I win” button.

    Hunt for healing barrels. They grant you supercharge and the supercharge itself costs very little to use. A good Two Face player will be able to spend more time in his Supercharge mode than out of it.


    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.


    Baiting is the process of tricking your enemies into blocking or lunging at you so you can effectively counter them. Baiting an enemy relies heavily on knowing their reaction times, so it may take a few rounds before you learn to bait an opponent effectively.

    Baiting with rifle relies largely on making use of the tap range attacks. After Gu36, Grenade Launcher is no longer a block breaker but you can still use it to feint enemies into believing you are using an interruptible attack and use it to catch an enemy off guard to force them to lunge.

    You can also jump cancel Bullet Storm in order to bait enemies to lunge towards you.

    Repeatedly tapping melee can also help both due to baiting your enemies into blocking and getting the hit counter up so you can utilize your Super Charge sooner.

    Hard Stuns

    There are a few rotations you will fall back on to get the most damage out of when you hard stun an opponent.

    Block Breaker > overhead smash > Bullet Storm > Jump Cancel > Tap melee > In your Face.

    The Recap

    • Primarily Offensive character that relies on counter punishment, ranged attacks and mobility to take down enemies.
    • Use your pets to split damage and distract the enemy.
    • Harvey Domination is in most situations is the better Supercharge.
    • Bait enemies with Grenade Launcher, this can also be used to force an enemy off the node.
    • Use range attacks if you notice the enemies are busy with your allies.
    Fighting Two-Face

    Be cautious when you notice a Two-Face in your enemy team, and try to take him down quickly as possible and not allow him to be in any ranged position.

    Try not to worry too much about his pets, as they do not do much damage. You can simply lock your target on the face in order to neutralize his mobility.

    In node maps, Two-Face will be jumping around a lot. Try to stay on the node and score as many points as possible.

    Many Two-Face will use Surprise Volley a lot. If you block one of the ticks they will be countered.

    Barrels have health, you can take them out in long range. Panic/Stun/Knockback will immediately stop a Two-Face from placing his barrel.

    If the Two-Face enters Harvey Domination, you can use lunges in order to grant yourself Dodge from the damage from Bullet Storm.

    Closing Remarks

    Thank you for reading this guide from Sabigya! Hope this helped out a bit!
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  7. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Reserved for more information regarding Two Face should his guide become expanded later on as there isn't much room for more information.
    • Like x 1
  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    By TheWhiteFace

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Deathstroke............. An introduction to Deathstroke
    Powers....................................... List of usable powers
    Stealth Powers............................ Powers you can use while in stealth
    One handed Weapon Combos ..... A list of one handed weapon combos
    General tips................................ Fighting as Deathstroke
    Advanced.................................... A few advanced tips to playing as Deathstroke
    The Recap................................... A summary of Deathstroke
    Fighting Deathstroke.....................How to play against Deathstroke
    Closing remarks........................... SPRING BREAK!
    Click here for specific statistics

    Intro to using Deathstroke

    Deathstroke is a high health character. He uses one handed as his weapon and acrobatics as his movement mode. Some of his powers have combos that can be countered by block or interrupt. He can be an offensive character meaning that clipping is (somewhat) viable. However, when using his power combos it is recommended to execute them while counter immunity is active.

    Concussive Grenade- A 360 degree AoE attack that stuns enemies.

    Sniper Shot- A single target power that hits for high damage. It has long range and is vulnerable to interrupt for 1.5 seconds while channeling. It deals more damage to enemies at 35% health or less. You should only use this after getting a counter.

    Onslaught- A short ranged conus AoE attack that hits for high damage. You can hold melee and combo into another attack called Onslaught Slice.
    • Hold Melee- Initiate a combo for no power that is a short ranged conus AoE attack and knocks down enemies. It is vulnerable to block and hits for high damage.
    Shock Staff- Shock Staff is a 360 degree AoE attack that stuns enemies and has a delay before the damage and stun effect is applied. You will not use this.

    Backflip Burst- An attack that deals damage to a single target and pushes you away from your enemies. If you hold range it triggers Follow-Up Grenade.
    • Hold Range- A combo that costs no power to use and is vulnerable to interrupt and has a cast bar. Follow-Up Grenade is a ranged based 360 degree AoE attack and knocks down enemies. You will not be using this.
    Covert- Allows you to turn invisible and unlocks 3 new powers for use. It costs no power to use. One hit from an enemy removes you from stealth. You retain some tray abilities as well.

    Stealth Powers
    His stealth powers are accompanied by Concussive Grenade, Sniper Shot, Onslaught, and Skilled Sword. Note that the said powers cost power. Surprise Attack and Cuff 'em do not cost power.

    Skilled Sword- This power is a short ranged conus AoE attack that stuns enemies and hits for 4 ticks of damage. Note that this power is vulnerable to block.

    Surprise Attack- A single target melee attack that hits for high damage.

    Cuff 'em- A short ranged power that can stun an enemy. Be careful when using this since in close proximity there is a chance of getting hit which removes stealth. While using this power it retains stealth.

    One Handed Weapon Attacks
    Quick Chop (Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Your basic lunge attack.

    Focused Blast (Hold range) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- Your basic block breaker.

    Air Launch (tap melee, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A quick slash that launches opponents upwards and has a knock back effect.

    Spin Chop (tap melee x2, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is one of your go-to attacks. A quick but powerful attack.

    Flurry (tap melee x3, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An attack that stuns opponents and hits for 4 ticks of damage. This is another go to attack as it is good for power regeneration, stunning, and very good clipping as it has a somewhat lengthy animation.

    Cleave (tap melee x3, hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Used right after flurry, this attack will probably never really be used unless you are out of power to clip with. It has a chance to knockdown. It does decent damage, but often times it is just better to clip, or start a new combo.

    Flip Slash (tap melee x4, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is your heavy hitting attack. It has a lengthy animation so clipping helps a lot.

    Spin Slash (tap melee x5) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Hitting for 2 ticks of damage and with a knock back chance, this is sadly another attack that will most likely not be used often as it does not deal very much damage when compared to an attack you can get for less clicks/taps.
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  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    How to fight as Deathstroke

    Deathstroke is honesty not the best legend. However he's not the worst either. To actually be effective with Deathstroke you need to be good with countering your enemy and executing burst damage. Deathstroke has a moderate burst damage and some of his powers can be clipped. However it is advised to use his combos when you have counter immunity.

    Covert allows you to utilize several tray abilities and 3 new powers. However, covert also does not give Deathstroke any critical bonuses while it is active. This makes it useless to use anything other than surprise attack while in stealth as that is your highest hitting attack.

    Right now Sniper Shot has some targeting issues and it commonly misses the target completely. So just keep that in mind when aiming it.

    You can clip sniper shot with a breakout trinket or soder and still receive the damage from it.

    Shock Staff is pretty much useless. For the animation time it has and the power cost it has, the damage is simply too low. Clipping an attack with this power will drastically extend your counter window.

    Backflip Burst on it's own isn't a bad attack for single target situations. However the follow up grenade combo from it has a cast bar. So unlike your average precision combo it cannot be clipped. The damage from the grenade simply isn't high enough to justify utilizing it.

    Onslaught is VERY power hungry so you shouldn't be using this to clip your attacks with. The combo from it is also very slow and can be very easily blocked, so you should not be using that combo unless you have counter immunity. Remember that you can clip precision combos like this one.

    Concussive Grenade is more useful than Backflip Burst in most situations unless you are trying to avoid damage splitting.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.


    Baiting is the process of tricking your enemies into blocking, block breaking, or lunging at you so you can effectively counter them. Baiting an enemy relies heavily on knowing their reaction times, so it may take a few rounds before you learn to bait an opponent effectively.

    Baiting with One-Handed relies on letting your opponent become familiar with your attack pattern and changing it so you can easily punish their blocks. Due to the simplistic nature of the weapon itself it is mostly going to rely on your own reaction time and accurately being able to predict your opponent.

    Keep in mind that flip slash has a longer animation time and is more likely to be blocked. Using these attacks for damage purposes can be good, but don't use them too often if your opponent is quick on figuring out which attacks you resort to. They can result in you being blocked more easily.

    After a hard stun

    After a hard stun the best counter punishment available for Deathstroke is:

    Onslaught > Onslaught Slice [Combo] > clipped with Covert > Surprise Attack > Concussive Grenade or Backflip Burst.

    If Covert is on cool-down:

    Spin Chop > clipped with Onslaught > Onslaught Slice [Combo] > clipped with Concussive Grenade or Backflip Burst.

    If enemy is below 35%:

    Onslaught > Onslaught Slice [Combo] > clipped with Sniper Shot.

    The Recap
    -Deathstroke is not the best legend, nor is he the worst.
    -Be sure to clip your attacks and use his combos when you have counter immunity.
    -Try not to use Shock Staff or backflip burst's combo.
    -Watch your power.

    Fighting Deathstroke

    Deathstroke may seem threatening at first, but he's certainly not the master assassin in the wrong hands.

    Keep in mind, Deathstroke really doesn't have a lot of options in terms of good burst damage. Deathstroke players may be similar to Joker players in the regards to the fact that they can be predictable; they may end up in a cycle of using the same weapon combos.

    Deathstroke also has a number of powers vulnerable to block and interrupt. For example: Sniper Shot, Skilled Sword, Follow-Up Grenade (combo), and Onslaught Slice. (Combo.) If a Deathstroke uses one of the following out of counter immunity you can use that against him and score an easy counter.

    There is a chance that Deathstroke will either lunge or his Follow-Up Grenade after Backflip Burst.

    Closing Remarks
    A special thanks to TheWhiteFace for writing this guide and he'd also like to wish everyone a happy spring break mid winter because why not?
    • Like x 4
  10. Marcos Active Player

    A tip for Deathstroke: his finisher is clipable with soda or trinket. (dont know if its a bug or intend)
    Use the finisher skill, clip with soda or trinket, after clipping you can move around, use weapon combos and/or use another skill, and the damage wont miss your target. If you jump, the damage from finisher will be canceled. Also, the vulnerability window will long it's normal time.
    • Like x 1
  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    This is actually pretty darned interesting. So if you've got a soder ready you can potentially get an extra 350 damage or so out of his finisher. I'll add this in! Thanks!
    • Like x 2
  12. Marcos Active Player

    You're always welcome, me dear =D
    • Like x 1
  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Saint Walker
    By TheWhiteFace

    Table of Contents
    Intro to playing as Saint Walker..... Introduction to Saint Walker
    Powers........................................ List of usable powers
    Weapon Combo's ........................ A list of Martial Arts weapon combos
    General tips................................. Fighting as Saint Walker
    Advanced.................................... A few advanced tips to playing as Saint Walker
    The Recap................................... Summary of Saint Walker
    Fighting the Brother...................... How to play against Saint Walker
    Closing remarks........................... SPRING BREAK!
    Click here and scroll down for specific statistics

    Intro to Playing as Saint Walker

    Saint Walker is a low health character. He uses Martial Arts as his weapon and flight as his movement mode. He is currently one of the worst characters in the game. However he is very easy to learn.


    Salvo of Adara- A conus AoE attack that knocks down enemies and deals 5 ticks of damage.

    Azure Shockwave- A 360 degree AoE attack that knocks down enemies.

    Purposeful Strikes- A single target power that hits for high damage. It has short range and is vulnerable to interrupt for 1.6 seconds while channeling. It deals more damage to enemies at 35% health or less. You should only use this after getting a counter.

    Temperance- A 360 degree AoE attack that pushes back nearby enemies and applies a DoT.

    Sustaining Spirit- A weak shield that absorbs damage for three hits and restores power for each hit. It is notable that it is usable while controlled. It however cannot be used while countered

    Hope- A 50% supercharge that restores health and power, absorbs damage, and grants immunity to control effects for a short time.

    Weapon Combo's
    Axe Kick (hold melee) Interrupts, vulnerable to block- Your basic lunge move.

    Knee launch (tap melee, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A quick attack that does somewhat low damage, but is good to interrupt people.

    Cartwheel kick (tap melee x2, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Another quick attackthat has a chance to stun the enemy. It is a very good move to clip. This is often a martial arts users "go to" attack.

    Elbow drop (tap melee x3, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A longer move that is best clipped but provides good single target damage.

    Spinning Punch (tap melee x4, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An AoE attack that hits for pretty high damage. Be careful because if anyone near you is blocking you will be hard stunned.

    Smokebomb- (tap melee x5, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A 360 degree AoE that stuns and deals massive damage. It is easily blocked so you will not use it too often.

    Heavy Shuriken (hold range) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A very quick block breaker.

    Shuriken Storm (hold range x2) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A block breaker that hits in a wide cone in front of you, and can stun opponents as well as hits for multiple ticks of damage. The number of ticks of damage it does varies.

    Enhanced Shuriken (hold range x3) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A block breaker that can knock back opponents.
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  14. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    How to Fight as Saint Walker

    Saint Walker is EXTREMELY easy to use. His powers aren't really optimized for clipping outside of a counter. You can clip with Azure Shockwave; however, this is a little power hungry.

    Salvo of Adara is practically useless outside of a counter since it is dodgeable and depending on the range you're likely to miss or end up hitting one out of the five ticks. Despite it having a really short cooldown, it's not worth it.

    Purposeful Strikes is a decent finisher. It does the job and restores a small amount of powerif the enemy is knockout.

    It is notable that Azure Shockwave's damage does not split.

    Temperance is brilliant for clearing nodes! You can use this to temporarily prevent your enemy from contesting the node during an opening. Note that this move's cool down is half a minute and a bit power hungry.

    Sustaining Spirit is one of the most power efficient shields in the game actually. It gives you back power, so at the end of it, it will have only cost you just over 10% of your power, compared to other shield's 20% to 25%. It's one of the few things that can give Saint Walker a slight amount of survivability.

    Hope is perhaps the only redeeming quality to Saint Walker. Hope will fully reset your health and power. It cannot be canceled via crowd control either. The supercharge has a five minute cooldown so you may only be using this once per match.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.


    Baiting with Martial arts typically revolves around alternating between tap melee attacks and tap range attacks as at close range they can look very similar.

    Additionally baiting can be done very effectively in making it appear as if you are going to use a certain attack again and again. Depending on your opponent you may simply be able to use that attack to it's fullest.

    Hard Stuns

    Best counter punishment available:

    Elbow Drop > clipped with Azure Shockwave.

    If an enemy is at or below 35%:

    Cartwheel Kick > clipped with Purposeful Strikes.

    The Recap

    -Saint Walker is an easy Legend to play; yet one of the worst ones.
    -Watch your power, use your shield for power regeneration or counter damage absorption.
    -Don't use Salvo of Adara out of a counter.
    -Temperance is excellent for clearing nodes.
    -Hope will most of the time be a one use only supercharge.

    Fighting Saint Walker

    Remember, Saint Walker is a low health character. He doesn't have a lot of survivability. The best way to win against Saint Walker is to- well... Fight him. He simply won't be able to withstand high burst damage; including the additional counter damage and combined with possible burst damage from a teammate.

    Saint Walker will never be able to reach his supercharge if you continually knock him out. Also, keep in mind that Saint Walker cannot gain extra supercharge from kills.

    If a Saint Walker uses Purposeful Strikes outside of a counter use that against him and score an easy counter.

    Be weary of Sustaining Spirit when Saint Walker has been countered. You can trick him into wasting it by postponing your last three hits in your burst damage rotation, shortening it in general, or substituting weapon attacks rather than the normal rotation or powers.

    You can also trick a Saint Walker to prematurely use Temperance when trying to contest a node; therefore slightly shortening the power's duration.

    Closing Remarks

    Thanks for reading this guide by TheWhiteFace! He was really looking forward to writing this one as he tends to prefer the under powered characters.
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  15. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Arkham Asylum Joker
    By TheWhiteFace

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Arkham Joker........... An introduction to Arkham Joker
    Powers........................................ List of usable powers
    One handed Weapon Combo's ...... Your list of one handed weapon combo's
    Dual Pistol Weapon Combo's........ Dual Pistols weapon combos
    General tips..................................Fighting as Arkham Joker
    Advanced.....................................A few more advanced tips to playing as Arkham Joker
    The Recap................................... A summary of Arkham Joker
    Fighting Arkham Joker...................How to play against Arkham Joker
    Closing remarks........................... SPRING BREAK!
    Click here for specific statistics

    Arkham Joker is not as good as The Joker whom is one of the most balanced Legends characters there is. Using one handed and acrobatics, as well as dual pistols as an alternative weapon. One handed is an extremely effective PvP weapon. Clipping is very, very useful with him. You're primarily an offensive character and you need to play him aggressively to suit his powers and weapons. You can take on supporting role by switching to dual pistols.

    Get Back- A 360 degree AoE attack that knocks back enemies. It is notable that this isusable while controlled.

    Clown Box- This encases you in a shield of sorts. You cannot move and cannot break out of it, however it does protect you from damage and regenerates power. Players can pick you up and throw you off of a node, possibly into teammates damaging them.

    Bouncy Blast- A 25% supercharge that drops 10 bouncy balls in the target area that damage and knockback enemies.

    Barrel of Laughs- Summon 3 pets to aid you. They are somewhat weak, however their intention seems to primarily to get in your opponents way. Think of it as a somewhat crappy shield (as they may get in your enemies) way that does some decent damage. While you cannot shorten the animation time of this power by clipping, jumping will allow you to move around, but not attack.

    Backflip- An attack can knock back your opponent and pushes you away from them. It dealsincreased damage to helpless enemies. It is usable while controlled but you will not move if you are crowd controlled.

    Equip Pistols/Equip Crowbar- Switch your weapons to dual pistols or to one handed.

    One Handed Weapon Attacks
    Quick Chop (Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Your basic lunge attack.

    Focused Blast (Hold range) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- Your basic block breaker.

    Air Launch (tap melee, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A quick slash that launches opponents upwards and has a knock back effect.

    Spin Chop (tap melee x2, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is one of your go-to attacks. A quick but powerful attack.

    Flurry (tap melee x3, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An attack that stunsopponents and hits for 4 ticks of damage. This is another go to attack as it is good for power regeneration, stunning, and very good clipping as it has a somewhat lengthy animation.

    Cleave (tap melee x3, hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Used right after flurry, this attack will probably never really be used unless you are out of power to clip with. It has a chance to knockdown. It does decent damage, but often times it is just better to clip, or start a new combo.

    Flip Slash (tap melee x4, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is your heavy hitting attack. It has a lengthy animation so clipping helps a lot. It can also knock backopponents.

    Spin Slash (tap melee x5) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Hitting for 2 ticks of damage and with a knock back chance, this is sadly another attack that will most likely not be used often as it does not deal very much damage when compared to an attack you can get for less clicks/taps.

    Dual Pistol Combo's
    Dual pistols are currently the worst PvP weapon in the game. The only time you should be using these is if you want access to the flight movement mode, or you are losing so bad using a weapon that your opponent isn't familiar with may help.

    Lunge Strike (hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Your basic lunge. It hits for 2 ticks of damage.

    Slip shot (tap range, hold range. Can combo into jump shot by holding melee during the combo) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- An attack that hits for two ticks of damage while flipping you away from an enemy. Good to get out of an AoE or away from an opponent in general.

    Jump Shot (tap range, hold melee.) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An attack that moves you slightly closer to a target and hits for 5 ticks of damage. Good for regenerating power in a moments notice as it gets the hit counter higher. This is one of the very few attacks that actually interrupt an enemy from a distance.

    Lifting Strike (tap melee, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An attack that can send your enemy airborne and set them up for another attack.

    Loft Shot (tap melee, hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The follow up to lifting strike, this attack hits for 4 ticks of damage. Decent for Power regeneration.

    Full Auto- (hold melee) Block breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- An attack that attacks enemies in a cone in front of you. The angle of the attack can be altered by using the movement buttons while attacking. It is good for power regeneration, but leaves you open to easily be interrupted.

    Sweep Shot (Tap melee, hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An attack that will hit all opponents in a cone in front of you for 3 ticks of damage. Be careful of blocks as if any person in a group hit by this attacking you will be hard stunned.

    Magnum Round (tap melee x3, hold range. Can also be performed after jump shot and slip shot by holding range during that attack) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A good attack that hits for 2 ticks of damage. It can be done after multiple combo's to increase damage or punish someone who was blocking too late.
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  16. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    How to fight as Arkham Joker

    To actually use Arkham Joker to maximum effectiveness, you need to be good with clipping your attacks. It can get power costly after some time, however remember you have not onlysoder to regenerate your power, but also the Clown Box power.

    In a match where you need to get somewhere quickly usually with The Joker you could,switch to your dual pistols before the match starts. Unfortunately, Arkham Joker does not gain flight when he switches from One Handed to Dual Pistols. Also, keep in mind that there is a period where you cannot attack when switching to pistols, the switch back to one handed is almost instant.

    With Bouncy Blast I simply yearn for Confetti Bomb. It has a nice animation effect which could help with masking you or your teammate's movements. Other than that this supercharge is practically useless since it is unlikely to damage your opponents, dodgeable, and vulnerable to interrupt.

    If you need to stall, use Barrel of laughs, then Clown Box. Odds are your opponent will attack your goons, taking damage in the process, while you regenerate power you can hog a node, wait for soder to recharge, wait for a teammate to come to your aid etc. If you simply pop clown box your opponent may either start to damage it, or throw you away.

    If you do get caught in combat using dual pistols, try to use magnum round then clip into one handed. It is essentially a power free clip that puts you in your idea combat pose, which can catch some people off guard.

    Summoning your pet's to help split damage can help your survivability. You can also clip other powers with the summoning as well.

    I have made fun of the pistol loadout quite a bit. I will however give them this: They are so rarely encountered, using them against someone who is giving you trouble may just be crazy enough to work as they will not know when to block and interrupt for hard stuns quite as easily.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.


    Baiting is the process of tricking your enemies into blocking or lunging at you so you can effectively counter them. Baiting an enemy relies heavily on knowing their reaction times, so it may take a few rounds before you learn to bait an opponent effectively.

    Baiting with One-Handed relies on letting your opponent become familiar with your attack pattern and changing it so you can easily punish their blocks. Due to the simplistic nature of the weapon itself it is mostly going to rely on your own reaction time and accurately being able to predict your opponent.

    Keep in mind that flip slash has a longer animation time and is more likely to be blocked. Using these attacks for damage purposes can be good, but don't use them too often if your opponent is quick on figuring out which attacks you resort to. They can result in you being blocked more easily.

    After a hard stun

    After a hard stun the best combo to deal counter punishment with is as follows:

    Block Breaker > Flurry > clipped with Backflip.

    If you desire single target damage you can use flip slash in place of flurry.

    If you desire more AoE damage you can use Get back in place of backflip.

    If you want to stay close to your opponent, clip your Backflip with Barrel of laughs.

    The Recap
    -Arkham Joker is not as good as The Joker.
    -Be sure to clip your attacks.
    -Try not to use dual pistols as it severely limits his effectiveness.
    -Keep an eye on your power, use clown box if you have to in order to regenerate power.

    Fighting Arkham Joker

    Arkham Joker can be a difficult character to fight against, but at times they do get predictable.

    Keep in mind, Arkham Joker really only has 2 really useful damaging powers. He can do an AoE or flip himself away. There won't be much variation in his moves so Arkham Joker players largely rely on switching up weapon combos to make the most of their time. Many however get stuck in a cycle of using the same move or two multiple times. For me it was Flurry and Spin Chop.

    Don't worry about Arkham Joker's goons if he pops them before entering his Clown Box. Pick the present up and throw it away. The clowns will soon follow. Plus it gets him off your node.

    If Arkham Joker backflips away it is a decent bet that the next attack used will be a lunge. Block it.

    Arkham Joker can spawn 3 pets. Rather than view them as an annoyance, view them as potential life savers. If they are performing an attack vulnerable to interrupt, you can target them and get counter immunity from them. Use that to hurt your opponent.

    Closing Remarks
    Thanks for reading this guide on Arkham Joker from TheWhiteFace! Also thanks to him for writing a guide for a character I probably just wasn't going to bother with :p
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  17. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Sigh. Why does the leader of the Blue Lanterns suck so bad? He's THAT simple to use and can easily be killed in a 2v1
  18. Master Play Committed Player

    You should probably change a few things in this guide. Deathstroke has amazing burst damage and amazing counter punishment. He also has amazing "baiting powers" such as the sword. The first part of his sword combo cannot be countered, most people who know that that is a combo move, will block, allowing for a bb. If they don't block, that combo usally hits around 900 total damage, and the end combo can be clipped with his grenade for an extra 300-400 damage. Also, deathstroke's finisher is more useful than you say it is. It doesn't even have to be used as a finisher, but of course, when used as a finisher it will be a great execution move. But the trick to deathstroke's finisher is not to use it by it's self, and not to clip it with a soda/breakout UNLESS stealth is on cooldown.

    I agree with the "don't use shock staff *****" that power is too slow to execute, low damage and just a waste of power imo. But his rifle backflip is VERY useful and if you aren't using it, you honestly aren't using deathstroke correctly.

    If a person is below 55% or 35% or even for deathstroke's best burst damage after a counter, hit your finisher - Stealth - quickly hit your rifle shot - then hit your surprise attack. To get a person to 55% percent, I usually do taps and wait for a counter, or tap tap hold into is sword combo and then into his grenade. Which then, usually leaves the opponent vulnerable for an execution.

    That total combo hit's for about 2.6k. I have a video of some of my deathstroke highlights you can watch here.

  19. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    The thing is that he's incredibly power intensive for the amount of damage you're getting. Also using his sword costs nearly a third of your power, so using it for baiting is both EXTREMELY power costly and it actually lowers his burst damage. He's not really viable in a 2v2 situation because of that wherein you can't get a huge amount of power regeneration. After your first burst damage combo you're fairly useless.

    Not to be mean or anything, but when we ran into each other in 2v2 when I was running with SPAM my whole strategy with you when you were using DS was to just make you waste your power. Once I saw you were running low we pretty much ganked your teammate because you really just didn't come across as a threat once your power was gone. And it isn't like you don't know what you're doing out there either.

    These issues become even more prevalent in a map such as the Batcave where you're less likely to only be in combat against one opponent.

    That said I'll end up updating the guide to reflect your burst damage combo.
    • Like x 2
  20. Master Play Committed Player

    I just rewatched the clip of that fight, at that fight I was no where near at my best and neither was my partner (he was too busy talking in teamspeak because something had happened at the moment). The main problem I see in this video is my partner and I not focusing the same target, but I did catch you and spam with that combo a few times. Throughout the whole fight I didn't have any issues with power as well, for the amount of damage it does, the power it uses doesn't matter, because usually by the time I'm out of power, my opponent is dead. If you were intentionally trying to make me waste power, that strategy wasn't working out very well. Although, you guys did win that match, I wasn't playing my best with deathstroke that match to be honest - ending score being 350 - 0.