Legends PvP guide- Your Favorite Character(s)

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by The Enquirer, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I'm going to be going back and editing all of this stuff post GU36. Probably redoing the guides. Which is why I'm staying away from writing guides for rifle characters.
  2. average gamer New Player

    Could you do a guide on superman. it would be very helpful thanks.
  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Superman is currently the most under powered legends character in the game so I'll do it after he gets a much needed buff.

    EDIT: Also while I do appreciate the bump to this thread, I did explicitly put in the original post where to send guide requests.
  4. The Enquirer Steadfast Player


    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Circe.................. A brief intro to using Circe
    Powers.................................. A list of usable powers
    Weapon Combo's (Melee)........ Melee weapon combos
    Weapon Combo's (Ranged)..... Ranged weapon combos
    General Tips........................... Basic tips for using Circe
    Advanced............................... Advanced tips for using Circe
    The Recap............................. What you should come away knowing
    Fighting Circe......................... Fighting against Circe
    Closing remarks..................... Thanks for reading
    Click here and scroll down for specific statistics

    Intro to Using Circe
    Circe is low health character yet has incredible survivability, using handblasters as her weapon and flight as her movement mode. She has multiple opportunities to clip powers with powers, so you can effectively utilize up to 4 powers in the time it takes you to press the buttons. She relies heavily on her two pets to deal damage as well as increasing her survivability. She is unique in that she is the only legends character who can teleport. She is by far the most irritating character to fight against due to that ability, but she is far from invincible, so you need to know how to capitalize your survivability without using too much power.


    Will of Circe- A single target move that stuns an opponent and hits for 2 ticks of damage. This move will be your usual clipping power as it has the fastest cooldown out of all your powers.

    Wrath of Ages- An AoE move that stuns enemies around the area of impact. The effected area is actually much larger than that of the animation so keep that in mind. Also something to note is that it takes time to reach your opponents, so it can be very easily dodged. For that reason you may not want to use it often.

    Mirror Image- A power that teleports you in the direction you are looking, including up or down, and summons a pet copy of Circe. The pet has low health but can deal decent damage. The pet can self destruct, dealing 3 ticks of damage to all opponents in range of it. However, there is no way to control this ability. You can also use this power to escape hard stuns, making it extremely difficult to trap you down. It also grants 1500 damage absorption for 3 seconds after use.

    Beastiamorph- A single target move that panics an enemy. However, it does knockback opponents near the target.

    Summon Beastiamorph- Summon a beastiamorph to deal damage to your opponents. This pet has very high health. So is very useful for splitting damage.

    Aeigis of Immunity- A shield that protects you from damage for 10 seconds or 3 hits.

    Weapon Combos (Melee)
    Leap attack (hold melee) Interrupts, vulnerable to block- Your standard lunge. It deals high damage however is one of the slowest lunges in the game.

    Fist slam (tap melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, vulnerable to block- This is a 360 degree AoE attack. Keep in mind if any one person near you blocks you'll pay the price.

    Uppercut (tap melee x2, hold melee) interrupts, vulnerable to block- This move hits for three ticks of damage.

    Weapon Combo's (Ranged)

    Charged Blast (hold range) Block Breaker, vulnerable to interrupt.- Your basic block breaker. Don't resort to using this up close however. Power discharge is far superior.

    Solar flame (hold range, tap range) Block breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- This is the follow up to Charged blast. It hits everything at range in a cone in front of you.

    Meteor Blast (hold range x2) Block Breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- A narrow cone AoE that knocks back opponents. That being said this does have it's uses. It hits in a narrow cone in front of you. Solar flame is a better alternative to this move as it's damage is generally higher and animation time shorter.

    Pulse Beam (tap range x2, hold range) Block Breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- This is your attack for regenerating power. It can be useful for baiting enemies into lunging at you due to the ability to quickly cut off the interrupt window but is not useful for direct offense. It is good for power regeneration though.

    Power discharge (tap range x1 tap melee. Note: Also works with tap range x2, hold melee) Block breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- A close range block breaker. Unlike charged blast it can be clipped immediately to receive full damage.

    Arcane Blast (tap range x3, hold range) Block breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- A mid-long range attack that hits targets in a cone in front of you. There is very little use for this attack due to how long it takes to reach it.
  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    Circe has fantastic survivability despite her low health. She can use her teleportation move to escape hard stuns, a shield for obvious uses, and two pets to help absorb and split damage. Manage your power effectively and you can stay alive for a very long time.

    Mirror image grants you 1500 damage immunity, or immunity for 3 seconds and an 16 second cooldown. To put that into perspective: Over the course of a minute you can use mirror image 3 times. Over the course of a minute you have the potential to absorb 4500 damage. To further increase survivability save this for when your opponent has countered you and only use it then.

    Stay away from teammates if an opponent has locked onto you. It is a very common tactic to deal with her teleportation. You will lessen damage to your teammates, and can also lure opponents away from where they should be going in doing so.

    If you are fighting an opponent that uses a lot of crowd control, it can be helpful to simply use your breakout trinket for the crowd control resistance it gives. This is a possible way to cutback on power a little bit or just prevent an unneeded interruption as you can use Mirror Image to break out of a hard stun.

    Mirror Image, Summon Beastiamorph, and Aegis of Immortality can clip any other move Circe can use. You can effectively use an offensive power, then clip that using all of these powers, one after another. A good tactic to follow is clipping a weapon attack with a power, then that power with one of these.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.


    Baiting is the process of tricking your enemies into blocking or lunging at you so you can effectively counter them. Baiting an enemy relies heavily on knowing their reaction times, so it may take a few rounds before you learn to bait an opponent effectively.

    Baiting with handblasters seems to rely largely on making use of the tap range attacks. At close range they look similar to your tap melee attack. You can combo into power discharge (if safe) if your opponent is blocking and get a block breaker.

    At range, players will often lunge at you thinking that they your tap range attacks can be interrupted. After the 3rd tap, they do become interruptible though, so keep that in mind. Depending on your opponent, they may lunge at you. Figure out their reaction times and you should be able to block the lunge very easily.

    Pulse beam can also be an effective attack to bait with as it draws some attention to yourself and the interrupt window can be closed on command.

    Some players have very fast reaction times and are able to block attacks such as the handblasters lunge very easily due to its slow speed. However you can use that to your advantage. If you clip a lunge with a power, soder, or breakout trinket, you can quickly chain that into your charged blast block breaker, catching them off guard. If you get too close to your opponent, or activate the power too late, you will be blocked by your opponent.

    Circe can bait opponents extremely effectively through the use of Mirror Image. Move away from an opponent and there can be a very good chance they will simply lunge after you. Eventually they may simply try to block break you after realizing what you are doing so you can jump back at them with a lunge. This all comes down to who has better reaction times.


    Sadly, most of Circe's powers do similar amounts of damage and have the same animation times, so it comes down to power cost for her offensively.

    Will of Circe or Beastiamorph cost slightly less power than Wrath of Ages, so unless you specifically need an AoE attack, pick one of those.

    If you are going to be clipping a support power into a support power, this is my preferred order:
    Aegis of Immortality> Summon Beastiamorph> Mirror Image

    The useful thing about this rotation is that you can very quickly give yourself a shield, a pet, then get away from where that pet has spawned, having it immediately attacking your opponent, gain temporary damage immunity, and have a second pet attacking your opponent. It turns it into a nightmare for a lot of opponents as their attacks more or less so bounce off you.

    If your opponent is starting to get low on health, while it doesn't make much of a difference, use Beastiamorph instead of Will of Circe does more damage in a single tick.

    In addition to that, Beastiamorph gives a crowd control effect while still giving single target damage, potentially getting an opponent off your back for a second while still dealing maximum damage against a target.

    In groups of 2 or less, you can swap out any of these moves for Wrath of Ages as it will not split damage on less than 3 enemies. Keep in mind it is slightly more power intensive.

    Hard Stuns

    Like stated above, most of the damage Circe and do comes from pets as most of her moves become pretty similar feeling without crowd control. That being said, here are some advised rotations:

    Ideally, you want to block break them with power discharge and clip that with Will of Circe. Then use uppercut and clip that with Beastiamorph. Depending on their crowd control resistance immunities you might luck out and stun them as soon as they stand up.

    If you block break with charged blast. From there use solar flame and clip with Will of Circe. Then use uppercut and clip that with beastiamorph.

    If you have pets active your damage potential goes up obviously.

    Screen Blocking

    Screen blocking is the process of blocking in the middle of a crowd. It prevents opponents from effectively using any AoE attacks. Normally this is very high risk/high reward. However, Circe actually can be very effective at doing this. Normally it is only a matter of time before someone block breaks you, however, if that happens, you can simply use Mirror image to get away. You also have pets who can continue dealing damage while you block.

    The Recap
    -Use your pet's as often as possible, they split damage to you and teammates and deal some back to your opponents.
    -Use mirror image liberally. It costs very little power.
    -Clip powers with other powers, it can help you gain a few bonuses to help out
    -Watch your power bar. It will go down very quickly if you aren't careful.

    Fighting Circe

    Due to Circe's teleportation ability, she is possibly one of the most annoying characters to fight against if you don't know how to.

    As stupidly obvious as this is going to sound, lock on to Circe. When she teleports all you need to do is attack her and the camera should snap right to her.

    Single target damage is one of your best friends here. You will be dealing maximum damage to her and won't have to worry about her pets absorbing any damage.

    Damage over time is your other best friend. Regardless of where she goes, that DoT effect will stay on her, hurting her.

    If you have access to a power that deals more damage to hard stunned enemies, such as backflip attack, use it immediately after getting a hard stun on her. Odds are the player using her will immediately teleport away and you will hardly be able to get a full weapon combo out. Take the damage where you can get it.

    Closing Remarks

    I have to dedicate this guide to Sabigya as he's recently gotten me back into legends PvP and was also the first opponent I faced using Circe.
  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I managed to condense the Circe guide into two comments and now have a blank space to fill. So for anyone reading this enjoy Yakety Sax as performed by Boots Randolph.

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  7. First Bride New Player

    I would like a guide on the yummiest boy in the DC Universe: NIGHTWING!!!
  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I had changed this from the time when you posted that as I realized it was unclear.
  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player


    By Sabigya

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Catwoman......... A brief summary of playing as Catwoman
    Powers................................. List of usable powers
    Stealth power........................ List of Stealth powers
    Weapon Combo's.................. A list of all of Catwoman's weapon attacks
    General Tips......................... Basic tips for using Catwoman
    Advanced.............................. Advanced tactics
    The Recap............................ Summary of the character
    Fighting Catwoman................. How to play against Catwoman
    Closing remarks..................... Thanks for reading
    Click here for specific statistics

    Intro to Catwoman
    Catwoman is an offensive character, relying on fast burst damage and counter punishment in order to defeat her enemies. She uses a modified Martial Arts as her weapon and acrobatics as her movement mode Clipping and understanding the counter system are absolutely necessary to play as Catwoman effectively.

    Whip Pull- A single target move that grounds and pulls your enemy towards you.

    Cat Swipe- A single target power that hits for 4 ticks of damage It is one of her main moves for burst damage. It is highly recommended you clip this power due to a lengthy animation time. It is vulnerable to block.

    Whip Flurry- An attack that stuns and hits 3 targets in a cone for 4 ticks of damage. Due to a longer animation time it is recommended that you clip this power. It is vulnerable to block.

    Smoke Cloud- A shield that absorbs damage for 10 seconds or until you burst through it or tap it away.

    Backflip- An attack can knock back your opponent and pushes you away from them. It deals increased damage to helpless enemies. It is usable while controlled but you will not move if you are crowd controlled.

    Stealth- Stealth allows you to turn invisible and unlocks 2 new powers for use. It costs no power to use. One hit from an enemy removes you from stealth.

    Stealth Powers
    Take note that no powers here cost power to use.

    Surprise Attack- A single target melee attack that hits for high damage.

    Sleep Dart- A single target ranged power that can stun an opponent. This power retains stealth. This is generally safer to use than Cuff 'em as you can hit an enemy at long range. It is possible for this attack to miss if the enemy is moving fast enough.

    Weapon combos
    (Note that weapon combos are altered. Names to these combos have been applies based on animations of similar attacks found in game)

    Feral Lunge- (hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Your standard lunge that provides a knock back. This lunge is on the slower side.

    Cart Wheel Kick (tap melee, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Stuns an enemy and deals quick decent damage. This is going to be one of your most used attacks.

    Spinning kick (tap melee x2, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This attack knocks back an enemy. It provides somewhat low damage and will not be used often.

    Axe Kick (Tap melee x3, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Deals large amounts of damage. It knocks back opponents This will be your most used attack.

    Spinning Punch (tap melee x4, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Provides a knock back. It deals close to the same damage as axe kick so it will be used infrequently.

    Shuriken- (Hold Range) block breaker Vulnerable to interrupt- Knocks back enemies and is a block breaker.

    Shuriken Storm - (Hold Range x2) block breaker Vulnerable to interrupt- Stuns a group of enemies and is a block breaker.

    Enhanced Shuriken- (Hold Range x3) block breaker Vulnerable to interrupt- Knocks back a target.
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  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips
    Catwoman relies on burst damage and counter punishment as her main form of damage.

    It is necessary to clip and be good with counters in order to use Cat effectively.

    In most cases you will not be using whip pull to deal damage.

    Smoke Cloud can clip any ability and cancel the animation of the next power right after when used quickly enough. This is vital to using her effectively.

    You can use Smoke Cloud to enter stealth during combat without the fear of letting it go to waste.

    Catwoman shines in 1v1 battles due to there being no other enemies that may screen block or counter your attacks.

    Be extremely wary of your power, Cat is very power hungry and you will need to able to manage it effectively. That being said she is an excellent partner to characters such as Batman who have a drone that can supply power and increase her critical hit chance.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.


    Baiting with Martial arts typically revolves around alternating between tap melee attacks and tap range attacks as at close range they can look very similar.

    Baiting a lunge with Martial arts will rely on using your tap range attacks somewhat frequently to encourage your opponent to lunge.

    Hard Stuns

    At the moment, the best possible rotation to use after block breaking an enemy is as follows:
    Cat Swipe clipped with Smoke Cloud, whip flurry, then use the weapon attack cartwheel kick clipped with stealth, surprise attack and backflip.

    When properly executed that combo can deal close to 3700 damage.

    If you do not have access to smoke cloud you can also perform the following:
    Cat swipe clipped with Stealth, surprise attack and then finally backflip

    If you do not have access to stealth use this:
    Cat swipe clipped with smoke cloud, whip flurry and finally backflip

    If you do not have access to stealth or smoke cloud use the following:
    Cartwheel kick clipped with whip flurry. Finish off with Backflip.

    The Recap
    • Requires knowledge of counters and counter punishment in order to be effective.
    • Be wary of your power bar.
    • Force your enemy to block or lunge through baiting.

    This video is an excellent example of the best use of Catwoman in the proper hands.

    Fighting Catwoman

    -While this is important with every character, being able to defend yourself against counters matters a lot more here due to her impressive damage output after a counter.

    -Don't go too heavy on blocks, but keep in mind a couple of her powers are vulnerable to being blocked.

    Closing Remarks

    Thanks for reading this Catwoman Guide by Sabigya. If you've got any question or if we missed anything feel free to let us know!
    • Like x 8
  11. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I found this to be really helpful because I tend to use her more than anyone else I have for legends and she is amazing! I decided that I'm going to follow up on this and use the rotation in my next PvP. Again, thank you for posting! Really helpful. :)
    • Like x 3
  12. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Do me a favor and snip the quote so that way it makes for a little less scrolling :)

    And don't thank me, thank Sabigya. :D

    I did blitz through the editing and formatting and did realize that the section explaining how to fight against her was completely neglected. That will be added in shortly.

    UPDATE: Missing section was added.
    • Like x 2
  13. MrSentinel New Player

    I was looking for a Circe one thanks to poster as well as writer of guide.

    My favorite legends character even before she came out as a legends character. However a lot of people give her heat because they think she is 'cheap' or 'overpowered' and so they assume that your a noob just for using her. For this reason I refrain from using Her, which sucks because she is my favorite character and I loathed playing Legends when she wasn't there, wishing that she was.
  14. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    She is no where near overpowered but is easily the most annoying character to face off against due to her being the only legend that can avoid counter punishment easily.
  15. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I wouldn't say no where near, but she's certainly up there.
  16. MrSentinel New Player

    Yup, thats why I put the word in quotation marks, because the word used in her context is questionable.
  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    With these new changes to DoT's she most likely is top tier now. DoT's won't be nearly as effective against her as they once were.
  18. Jbizzahalla175 New Player

    How long has it been since u fought cat woman lol....her shield does not reflect damage anymore....it just prevents damage....
  19. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Please read the full guide before making such a comment :p

    While there has been no developer response this is pretty well thought to be a bug as it can't be tapped down either and has become far more effective than any other shield in legends.
  20. MrSentinel New Player

    Woah, You're right.. Will have to play later and see.