Legends PvP guide- Your Favorite Character(s)

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by The Enquirer, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    For some reason I'm remembering Ace1 telling me I can clip it with a jump. Not sure though.
  2. Absolix Loyal Player

    Thanks, good to know.
  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    TY for this. Very timely right now since Legends PvE is live.
    I was using it to look up some more info on Faust's pets. I didn't know that Necrobiosis summons pets when there's a KO. I would also note that, though it roots you in place, you can spin around while you use it ... so you can hit multiple targets ... possibly summoning multiple pets!
  4. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    It's a single target ability and the pet is summoned after the second tick of damage would have taken place. I'll double check on this but I'm about 95% sure that won't be the case because if you're channeling it and the add dies, if you let the power finish casting you'll still get a pet.
  5. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    If you spin, you can definitely hit multiple targets, one at a time, in the legends courthouse alert. I don't know if I hit more than two for the two ticks. but I definitely hit more than one.
  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Necro hits for two ticks. One small and then one larger.
  7. The Enquirer Steadfast Player


    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Ursa................. A brief summary of playing as Ursa
    Powers................................. A list of usable powers
    Weapon Combos................... A list of weapon combos
    General Tips.......................... Basic tips for using Ursa
    Advanced.............................. Advanced tips such as baiting and counter punishment
    The Recap............................ What you should come away knowing
    Fighting Ursa......................... How to fight Ursa
    Closing Remarks................... Thanks for reading!
    Click here for specific statistics

    Intro to using Ursa

    Ursa is an average health character with low damage. She uses a heavily modified version of brawling as her weapon and flight as her movement mode. Due to having average health and low burst damage she is somewhat underpowered and in need of some adjustments. However she is very easy to learn.


    Headbutt- A conus AoE that knocks down opponents in front of you.

    Jump kick- A conus AoE that knocks down opponents in front of you. It is notable this power is usable while controlled.

    Heatblast- A long range AoE that knocks down opponents that applies a DoT. It hits for 5 ticks of damage.

    Swoop Attack- A conus AoE that knocks down opponents and moves you towards your target. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost making it a good power to clip with.

    Freezing Breath- A channeled ability that hits all opponents in a cone in front of you for 4 ticks of damage. It is vulnerable to interrupt. You should not use this.

    Heat Vision- A single target ability that hits for 4 stronger ticks of damage then some weaker ticks of damage hitting for a total of 12 ticks of damage. It can push back your target. It also grants crowd control immunity for the first 3 seconds and 25% damage mitigation. You should not use this.

    Weapon Combos

    Crushing lunge (hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to Block- The standard lunge, but one of the fastest ones in the game, and hits pretty hard.

    knee launch (tap melee, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block-A quick attack that does somewhat low damage, but is good to interrupt people.

    back fist (tap melee x2, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A combo that stuns the targets within a small arc.

    Elbow drop (tap melee x3, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A longer move that is best clipped but provides good single target damage.

    spinning punch (tap melee x4, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An AoE attack that hits for pretty high damage. Be careful because if anyone near you is blocking you will be hard stunned.

    haymaker- An attack that knocks back opponents in an arc. It is slow and best clipped. It deals low damage however and will not be used often.

    Thermal Blast (hold range) Block breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A unique Kryptonian block breaker.

    Thermal Gaze (hold range x2)- Another unique block breaker. It is the only weapon attack to apply a DoT. It hits for 1 strong tick then 8 weaker ticks.
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  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General tips

    Ursa is EXTREMELY easy to use. Headbutt, jump kick and swoop attack do just about the same exact thing, the only difference being that swoop attack moves you towards an enemy and costs less power.

    You are going to want to make sure you are consistently using Heatblast.

    Clipping with Ursa will come down to using only two powers. You will primarily be clipping with Heatblast. The only time you should be clipping with swoop attack is if you want to limit damage splitting.

    Both Heatblast and swoop attack will split damage after 2 targets. However swoop attack will only be able to hit a maximum of 4 targets in a cone as opposed to heatblast's 8 targets in an AoE. If you have multiple targets using swoop attack may net slightly higher damage to each target.

    To open up combat when your opponent is at range you can start winding up for a weapon attack, then clip it with swoop attack when they get within range. Both the weapon attack and swoop attack will hit. Keep in mind this only works if you are clipping a martial arts attack (knee launch, elbow drop or spinning punch) and will not work with the other melee combos.

    Due to not having access to ground pound you can repeatedly use your lunge to rapidly move around to avoid damage.

    As cool as it is, there sadly isn't much of a use for Thermal Gaze. If you're off to the side you may be able to get a couple shots off with it, but it's too big of a risk unfortunately.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against low tier players is different from playing against mid tier players, and that is different than playing against top tier players.

    Ursa has somewhat of an advantage here when it comes to baiting due to her unique weapon. Against players not familiar with her melee attacks it can be somewhat confusing.

    You can to a limited degree use a tap range attack to feign a block breaker. It looks very much like your hold range and can sometimes cause an opponent to lunge.

    Hard Stuns

    The highest burst damage you can get from Ursa is as follows:

    Block Breaker > Elbow drop > clipped with heatblast.

    It's simple and will leave your opponent with a DoT on them after they stand up. Remember the bit about damage splitting though because if you're trying to melt someone down it may make more sense to use swoop attack instead.

    The Recap
    -Primarily use heatblast to clip
    -be wary of damage splitting
    -Try to feign attacks fairly often

    Fighting against Ursa

    Ursa doesn't have much going for her in the way of unique powers or abilities so, like other characters who are similar, the only way to really counter Ursa is to outfight her. One of the best ways to fight against her is to simply learn about her weapon combos.

    Learn how to tell a feigned block breaker from the real thing. If she is using a tap melee only one hand will be on her head. If it is a real block breaker (aside from the icon above her head) she will have both hands on her head.

    Closing Remarks

    While a decent starting character, Ursa definitely leaves a lot to be desired both in being more unique and in balance. Hopefully this helped out at least a little bit though!
    • Like x 3
  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player


    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Cheetah............ A brief summary of playing as Cheetah
    Powers................................. A list of usable powers
    Weapon Combos................... A list of weapon combos
    General Tips.......................... Basic tips for using Cheetah
    Berserker.............................. Using Cheetah's special ability
    Advanced.............................. Advanced tips such as baiting and counter punishment
    The Recap............................ What you should come away knowing
    Fighting Ursa......................... How to fight Cheetah
    Closing Remarks................... Thanks for reading!
    Click here and scroll down for specific statistics

    Intro to Using Cheetah

    Cheetah is a high health character who uses an altered martial arts as her weapon and super speed as her movement mode. She also has a unique ability that increases her damage by 40% when her health falls below 35%. She also has a finisher that can restore health. All that makes for a balanced character, however she has a high learning curve.


    Rake- A power that hits targets in a small cone in front of you for 4 ticks of damage. It is vulnerable to block and puts you in a somewhat long animation so you will not use this often.

    Poison Slash- A single target DoT that stuns your target and will hit them for 4 ticks of damage. This is going to be your best power to clip with.

    Feral Lunge- A single target attack that moves you towards your opponent and knocks down your target.

    Tendon Cut- A power that hits targets in a cone in front of you for two ticks of damage and flips you back slightly.

    Blood Curse- A shield that lasts for 10 seconds or 3 hits (1 second apart). It absorbs about 1600 damage and reflects 4 ticks of damage back at your attacker.

    Blood Sacrifice- A single target power that hits for high damage. It has short range and is vulnerable to interrupt. It deals more damage to enemies at 35% health or less. If you get a KO with it, you will get a large heal. You should only use this after getting a counter.

    Weapon combos
    (Note that weapon combos are altered. Names to these combos have been applies based on animations of similar attacks found in game)

    Feral Lunge- (hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Your standard lunge that provides a knock back. This lunge is on the slower side.

    Cart Wheel Kick (tap melee, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Stuns an enemy and deals quick decent damage. This is going to be one of your most used attacks.

    Spinning kick (tap melee x2, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This attack knocks back an enemy. It provides somewhat low damage and will not be used often.

    Axe Kick (Tap melee x3, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Deals large amounts of damage. It knocks back opponents This will be your most used attack.

    Spinning Punch (tap melee x4, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Provides a knock back. It deals close to the same damage as axe kick so it will be used infrequently.

    Shuriken- (Hold Range) block breaker Vulnerable to interrupt- Knocks back enemies and is a block breaker.

    Shuriken Storm - (Hold Range x2) block breaker Vulnerable to interrupt- Stuns a group of enemies and is a block breaker.

    Enhanced Shuriken- (Hold Range x3) block breaker Vulnerable to interrupt- Knocks back a target.
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  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    One of Cheetah's main boons is her massive survivability. Between her shield, finisher and super speed few come close to her level of survivability. The less obvious thing there is super speed. The movement mode can be used to kite very effectively.

    Kiting involves moving around to avoid damage. With super speed this can involve simply jumping and moving a tiny bit.

    Due to having a long wind up period, Cheetah's finisher should only be used when your opponent is both low on health and after they are countered. This will guarantee that you get a large heal, which is invaluable in a situation where you won't be able to heal such as a 2v2 scenario.

    If your opponent summons pets, you can also use her finisher to KO a pet and get the health regeneration.

    Many of Cheetah's powers have very lengthy animations. The primary power you will be using to clip with is Poison Slash since it has the shortest animation. The other power that will be safe for you to clip with is tendon cut.

    To open up combat when your opponent is at range you can start winding up for a weapon attack, then clip it with feral lunge when they get within range. Both the weapon attack and feral lunge will hit.

    Read all of this section. It is vital to playing Cheetah effectively.

    When Cheetah falls below 35% health she gets a 40% damage boost. Keeping this boost up as long as possible when it does activate is crucial to playing her effectively.

    Some tricks do doing that are saving her shield until berserker activates. Not only will it give you a few free seconds of extra damage, but it will also increase the damage done to your opponent when the shield deals it's damage back.

    Normally when two players are of equal skill I say to use the soder as early as possible because it will only make it come off of cool down faster, however this is not the case here. You want to use your soder later to try to keep you in that damage boost range as much as possible.

    You do want to be wary of when you use your soder against certain characters because if they have high burst damage, that can mean a very quick end for you.

    Use your finisher as effectively as possible. You can use it a little earlier to get the health regeneration since you'll be dealing increased damage.

    Your burst damage increases immensely once this ability is activated. When you score a block breaker you will be dealing around 1100 damage just from the weapon attack and counter damage. Then you have your damage from your regular counter punishment that's been increased on top of that.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against low tier players is different from playing against mid tier players, and that is different than playing against top tier players.


    Baiting with Martial arts typically revolves around alternating between tap melee attacks and tap range attacks as at close range they can look very similar.

    Hard Stuns

    The best possible burst damage for Cheetah is as follows:
    Above 35% health: Block Breaker > Axe Kick > clipped with Tendon Cut

    Below 35%: Block Breaker > Blood Sacrifice.

    For the latter when you are fighting more than one opponent you are going to want to make sure you can get a kill with the finisher to ensure you can keep your health up.

    The Recap
    -Know how to maximize your survivability during the Berserker period.
    -Time your finisher properly
    -Know which powers to clip with and when due to animation times
    -Learn about super speed kiting

    How to fight against Cheetah

    Cheetah's high learning curve makes her difficult to learn to use. This is largely because the vast majority of her damage comes from counters. So it is going to be a little more difficult to come across a truly good Cheetah.

    Watch your power. You're almost going to want to save some juice for when Cheetah gets her damage boost. Often times you'll notice once that kicks in Cheetah makes a huge comeback. You're going to want to burn her down then as quickly as possible.

    Try to keep her on the defensive. The less hits she can get in once her damage boost kicks in the better.

    Don't summon pets if you can help it. In a lot of cases, pets don't deal good damage. Their primary purpose is in support, often to help split damage. Many of Cheetah's attacks are single target or will not split damage much. This means they won't be of much help there and may only serve as cannon fodder for her finisher, helping her regain health very easily.

    Closing Remarks

    Well I've been meaning to put this one out here for a very long time now and here it finally is. I'm writing this after finishing up several Kryptonian guides (which were somewhat boring to write) so this was definitely a lot of fun to do!
    • Like x 3
  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Power Girl

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Power Girl............ A brief summary of playing as Power Girl
    Powers.................................... A list of usable powers
    Weapon Combos...................... A list of weapon combos
    General Tips............................. Basic tips for using Power Girl
    Advanced................................. Advanced tips such as baiting and counter punishment
    The Recap............................... What you should come away knowing
    Fighting Power Girl................... How to fight Power Girl
    Closing Remarks...................... Thanks for reading!
    Click here and scroll down for specific statistics

    Intro to using Power Girl

    Power Girl is a high health character with low counter punishment. She uses an altered brawling as her weapon and flight as her movement mode. Despite this she is currently one of the worst characters in the game. However she is very easy to learn.


    Knockout kick- A 360 degree AoE attack that knocks down and stuns opponents around you.

    Shockwave Stomp- A 360 degree AoE attack that knocks back opponents around you.

    Whirlwind attack- An attack that has you fly rapidly in circles, knocking down enemies. It hits for 4 ticks of damage. Due to how long the animation is, it is advisable to clip this power with something. It is notable that this is useable while controlled.

    Swoop Attack- A conus AoE that knocks down opponents and moves you towards your target. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost making it a good power to clip with.

    Freezing Breath- A channeled ability that hits all opponents in a cone in front of you for 4 ticks of damage. It is vulnerable to interrupt. You should not use this.

    Heat Vision- A single target ability that hits for 4 stronger ticks of damage then some weaker ticks of damage hitting for a total of 12 ticks of damage. It can push back your target. It also grants crowd control immunity for the first 3 seconds and 25% damage mitigation. You should not use this.

    Weapon Combos

    Lunging right (Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The standard lunge, but one of the fastest ones in the game, and hits pretty hard.

    Doublefist (Tap melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Brawling´s only stun. The combo is quite fast, making it a very useful combo.

    Backfist (Tap melee, Hold melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A combo that knocks back the targets within a small arc.

    Hammerfist (Tap melee x2, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is one of the combos that can start with a lunge instead of a tap, making it an ideal option against hard-stunned enemies. It knocks back opponents.

    Punt (Tap melee x2, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A very strong move that applies a knock back against your target. It is one of the longer animations so it is very advisable to clip. It is performed after hammerfist.

    Launching Uppercut (tap melee x3, Hold) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- One of the most versatile combos for a Legends Brawler, devastating after a hard stun. This is another combo that can start with either a Tap or a Hold, and it will lift the target up in the air.

    Haymaker (tap melee x3, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The most powerful combo available to you and it knocks back opponents. This attack is slow and should be clipped. However it is very predictable so will not be used too often so be ready to land a block breaker on your opponent.

    Thermal Blast (hold range) Block breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A unique Kryptonian block breaker.

    Thermal Gaze (hold range x2)- Another unique block breaker. It is the only weapon attack to apply a DoT. It hits for 1 strong tick then 8 weaker ticks.

    Special Note on combos:

    After performing double fist, you can then tap melee once then hold melee to combo into launching uppercut.
  12. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General tips

    Power Girl is EXTREMELY easy to use. The only power you should be clipping with swoop attack. If you need an AoE attack use knockout kick.

    Knockout Kick and Shockwave Stomp do the exact same thing. However knockout kick costs less power.

    Whirlwind Attack is fairly useless due to the very long animation for it. It is advisable to use it right before you use a soder to completely clip the animation. You can also use it while crowd controlled then breakout and not be trapped in the animation.

    Due to not having access to ground pound you can repeatedly use your lunge to rapidly move around to avoid damage.

    As cool as it is, there sadly isn't much of a use for Thermal Gaze. If you're off to the side you may be able to get a couple shots off with it, but it's too big of a risk unfortunately.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against low tier players is different from playing against mid tier players, and that is different than playing against top tier players.


    Baiting with Brawling is fairly difficult. It mostly revolves around making your opponent used to you and switching things up.

    Use tap melee attack quite often, even sometimes surpassing the number needed to get into any combos and your opponent will block at some point.

    You can to a limited degree use a tap range attack to feign a block breaker. It looks very much like your hold range and can sometimes cause an opponent to lunge.

    Hard Stuns

    The best counter punishment for Power Girl is as follows:

    Block breaker > Uppercut > clipped with swoop attack.

    If there are enemies in an AoE around you clip with knockout kick instead.

    The Recap
    -Primarily use swoop attack to clip
    -be wary of damage splitting
    -Try to feign attacks fairly often

    Fighting against Power Girl

    Power Girl doesn't have much going for her in the way of unique powers or abilities so, like other characters who are similar, the only way to really counter Power Girl is to outfight her. One of the best ways to fight against her is to simply learn about her weapon combos.

    Learn how to tell a feigned block breaker from the real thing. If she is using a tap melee only one hand will be on her head. If it is a real block breaker (aside from the icon above her head) she will have both hands on her head.

    Learn how to read your opponent too. Power Girl isn't that threatening so you'll be able to afford several screw ups.

    Closing Remarks

    While a decent starting character, Power Girl definitely leaves a lot to be desired both in being more unique and in balance. Due to her being such a poorly designed character I can't say I would suggest using her. I have to dedicate this guide to SeeMeFight due to him, despite my best efforts, consistently using Power Girl in our 2v2 matches.
    • Like x 2
  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player


    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Superman............. A brief summary of playing as Superman
    Powers..................................... A list of usable powers
    Weapon Combos....................... A list of weapon combos
    General Tips............................. Basic tips for using Superman
    Advanced................................. Advanced tips such as baiting and counter punishment
    The Recap................................ What you should come away knowing
    Fighting Superman.................... How to fight Superman
    Closing Remarks....................... Thanks for reading!
    Click here and scroll down for specific statistics

    Intro to using Superman

    Superman is a high health character with low counter punishment. He uses an altered brawling as his weapon and flight as his movement mode. Despite this he is currently one of the worst characters in the game. However he is very easy to learn.


    Super Breath- A 360 degree AoE attack that knocks down opponents around you.

    Vacuum Spin- An attack that spins you in circles. It pulls enemies towards you and hits for 4 ticks of damage.

    Shockwave Punch- A 360 degree AoE attack that knocks back and stuns opponents around you.

    Swoop Attack- A conus AoE that knocks down opponents and moves you towards your target. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost making it a good power to clip with.

    Freezing Breath- A channeled ability that hits all opponents in a cone in front of you for 4 ticks of damage. It is vulnerable to interrupt. You should not use this.

    Heat Vision- A single target ability that hits for 4 stronger ticks of damage then some weaker ticks of damage hitting for a total of 12 ticks of damage. It can push back your target. It also grants crowd control immunity for the first 3 seconds and 25% damage mitigation. You should not use this.

    Weapon Combos

    Lunging right (Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The standard lunge, but one of the fastest ones in the game, and hits pretty hard.

    Doublefist (Tap melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Brawling´s only stun. The combo is quite fast, making it a very useful combo.

    Backfist (Tap melee, Hold melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A combo that knocks back the targets within a small arc.

    Hammerfist (Tap melee x2, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is one of the combos that can start with a lunge instead of a tap, making it an ideal option against hard-stunned enemies. It knocks back opponents.

    Punt (Tap melee x2, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A very strong move that applies a knock back against your target. It is one of the longer animations so it is very advisable to clip. It is performed after hammerfist.

    Launching Uppercut (tap melee x3, Hold) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- One of the most versatile combos for a Legends Brawler, devastating after a hard stun. This is another combo that can start with either a Tap or a Hold, and it will lift the target up in the air.

    Haymaker (tap melee x3, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The most powerful combo available to you and it knocks back opponents. This attack is slow and should be clipped. However it is very predictable so will not be used too often so be ready to land a block breaker on your opponent.

    Thermal Blast (hold range) Block breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A unique Kryptonian block breaker.

    Thermal Gaze (hold range x2)- Another unique block breaker. It is the only weapon attack to apply a DoT. It hits for 1 strong tick then 8 weaker ticks.

    Special Note on combos:

    After performing double fist, you can then tap melee once then hold melee to combo into launching uppercut.
    • Like x 2
  14. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General tips

    Superman is EXTREMELY easy to use. The only power you should be clipping with swoop attack. If you need an AoE attack use Super Breath.

    Super Breath and Shockwave Punch do almost the exact same thing. Use whatever floats your boat.

    Vacuum Spin is really only good due to it being a pull. Unless you're trying to move someone around, there's really no reason to use this due to the time you're trapped in the animation.

    Due to not having access to ground pound you can repeatedly use your lunge to rapidly move around to avoid damage.

    As cool as it is, there sadly isn't much of a use for Thermal Gaze. If you're off to the side you may be able to get a couple shots off with it, but it's too big of a risk unfortunately.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against low tier players is different from playing against mid tier players, and that is different than playing against top tier players.


    Baiting with Brawling is fairly difficult. It mostly revolves around making your opponent used to you and switching things up.

    Use tap melee attack quite often, even sometimes surpassing the number needed to get into any combos and your opponent will block at some point.

    Hard Stuns

    The best counter punishment for Superman is as follows:

    Block breaker > Uppercut > clipped with swoop attack.

    If there are enemies in an AoE around you clip with Super Breath instead.

    The Recap
    -Primarily use swoop attack to clip
    -be wary of damage splitting

    Fighting against Superman

    Superman doesn't have much going for him in the way of unique powers or abilities so, like other characters who are similar, the only way to really counter Superman is to outfight him. One of the best ways to fight against him is to simply learn about his weapon combos.

    Learn how to read your opponent too. Superman isn't that threatening so you'll be able to afford several screw ups.

    Closing Remarks

    While a decent starting character, Superman definitely leaves a lot to be desired both in being more unique and in balance. Due to him being such a poorly designed character I can't say I would suggest using him.
    • Like x 2
  15. The Enquirer Steadfast Player


    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Supergirl............ A brief summary of playing as Supergirl
    Powers.................................. A list of usable powers
    Weapon Combos.................... A list of weapon combos
    General Tips.......................... Basic tips for using Supergirl
    Advanced.............................. Advanced tips such as baiting and counter punishment
    The Recap............................. What you should come away knowing
    Fighting Supergirl................... How to fight Supergirl
    Closing Remarks.................. Thanks for reading!
    Click here for specific statistics

    Intro to using Supergirl

    Supergirl is a character with low health an high burst damage. She uses an altered brawling as her weapon and flight as her movement mode. She has several powers that combo into precision based attacks that can be clipped to deal high damage in a short period of time. She is easy to learn how to play effectively up until her counter punishment combo. After that she takes much more skill to master so this guide will focus more on that portion.


    Heat Vision- A single target ability that hits for 4 stronger ticks of damage then some weaker ticks of damage hitting for a total of 12 ticks of damage. It can push back your target. It also grants crowd control immunity for the first 3 seconds and 25% damage mitigation. You should not use this.

    Ocular Burst- A 360 degree AoE that knocks down opponents that applies a DoT. It hits for 6 ticks of damage.

    Kryptonian Clobber- An attack that can combo into another attack by holding melee for no additional power cost. It deals high damage however should not be used unless you intend to use the combo due to the high power cost.

    • Hold Melee- The combo deals more damage to enemies who are below 35% health. The combo can be clipped but is vulnerable to block.
    Spinning Cyclone- An attack that spins you in circles. It knocks down enemies towards you and hits for 4 ticks of damage. You will not be using this.

    Whirling Vortex- A conus AoE that pushes opponents in front of you. By tapping range you can combo into another attack for no additional power cost up to two times.
    • tap range 1 and 2- It will push enemies away from you in a conus AoE. It can be clipped with another power. These combos are vulnerable to interrupt.
    Booya!- A conus AoE that knocks down opponents and moves you towards your target. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost making it a good power to clip with.

    Weapon Combos

    Lunging right (Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The standard lunge, but one of the fastest ones in the game, and hits pretty hard.

    Doublefist (Tap melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Brawling´s only stun. The combo is quite fast, making it a very useful combo.

    Backfist (Tap melee, Hold melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A combo that knocks back the targets within a small arc.

    Hammerfist (Tap melee x2, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is one of the combos that can start with a lunge instead of a tap, making it an ideal option against hard-stunned enemies. It knocks back opponents.

    Punt (Tap melee x2, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A very strong move that applies a knock back against your target. It is one of the longer animations so it is very advisable to clip. It is performed after hammerfist.

    Launching Uppercut (tap melee x3, Hold) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- One of the most versatile combos for a Legends Brawler, devastating after a hard stun. This is another combo that can start with either a Tap or a Hold, and it will lift the target up in the air.

    Haymaker (tap melee x3, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The most powerful combo available to you and it knocks back opponents. This attack is slow and should be clipped. However it is very predictable so will not be used too often so be ready to land a block breaker on your opponent.

    Thermal Blast (hold range) Block breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A unique Kryptonian block breaker.

    Thermal Gaze (hold range x2)- Another unique block breaker. It is the only weapon attack to apply a DoT. It hits for 1 strong tick then 8 weaker ticks.

    Special Note on combos:

    After performing double fist, you can then tap melee once then hold melee to combo into launching uppercut.
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  16. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    Supergirl has very high burst damage, however it is power costly. In order to ensure you are able to execute that damage effectively you're going to want to make sure you save your power.

    Saving your power means you are generally going to end up clipping your attacks with Booya! which is just a renamed swoop attack. You can clip your attacks with Ocular Burst but it is more power costly.

    She is relatively simple to use until you actually counter someone, then you need to know how to clip effectively.

    Avoid using whirling vortex when you do not have counter immunity. Your opponent can easily interrupt you.

    Due to not having access to ground pound you can repeatedly use your lunge to rapidly move around to avoid damage.

    As cool as it is, there sadly isn't much of a use for Thermal Gaze. If you're off to the side you may be able to get a couple shots off with it, but it's too big of a risk unfortunately.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against low tier players is different from playing against mid tier players, and that is different than playing against top tier players.


    Baiting with Brawling is fairly difficult. It mostly revolves around making your opponent used to you and switching things up.

    Use tap melee attack quite often, even sometimes surpassing the number needed to get into any combos and your opponent will block at some point.

    You can to a limited degree use a tap range attack to feign a block breaker. It looks very much like your hold range and can sometimes cause an opponent to lunge.

    Hard Stuns

    Supergirl has incredibly high burst damage, her most damaging combo to counter a blocking opponent is as follows:

    Block breaker > Whirling Vortex > Whirling Vortex combo > Clipped with Kryptonian Clobber > Kryptonian Clobber Combo > Clipped with Booya!

    If you have multiple enemies around you you can change Booya! out for Ocular Burst. You can also do that if you wish for your opponents to have a DoT on them after they stand back up from the counter.

    If you use Booya! this combo will use a total of 675/1000 power. If you use Ocular burst you will use 750/1000 power.

    That combo listed above can KO many characters from about 60% of their health so long as the 35% finisher deals it's higher damage. However when it does not, it is still the most damaging combo but it is power intensive. It may be better to use the following combo if you get an early counter:

    Block Breaker > Whirling Vortex > Whirling Vortex combo > Whirling Vortex Combo > Clipped with Booya!

    Once again you can swap out Booya! for Ocular blast if you prefer the AoE damage.

    The Recap
    -Save your power for your counter punishment
    -Know how to rapidly string together powers

    How to fight against Supergirl

    Supergirl relies heavily on her high burst damage so the first and very obvious step is to avoid getting countered. Playing it safe may prove helpful here.

    Her high damage counter punishment uses a lot of power as stated above. If you can force the fight to take a little bit longer it is possible she will run out of power and be unable to execute her burst damage at it's highest potential. That's going to be your best bet on beating her.

    She does have low health and no means of effective damage mitigation so she will go down fairly quickly if she is focus fired.

    Save your soder for when you think she is going to use her higher burst damage combo. You can potentially boost your health up beyond 35% and cause her finisher to not deal as high of a damage as it could have, causing your opponent to miss out on some serious counter punishment.

    Closing Remarks

    Alright, so I think after this I just have to do Zod and all the Kryponians are done! Man this moved fast. Hoping this helped you realize Supergirl's true potential!
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  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Zod

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using General Zod................. A brief summary of playing as General Zod
    Powers........................................... A list of usable powers
    Weapon Combos............................. A list of weapon combos
    General Tips.................................... Basic tips for using General Zod
    Advanced........................................ Advanced tips such as baiting and counter punishment
    The Recap....................................... What you should come away knowing
    Fighting General Zod........................ How to fight General Zod
    Closing Remarks............................. Thanks for reading!
    Click here for specific statistics

    Intro to using General Zod

    General Zod is an average health character with low counter punishment. He uses a heavily modified version of brawling as his weapon and flight as his movement mode. Due to having average health and low burst damage he is somewhat underpowered and in need of some adjustments. However he is relatively easy to learn.


    Subjugate- A single target stun and DoT that moves you towards your target. It hits for 5 ticks of damage. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your weapon's lunge.

    Kryptonian Grenade Toss- Toss out 3 grenades in an arc in front of you that will explode when an enemy comes close to them. The grenades explode in an AoE and hit for 1 tick of damage each, dealing up to 3 ticks if your opponent sets off each one. The grenades knock opponents back. They last for 11 seconds from the time you cast them. It is notable that these are usable while controlled.

    Shockwave Punch- A 360 degree AoE attack that knocks back and stuns opponents around you.

    Swoop Attack- A conus AoE that knocks down opponents and moves you towards your target. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost making it a good power to clip with.

    Freezing Breath- A channeled ability that hits all opponents in a cone in front of you for 4 ticks of damage. It is vulnerable to interrupt. You should not use this.

    Heat Vision- A single target ability that hits for 4 stronger ticks of damage then some weaker ticks of damage hitting for a total of 12 ticks of damage. It can push back your target. It also grants crowd control immunity for the first 3 seconds and 25% damage mitigation. You should not use this.

    Weapon Combos

    Crushing lunge (hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to Block- The standard lunge, but one of the fastest ones in the game, and hits pretty hard.

    knee launch (tap melee, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block-A quick attack that does somewhat low damage, but is good to interrupt people.

    back fist (tap melee x2, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A combo that stuns the targets within a small arc.

    Elbow drop (tap melee x3, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A longer move that is best clipped but provides good single targetdamage.

    spinning punch (tap melee x4, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An AoE attack that hits for pretty high damage. Be careful because if anyone near you is blocking you will be hard stunned.

    haymaker- An attack that knocks back opponents in an arc. It is slow and best clipped. It deals low damage however and will not be used often.

    Thermal Blast (hold range) Block breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A unique Kryptonian block breaker.

    Thermal Gaze (hold range x2)- Another unique block breaker. It is the only weapon attack to apply a DoT. It hits for 1 strong tick then 8 weaker ticks.
  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General tips

    General Zod is fairly easy to use. You just need to know what powers to use for each situation. As a rule of thumb, Subjugate is your single target damage, grenade toss is your AoE damage.

    To open up combat when your opponent is at range you can start winding up for a weapon attack, then clip it with Subjugate when they get within range. Both the weapon attack and Subjugate will hit. Keep in mind this only works if you are clipping a martial arts attack (knee launch, elbow drop or spinning punch) and will not work with the other melee combos.

    If you find yourself with multiple enemies approaching you can perform the above tactic but instead of using Subjugate you can use swoop attack.

    You can use Grenade Toss to slow down enemies while they are approaching you and damage them. This is somewhat difficult to do due to the grenades having a small activation radius and being easily avoided when they are just sitting there. Even still, set them out a few seconds before your opponent comes back and you'll still have time to fully regenerate your power.

    Due to not having access to ground pound you can repeatedly use your lunge to rapidly move around to avoid damage.

    As cool as it is, there sadly isn't much of a use for Thermal Gaze. If you're off to the side you may be able to get a couple shots off with it, but it's too big of a risk unfortunately.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against low tier players is different from playing against mid tier players, and that is different than playing against top tier players.

    General Zod has somewhat of an advantage here when it comes to baiting due to his unique weapon. Against players not familiar with his melee attacks it can be somewhat confusing.

    You can to a limited degree use a tap range attack to feign a block breaker. It looks very much like your hold range and can sometimes cause an opponent to lunge.

    Hard Stuns

    Counter punishment

    Block Breaker > Elbow drop > clipped with subjugate.

    It's simple and will leave your opponent with a DoT on them after they stand up. When performing counter punishment remember to keep in mind what type of damage you want to be doing. If there are two opponents near you use Grenade toss. If there are many opponents near you use swoop attack to prevent too much damage splitting.

    The Recap
    -be wary of damage splitting when
    -Try to feign attacks fairly often

    Fighting against General Zod

    General Zod doesn't have much going for him in the way of unique powers or abilities so, like other characters who are similar, the only way to really counter General Zod is to outfight him. One of the best ways to fight against him is to simply learn about his weapon combos.

    While somewhat obvious, keep an eye out for his grenades if they are just laying around.

    Learn how to tell a feigned block breaker from the real thing. If he is using a tap melee only one hand will be on his head. If it is a real block breaker (aside from the icon above him head) he will have both hands on his head.

    Closing Remarks
    While a decent starting character, General Zod definitely leaves a lot to be desired both in being more unique and in balance. Hopefully this helped out at least a little bit though!
    • Like x 1
  19. The Enquirer Steadfast Player


    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Nightwing................ A brief summary of playing as Nightwing
    Powers....................................... A list of usable powers
    Weapon Combos......................... A list of weapon combos
    General Tips............................... Basic tips for using Nightwing
    Advanced.................................... Advanced tips such as baiting and counter punishment
    The Recap.................................. What you should come away knowing
    Fighting Nightwing....................... How to fight Nightwing
    Closing Remarks......................... Thanks for reading!
    Click here for specific statistics

    Intro to using Nightwing

    Nightwing is a high health character who uses dual wield as his weapon and acrobatics as his movement mode. He is very easy to learn, however he is slightly under powered. On the plus side he is very power efficient.


    Taser line- A single target ranged move that pulls a target towards you. It can also stun them.

    Wing-Ding Flurry- A conus AoE that will stun enemies and knock down targets in front of you.

    Escrima Slam- A 360 degree AoE that knocks back enemies. It is notable this is usable while controlled.

    Clink- A single target ranged move that can encase an enemy.

    Forward Flip- A single target knockdown that moves you towards an enemy. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your regular weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost and is a good power to clip with.

    Backflip- An attack can knock back your opponent and pushes you away from them. It deals increased damage to helpless enemies. It isusable while controlled but you will not move if you are crowd controlled.

    Weapon Combos

    Whirlwind Strike (hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Your standard lunge.

    Whirlwind Overstrike (tap melee x1-2, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A quick attack that will knock an opponent back into the air.

    Stunning Swipe (tap melee x3-5, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A somewhat long attack that will stun your opponent.

    Dual Flurry (tap melee x6-8, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A much longer attack that will launch your towards your target and hit for high damage. It does take a long time to get into so you will most likely only use the tap melee x6, hold melee variant of this attack.

    Ultra Flurry (tap melee x9, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A very lengthy attack that will spin you around, trapping you in an animation. It hits everyone in a 360 degree AoE around you and you can move around while in the animation. It hits for 20 ticks of damage. Due to how easily countered this is, you will not be using this.

    Flying Spin attack (tap melee x10) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A small AoE attack that will hit 3 targets and knock them back. Due to the high number of taps required to get into this attack and low damage you will not use it.

    Double Throw (hold range) Block breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- Your basic block breaker attack.

    Encircling throw (tap melee x9, hold range) Block breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A very quick block breaker that can be clipped immediately for full damage. However due to how long it takes to get into this, the odds of using it successfully are very slim.
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  20. The Enquirer Steadfast Player


    Nightwing is very easy to use. You are primarily going to be clipping your attacks with Forward Flip or Taser pull (if your target is out of range) due to them dealing the same damage as everything else and having a low power cost.

    Forward flip is preferable due to it applying dodge, which may cause some attacks to miss you!

    Escrima slam and Wing-Ding Flurry do not split damage at all, however Escrima Slam hits 1 more target, so you are not going to be using Wing-Ding Flurry.

    Sometimes you can use Clink to slow down enemies coming towards you, causing them to fall off platforms, or sometimes if you use Clink and immediately follow up with a weapon attack or a power that knocks back enemies, you can send them flying off.

    Don't use too many taps on your weapon attacks before performing a combo. If you are crowd controlled at all you will have to start over from the start.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against low tier players is different from playing against mid tier players, and that is different than playing against top tier players.

    Baiting with dual wield mostly revolves around using your tap melee attacks extensively. Eventually your opponent will block.

    Hard Stuns

    The best counter punishment you can perform is as follows:

    Block Breaker > Stunning Swipe (tap melee x3, hold melee) > Clipped with Backflip.

    If you have multiple enemies around you use Escrima slam instead as it will deal AoE damage.

    The Recap
    -Use the weapon to your advantage to bait enemies
    -Crowd control is not your friend when it comes to dual wield combos

    Fighting against Nightwing

    Due to being a somewhat dull character, the best way to fight against Nightwing simply involves outfighting him. However what you do want to be careful of is when you block.

    Blocking in a predictable manner will allow him to exploit the high number of taps his weapon has access to and will cause you to be block broken easily.

    Crowd control is your friend. Putting out a little bit of crowd control every once in a while can cause Nightwing to have to reset his weapon combos, heavily lowering his damage.

    Closing Remarks
    I think this about finishes up all of the basic characters on the legends roster, so now I can get back to really analyzing some of the more interesting ones. Hopefully there was at least something small in here that helped someone out!
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