Legends PvP guide- Your Favorite Character(s)

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by The Enquirer, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Lex Luthor - Originally Contributed by Jurgen Blitz

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Luthor...................... A brief summary of playing as Lex Luthor
    Powers........................................ List of usable powers
    Weapon Combo's (Melee).............. Melee weapon combos
    Weapon Combo's (Ranged)............ Ranged weapon combos
    General Tips................................. Things every Lex Luthor user should know
    Advanced..................................... Some advanced tips for using Luthor at a higher level
    The Recap.................................... Some of the basic points you should come away knowing
    Fighting Luthor.............................. How to play against Lex Luthor
    Closing remarks............................. Why are you still reading this?
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    Intro to using Lex Luthor

    Lex Luthor is a very powerful offensive character when used properly. He uses handblasters as his weapon and flight as his movement mode. Lex has multiple damage over time powers and high burst damage as well making him an extreme threat.


    Quantum Barrage- A ranged multi-target shot with a cone radius, which means that a single opponent at point blank will take the full damage (6 hits), and an enemy team will share the damage. The shots take time to reach the target and their damage is not too great. For this reason, there are not many viable situations when to use this power.

    Energy Matrix- A short range cone that can stun up to 2 targets. It is a great power to use if enemy players are trying to force you to fight at melee, allowing you to get some time to retreat and reassess the situation. It has a slight delay on it making it useful to open a fight with as you can start casting the power before your opponent is in range.

    Laser Beam- A single target shot that triggers a damage over time effect on the target, with a total of 5 ticks of damage if jump cancelled immediately or 7 if you let the animation play out. It is also a slow power, but it hits much harder on single targets. You can jump cancel this power however there will be a delay before you can attack next.

    EMP- 360 degree AoE attack that knocks back enemies. It is notable that this is usable while controlled.

    Tactical Blast- An attack can knock back your opponent and pushes you away from them. It deals increased damage to helpless enemies. If you are flying while you use this you use move in the opposite direction you are moving.

    LexCorp Surface Strike- This is a ranged circle AoE that will also trigger a damage over time effect that will hit for 10 ticks of damage. It stuns, roots on contact and knocks back enemies repeatedly who have not yet broken out.

    Weapon Combos (Melee)
    Leap attack (hold melee) Interrupts, vulnerable to block- Your standard lunge. It deals high damage however is one of the slowest lunges in the game.

    Fist slam (tap melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, vulnerable to block- This is a 360 degree AoE attack. Keep in mind if any one person near you blocks you'll pay the price.

    Uppercut (tap melee x2, hold melee) interrupts, vulnerable to block- This move hits for three ticks of damage.

    Weapon Combo's (Ranged)

    Charged Blast (hold range) Block Breaker, vulnerable to interrupt.- Your basic block breaker. Don't resort to using this up close however. Power discharge is far superior.

    Solar flame (hold range, tap range) Block breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- This is the follow up to Charged blast. It hits everything at range in a cone in front of you.

    Meteor Blast (hold range x2) Block Breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- A narrow cone AoE that knocks back opponents. That being said this does have it's uses. It hits in a narrow cone in front of you. Solar flame is a better alternative to this move as it's damage is generally higher and animation time shorter.

    Pulse Beam (tap range x2, hold range) Block Breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- This is your attack for regenerating power. It can be useful for baiting enemies into lunging at you due to the ability to quickly cut off the interrupt window but is not useful for direct offense. It is good for power regeneration though.

    Power discharge (tap range x1 tap melee. Note: Also works with tap range x2, hold melee) Block breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- A close range block breaker. Unlike charged blast it can be clipped immediately to receive full damage.

    Arcane Blast (tap range x3, hold range) Block breaker, vulnerable to interrupt- A mid-long range attack that hits targets in a cone in front of you. There is very little use for this attack due to how long it takes to reach it.
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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    Lex can deal a lot of damage in a small period of time. Even if you do get stuck in melee range you can put up a huge fight.

    The damage over time effects from laser beam and LexCorp Surface Strike will stack. Use both to inflict massive damage over time.

    One key thing with Luthor is to consistently have a damage over time effect active on your opponent. It does make a huge difference over the course of a fight. However, it is better to use burst damage on opponents with low health if you have to chose between the two.

    Luthor's tactical blast does deal increased damage to enemies who have been stunned or hard stunned. You can open with Energy Matrix which stuns and combo right into tactical blast to start off a fight taking down a nice chunk of your opponents health. Keep in mind you can use it for additional damage against opponents your teammates have stunned so watch for signs of that as well.

    You can jump cancel laser beam, but, keep in mind that there is a dovetail on it now that will prevent you from using any other powers for just under a second.

    Quantum barrage, if you are at range is a decent enough power to clip with if surface strike is on cooldown and your opponents all have the damage from laser beam still active on them. Keep in mind that it is easily dodgeable.

    Luthor works best from further away as a "sniper" character. He can deal very heavy damage if left unattended. You can jump in and out of melee and ranged combat very effectively via tactical blast so remain mobile to maximize your damage and power usage.

    Solar Flame does hit from outside of lunge range, which can be very useful. You can also cast surface strike from outside lunge range as well so keep that combo in mind.

    You can use Surface Strike in an additional way of just causing damage. You can use it to get more experienced players to move away from a certain area, such as a node.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.

    Baiting is the process of tricking your enemies into blocking or lunging at you so you can effectively counter them. Baiting an enemy relies heavily on knowing their reaction times, so it may take a few rounds before you learn to bait an opponent effectively.

    Baiting with handblasters seems to rely largely on making use of the tap range attacks. At close range they look similar to your tap melee attack. You can combo into power discharge (if safe) if your opponent is blocking and get a block breaker.

    At range, players will often lunge at you thinking that they can be interrupted. After the 3rd tap, they do become interruptible though, so keep that in mind. Depending on your opponent, they may lunge at you. Figure out their reaction times and you should be able to block the lunge very easily.

    Pulse beam can also be an effective attack to bait with as it draws some attention to your self and the interrupt window can be closed on command.

    Some players have very fast reaction times and are able to block attacks such as the handblasters lunge very easily due to its slow speed. However you can use that to your advantage. If you clip a lunge (most likely with laser beam, a soder, or breakout trinket) you can quickly chain that into your charged blast block breaker, catching them off guard. If you get too close to your opponent, or activate the power too late, you will be blocked by your opponent. Laser beam is your best because you can jump cancel it immediately.

    Hard Stuns

    The most ideal combo to use to inflict counter damage on an opponent is as follows:

    Block Break with Power Discharge > Clip with Laser Beam and jump cancel > Upper Cut > Clip with Laser Beam and jump cancel > tap melee > Clipped with Tactical Blast

    That combo works best at close range due to the limited range on power discharge. At range use the following:
    Charged Blast > Solar Flame > clipped with Laser Beam and jump cancelled > lunge > Tactical Blast

    The Recap
    - Take a moment to analyze the battle zone from a distance, and evaluate which kind of attacks suits the situation more (massive AoE damage or massive single target damage)
    - Don´t be too clip-happy or your power will burn out quick and you will be forced to resort only to HB combos.
    - Use your powers to shorten your longer attack animations as much as possible so you can deal as much damage in a short amount of time as possible.
    - With Lex, positioning is everything. Stay in the thick of things or off to the side and deal heavy damage from there

    Fighting Luthor

    Spot him quickly, and pay attention to him. Interrupt him whenever you can to keep him out of the fight. If the user has positioned himself high enough that your base range doesn´t allow you to lunge him, jump/fly a bit and lunge him.

    A lot of Lex users spam the LexCorp Surface strike. Try to roll out of the area of impact before the first wave of missiles hit. It will prevent a sizable chunk of damage.

    Last but not least, be careful with Tactical Blast. A Lex user will most likely do one of 2 things after using it. They may very likely lunge at you to get back into the fight, or will use an interruptible ranged attack. Wait a second and see what he is going to do.

    Closing Remarks

    Thanks for reading this guide from Jurgen Blitz on Lex Luthor. Hopefully it helps with this marketplace character!
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  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player


    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Robin....................... A brief summary of playing as Robin
    Powers........................................ List of usable powers
    Stealth Powers.............................. Powers you have access to when in stealth
    Weapon Combo's.......................... Weapon Combos
    General Tips................................. Things every Robin user should know
    Stealth Tips................................... A few tips for using stealth effectively.
    The Recap.................................... Some of the basic points you should come away knowing
    Fighting Robin............................... How to play against Robin
    Closing remarks............................. Thanks for reading this!
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    Intro to using Robin

    Robin plays somewhat unique. He uses a slightly modified staff as his weapon and acrobatics as his movement mode. You can't be too weapon combo happy with him because some of his moves are extremely long and you need to be very cautious of whether or not your opponent has crowd control immunity or not. You need to rely on your powers and only a few weapon combos. If you happen to hard stun someone though, you have a combo or two that can cause a lot of damage to your opponent. I feel Robin plays best in team matches where the sole focus is not on him and you have a little more leg room as he does have a pretty good AoE move when it can be performed.


    Batarang fan-A 360 degree AoE move that can stun and knock down enemies. It is worth noting that it is usable while controlled.

    Staff Flurry- An AoE move that can push enemies away and hit for 4 ticks of damage. It is vulnerable to interrupt, so odds are, you are are going to want to jump cancel it fairly early on. However, there is a delay now for when the animation stops so you are going to want to make sure you jump cancel it very quickly.

    Flipline- A single target ranged move that stuns. This power has an advantage over Batarang fan as it will not split damage since it is single target.

    Stealth- Stealth allows you to turn invisible and unlocks 2 new powers for use. It costs no power to use. One hit from an enemy removes you from stealth.

    Forward Flip- A single target knockdown that moves you towards an enemy. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your regular weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost and is a good power to clip with.

    Backflip Escape- An attack can knock back your opponent and pushes you very far away from them. It deals increased damage to helpless enemies. It is usable while controlled but you will not move if you are crowd controlled.

    Stealth Powers
    Take note that no powers here cost power to use.

    Surprise Attack- A single target melee attack that hits for high damage.

    Tied Up- A short ranged power that can stun an enemy. Be careful when using this since it is such close range and getting hit does remove stealth. While using this retains stealth.

    Weapon Combo's

    Sweeping slice (hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Your basic lunge move. It moves at an average speed.

    Batarang Flurry (hold range) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- Your basic block breaker. This is not the default staff staff block breaker however. It functions like charged blast from the handblaster weapon set.

    Martial flowers (tap melee, hold melee, tap melee) (tap melee, hold melee x2) (hold melee x3) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This attack can stun enemies. It hits for 9 ticks of damage and takes some time to execute. Each tick hits for a small amount of damage. As such, it can be good for clipping, however, if your opponent has crowd control resistance odds are you will be blocked. The first attack will hit for 1 tick of damage, the second, two ticks, and the final one, 6 ticks. You can get away with using the first two attack of this combo, but when using the last one, odds are you will be blocked. You will rarely use this full attack.

    Roundhouse combo (tap melee x5) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This attack can hit your opponent into the air. This is one of your "go-to" attacks as it doesn't hit for many ticks of damage and as such, will be harder to block compared to other combo moves you have.

    Downward Smash Combo (tap melee x3, hold melee, tap melee) (tap melee x3, hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The last two hits of this combo are AoE attacks that have a chance to knock down enemies. Be careful though because if one person near you is blocking you can be hard stunned. This is another "go-to" attack. This is very good for when an opponent is hard stunned. Clip the last hit with a power and you have dealt them some serious damage.

    Launching Roundhouse Kick (tap melee, hold melee x2, tap melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This attack hits for 11 ticks of damage, the 2nd two hits can stun an opponent and the last hit can launch them into the air. However, this attack has the same issue that Martial Flowers does; It's third hit is very lengthy and will most likely be blocked. As such, you will rarely use this.

    Leaping Overhead Strike Combo (tap melee, hold melee x4) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This attack hits for 11 ticks of damage and the last hit is an AoE attack. Once again though, individual attacks in this combo are too long to execute without a high chance of being blocked, so this move will rarely be used.
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  4. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    You cannot be too weapon combo happy with Robin. You need to know which combos are safe to pull off without the fear of being easily blocked.

    Most of the time, the only power you will need is forward flip. It deals heavy single target damage and has a relatively fast recharge. Try not to use other powers so much as they deal less damage and are meant mainly for crowd control.

    Save your AoE attacks for when there is actually a crowd. Batarang fan can be of great help to stun everyone near you.

    As already stated, save staff flurry for large groups where they may not focus on you, or to counter opponents pets just as they are brought out. Remember to jump cancel it if just before they finish the summoning animation. There is a good chance they will lunge at you in the hopes of hard stunning you so block.

    You effectively only have 2 weapon combos that do not put you at a very high risk for being blocked. As such, you will become predictable eventually so your opponent will start to regularly block. Take it slow and steady and know when to block break.

    Robin can deal immense burst damage to someone who has been hard stunned. Get good with timing your blocks and knowing when to interrupt opponents and you can quickly punish sloppy players.

    Backflip escape is by far the best escape move in the game. It puts a very big space between you and an opponent. Use that space to stall while a soder recharges, a teammate is coming to your aid, or to enter stealth.

    If you are playing a team game, try to find a partner with good block breaking skills. If they keep using block breakers, you will have near unrestricted access to your full array of combo moves, and some of them hit very hard.

    Stealth tips

    Do not mess up entering stealth. Surprise attack is one of your saving graces when using Robin and can really level the playing field, or at the very least scare them into blocking so you can block break them. Do not go into stealth where there is a high risk of you being hit.

    Keep in mind that if you do go into stealth after using backflip escape, due to the decreased movement speed it can take you a little while to get back to your opponent. Roll to speed things up.

    If your opponent is not wildly attacking trying to find you while you are using stealth, there is no harm done in using Tied Up to stun them. They will need to use power to break out, or their trinket, and may end up blocking, setting you up for a very easy block breaker.

    The Recap
    -Do not use certain weapon combo's. Against any decent player you will be blocked
    -Use the right powers for the right situations, there is no reason to always use certain powers
    -Get good at hard stunning opponents and you can cause them a lot of grief in a short period of time
    -Don't mess up using stealth

    Fighting Robin

    The best piece of advice I can give anyone, is to know when to block and when to interrupt. A Robin player that has the staff twirling all about is a Robin player that is a very easy target.

    They will be using the same two combos for the most part. Figure out their pattern of attack.

    Try to keep some form of damage over time going on them so they cannot enter stealth.

    If they do enter stealth, move around very fast so you can possibly avoid their attack. Alternatively if you are playing a character that has access to mines (Steel, Two Face) you can just place one of them down and stand near it. Chances are it will detonate before they can hit you.

    Try to keep Robin separated from a group. He then becomes a much easier target.

    Closing Remarks

    I can only hope that this helps someone deal with Robin and maybe even come to prefer using Robin in Legends. Remember, if you dislike him, there are a few very inexpensive characters you can get within just a few matches so stick with it!
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  5. Alan Scott New Player

    This guide is so useful and well done it's not even funny. I've been playing Legends longer than PvE and I still managed to learn something here. Seriously mate, you should do this for every Legends character ! Keep up the awesome work :)
    • Like x 2
  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Thanks a ton!! Glad to know I'm helping even the experienced players.

    As per doing it for all the characters, that's the plan. Someone pm'd me about this guide and asked his league which characters they'd want guides for. Based on that league's feedback as well as some things I've seen here Amon Sur will be next since a lot of players have trouble countering him and my guides tell how to play against certain characters.
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  7. Hero of Justice New Player

    The other two big ones I've noticed are:

    - John Stewart (People seem to be fustrated by A) His ability to rain death on them with flight/rifle, and B) Using him effectively with his low health). So from both perspectives.

    - Steel (Post-nerf, there seems to be a lot of confusion about how to use him now, and where he now stands with the other Legends. I've seen it said that he's terrible now by some, and have others who think that he still is pretty formiddable). Should be safe to do him now that the major changes to him seem to have been made, unlike a Two-Face.
    • Like x 1
  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I've noticed those as well. I'm waiting to do rifle characters because GU35 is supposed to buff rifle.
  9. Conno23 New Player

    Im Looking forward to when you get to Bizarro and Saint Walker, although i expect it to be awhile as they are not in high demand, i think.

    I love playing Biz, and i lose to saint walker. It is always great to read the tips of someone so much more experienced than me!

    Keep up the great work!
    • Like x 1
  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Harley Quinn/Future Harley

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Harley Quinn............. A brief summary of playing as Harley
    Powers......................................... List of usable powers
    Stealth Powers.............................. Powers you have access to when in stealth
    Weapon Combo's.......................... Weapon Combos
    General Tips................................. Things every Harley user should know
    Stealth Tips................................... A few tips for using stealth effectively.
    The Recap.................................... Some of the basic points you should come away knowing
    Fighting Harley............................... How to play against Harley
    Closing remarks............................. Thanks for reading this!
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    Intro to Using Harley Quinn

    Harley is a very easy to learn character from what I have found. Your ability to use her really scales with your own reaction time and knowledge of the game mechanics. There isn't just one set of particular powers you will use so you remain unpredictable. She is a fantastic character for players of any skill level. Harley uses two handed (a really big hammer I'll have you know) as her weapon and Acrobatics as her movement skill. She isn't as strategic as some other characters, her play style (at least for me) seems to just revolve around knowing your opponents and the mechanics of the game.


    Hammer Spin- A 360 degree AoE attack that is vulnerable to block. You can move while using this and cancel out of it by blocking. It will hit for 5 ticks of damage.

    Glove Punch- A short range cone that can knock back opponents in front of you.

    Bomb Toss- Summons a large bomb for you to throw at enemies or smash on them. It can knock back and ground enemies.Throwing deals more damage. Do not use this when you do not have crowd control immunity as you can drop it.

    Stealth- Stealth allows you to turn invisible and unlocks 2 new powers for use. It costs no power to use. One hit from an enemy removes you from stealth.

    Forward Flip- A single target knockdown that moves you towards an enemy. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your regular weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost and is a good power to clip with.

    Backflip- An attack can knock back your opponent and pushes you away from them. It deals increased damage to helpless enemies. It is usable while controlled but you will not move if you are crowd controlled.

    Stealth Powers
    Take note that no powers here cost power to use.

    Surprise Attack- A single target melee attack that hits for high damage.

    Head Bonk- A short ranged power that can stun an enemy. Be careful when using this since it is such close range and getting hit does remove stealth. While using this retains stealth.

    Weapon Combo's

    Lunging Smash (hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to Block- Your basic lunge attack. It should be noted that this attack will be used very often as it is how you start off most of your other combos.

    Hammer Throw (hold range) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to Interrupt- Your basic block breaker.

    Tap Range (Tap range)- A quick move which is good for power regeneration.

    Big Scoop (Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to Block- A hard hitting single target attack. This attack will be used a lot, often clipped with a power.

    Home Run (Hold melee x3) Interrupts, Vulnerable to Block- A multi-target attack that hits everyone in a cone in front of you for heavy damage and can knock them down. This attack will be used somewhat often. Depending on your opponent you may not get to this attack in the combo. It is best to use after your lunge interrupts an opponent. Clipping this attack is essential unless you plan on using Mega Smash.

    Mega Smash (Hold melee x4) Interrupts, Vulnerable to Block- This charge up attack hits for massive damage and can be absolutely devastating when it goes through, knocking back opponents in an AoE. However, due to the lengthy charge up time and time it takes to get to this attack in a combo chain, it will rarely be used.

    Clobber (tap melee x5) Interrupts, Vulnerable to Block- A single target attack that hits for some decent damage. This will rarely be used due to the time it takes to get to it and the limited clipping potential.

    Doom Spin (hold melee, tap melee x2, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to Block- An AoE attack that has the effect of knocking back enemies and hits for 9 ticks of damage. Due to the lengthy animation it is advisable you jump cancel, or block to stop the animation. This is good for power regeneration. Due to having essentially the same attack on your power bar, you will rarely use this.

    General tips

    The hammer is a very slow weapon, so odds are you will only manage to get a few hits into a combo before a crowd control or block interrupts you. However it does deal massive damage, so clipping big scoop or home run can deliver some very heavy damage.

    Harley has high health, utilizing backflip you can make that health last longer due to the dodge it provides.

    Gag glove is a pretty decent attack to use at range if you don't want to get too close to a group for some reason, however most of the time you will want to use forward flip.

    If you do a team game, take a partner into a match with you that has access to a quick block breaker. You will very likely be able to use Mega Smash a number of times without fear of being blocked and you can wear opponents down quickly with that.

    Hammer spin will often hit for two or three ticks of damage on average before an opponent blocks it. Be prepared to jump cancel right into a block breaker.

    In essence, Hammer spin is your only major 360 AoE move. Use this to clear people away from nodes or if you just need some breathing room. Using bomb toss can also grant a similar though less effective effect due to the possibility of dropping it.

    Odds are your opponent will expect you to lunge at them due to most of your combos starting off with a lunge. Alternate between that and forward flip to trip things up every once in a while to get close to them.

    Since you will only be using a few attacks, you may become predictable, so learn your opponents blocking patterns quickly and exploit them.

    Clipping is essential to playing a good Harley. The attack animations are long, so clipping them can save you a lot of time and put out a scary amount of damage.
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  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Every once in a while you will want to switch up your attack pattern by going into Doom Spin. You might give yourself an opportunity to block break there since two of the hits leading up to Doom spin are not vulnerable to block.

    Open up fights by using bomb toss. It can knock your opponent down a peg before you even get close to them. I've often found they will either lunge at you or block right after. Figure out which one your opponent prefers and counter accordingly. This isn't guaranteed of course, but it is likely.

    Lure people into blocking with your hammer spin. Use it at a slight distance and move towards them. Jump cancel it and use a block breaker.

    Harley's powers use relatively little power compared to other characters and have reasonably quick cool downs so you don't need to worry about running out of power any time soon.

    Stealth Tips

    For Harley, I found myself using stealth in a defensive manner. Using it to allow my health to regenerate after a round of battle in shadowlands or other 1 vs 1 content when need be.

    Using it in an offensive manner can obviously be helpful as well. After an interrupt will be the safest time to use stealth. I would advise clipping Big scoop or home run with stealth and immediately using surprise attack.

    Keep in mind that Head Bonk is very, very close range, so when using it, if your opponent is attacking, they will probably end up hitting you, bringing you out of stealth.

    Rolling can increase the slow speed at which stealth makes you walk.

    Using stealth early on in a fight will allow it to be ready for use sooner. If you plan on using it offensively, use it earlier rather than later.

    If you plan on using it defensively, save it for when you need to hide and save yourself some health between fights.

    The Recap

    -Harley's powers use relatively low power, so clipping is your friend here.
    -Try not to become too predictable with your attacks. Obvious advice, but her main combo's all stem from her lunge.
    -Lure people into blocking with certain attacks and be ready for when they do.
    -Use backflip to add some additional survivability to your already impressive health.
    -Occasionally using forward flip instead of lunging can save you from being blocked.

    Fighting Against Harley

    Harley can often be a pain to fight against for many people. As I've said earlier, a huge part of beating Harley is knowing the mechanics better than your opponent. More so than other characters, how well someone can play her really seems to rely on their knowledge of the counter system.

    Know what the various attacks look like. Know the blockable attacks from the non-blockable attacks. Blocking is pretty much huge. There are a few "tells" as to whether or not a good Harley player will perform another attack.

    Know when to block. If Harley lunges at you with her hammer, block, there is a very good chance her next attack will be vulnerable to block so it may be worthwhile to just stay blocking. Just stay on your toes and don't do this too much or else your opponent will catch on. Unless you can block attacks on reaction, this is one of your best methods to hard stun her.

    If Harley has not clipped an attack, either you are playing against someone who doesn't understand clipping, and they should not give you many problems, or they are going to perform another attack, so it will be a good idea to block.

    The big place to use that advice is if Harley lunges at you and performs big scoop, but does not clip it. They will use home run and attempt to clip that so be sure to block.

    Stay on the lookout for Mega Smash. This would be the single most hard hitting weapon attack in legends if it is fully charged. It is very easy to counter but for some reason players just seem to get caught up in hitting Harley and they end up losing a massive portion of their health.

    Closing Remarks

    Thanks for reading this and hopefully it has helped someone learn to use Harley or how to counter her as she can be quite a tough cookie to take on without knowing her move set.
  12. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Amon Sur

    Table of Contents
    Intro to Using Amon Sur................. A brief summary of playing as Amon
    Powers......................................... List of usable powers
    Stealth Powers.............................. Powers you have access to when in stealth
    Weapon Combo's.......................... Weapon Combos
    General Tips................................. Things every Amon user should know
    The Recap.................................... Some of the basic points you should come away knowing
    Fighting Amon............................... How to play against Amon
    Closing remarks............................ Thanks for reading this!
    Click here for specific statistics

    Intro to Using Amon Sur

    Amon Sur is a very offensive character, using Martial Arts as his weapon and flight as his movement mode. He is renowned for giving many players difficulty due to his excellent crowd control abilities through both his weapon and powers. His main play style revolves around only three of his powers. Amon Sur is able to fairly effortlessly move around due to certain powers he has access to. Due to his play style, for the most part you will use relatively low power.


    Light Claws- A power that can hit for up to 5 ticks of damage. When first used, it will cause you to lunge at your opponent, stunning them. From there you can tap melee to execute combos. Something worth noting is that this move uses very little power for how much damage it can do as it only costs power for the initial cast. The remainder of the combos for this move do not cost power. You can also clip out of this power at any time with any other power. This is the power you will use most often.
    • tap 1 and 2- Stun your enemies
    • tap 3- Stun your enemies. This move is vulnerable to block.
    • tap 4- A small AoE move in front of Amon that will knock down enemies. This animation is slightly longer than the others.
    Ram- Knocks down enemies in front of you and hits for 2 ticks of damage. This power is another move that will be used very often.

    Shatter- Charge up an attack and unleash it in a 360 AoE around you for massive damage and to stun opponents. This attack is vulnerable to interrupt. This power should never be used due to the long charge up and interrupt period.

    Construct Whirlwind- A move that hits in a 360 degree AoE around Amon Sur for 8 ticks of damage and will stun on the last hit. It roots you in place and you cannot do anything else until the power animation finishes. The first tick of damage is fairly good, however the remaining 7 ticks are not so good. Due to that, this power will not be used much. The damage also does not split very well so it is not of much use in group fights either. The one way to make this move worthwhile is to clip it using Nightmare construct as that is the one power that can clip it.

    Nightmare Construct- Summon a single pet to aid you in battle. The only two things that make this pet worthwhile are his crowd control ability, which can send opponents sprawling a very good distance and its ability to clip construct whirlwind. You can use this to split AoE damage, however due to the summoning time, low health, and high power cost this may not be advised.

    Swoop Attack- A mutlitarget knockdown that moves you towards an enemy. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your regular weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost and is a good power to clip with.

    Weapon Combo's

    Axe Kick (hold melee) Interrupts, vulnerable to block- Your basic lunge move.

    Knee launch (tap melee, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A quick attack that does somewhat low damage, but is good to interrupt people.

    Cartwheel kick (tap melee x2, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Another quick attack that has a chance to stun the enemy. It is a very good move to clip. This is often a martial arts users "go to" attack.

    Elbow drop (tap melee x3, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A longer move that is best clipped but provides good single target damage.

    Spinning Punch (tap melee x4, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An AoE attack that hits for pretty high damage. Be careful because if anyone near you is blocking you will be hard stunned.

    Smokebomb- (tap melee x5, hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A 360 degree AoE that stuns and deals massive damage. It is easily blocked so you will not use it too often.

    Heavy Shuriken (hold range) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A very quick block breaker.

    Shuriken Storm (hold range x2) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A block breaker that hits in a wide cone in front of you, and can stun opponents as well as hits for multiple ticks of damage. The number of ticks of damage it does varies.

    Enhanced Shuriken (hold range x3) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- A block breaker that can knock back opponents.
    • Like x 3
  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    You will not need to lunge so much with Amon unless you are low on power or need to interrupt an opponent. Use light claws instead as it plants you right next to your opponent, isn't vulnerable to block and can stun.

    If your rushing a node, and your opponent has a healing barrel in hand, use light claws, it can stun them and cause them to drop it, allowing you to utilize the healing barrel.

    I normally clip out of light claws with ram, as it is quick and deals more damage than swoop attack.

    Many players unfamiliar with Amon will try to block light claws thinking they are normal melee attacks. Be prepared to go right into a block breaker.

    Using the Construct Whirlwind power in a group fight and clipping it with Nightmare Construct can help out a little bit as you can stun many enemies at once. Be cautious as this combo will drain almost half your power bar.

    If you want simple safe damage, only use the first two combo's of light claws.

    Light claws, due to it's quick recharge, can clip with itself if you want it to.

    Use your crowd control as effectively as possible. It is your greatest strength as every power you have access to can give crowd control in one form or another.

    Due to the immense amount of crowd control you have access to, many players will "freakout" when trying to break out and end up blocking, so following up moves that stun can net you some hard stuns on your opponent.

    Use Light Claws to hop around from opponent to opponent safely, or even to get out of an AoE if you can as you do not have a backflip move.

    You can deal extremely heavy damage in short amounts of time if you go unblocked so you may become a central focus of players in team battles.

    Your main rotation will probably be something along the lines of weapon attack ----> light claws (combo however many times needed)----> ram. repeat. Alter that as needed though. I found that to be an extremely effective way of wearing down opponents though.

    The Recap

    -Crowd Control is your best friend with Amon. You have an extreme amount of it.
    -Remember to use block breakers often if the opponent seems to have that "freakout" when you stun them multiple times
    -You need to stay right on top of your opponent and overwhelm them in order to use Amon most effectively

    Fighting Against Amon

    I guarantee this is a huge reason why most people are reading this as this is the primary reason why this guide was requested so particular attention was paid here.

    Crowd control immunity is going to be your best friend here. Trinkets, or breakouts help a lot as Amon has absurd amounts of crowd control

    The most basic mistake I have found people made while countering Amon is that they attempt to block his light claws. Only the 3rd and 4th combo moves are blockable (not taking into account the initial cast). Odds are you will have crowd control bestowed upon you fairly early on.

    In response to the initial cast of light claws, many characters have a move that is usable while controlled and often applies a knockback effect. Use that and break out. It will stop the Amon user from getting more combos out from light claws.

    Know how to break out properly. It sounds obvious, but it really isn't. Many players see "stunned" pop up multiple times and end up mashing the breakout button and end up blocking by mistake. Due to the very quick block breaker Martial Arts has, people end up hard stunned as a result.

    Pay close attention to the player's rotation because it could let you know when to block break. Amon is somewhat squishy so hitting him hard a few times will hurt him pretty badly and often take a player by surprise.

    A lot of the time after an Amon player hits you with a light claws combo they will immediately start block breaking. Break out and interrupt them. Not all Amon players do this, but a decent number of them will.

    Closing Remarks

    I know the main reason for people wanting guide was the section on how to play against Amon based on the number of messages I got both here and in game. Hopefully this helps someone out in using him or countering Amon Sur.
    • Like x 5
  14. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Surprised you didn't make a one for Superman after yesterday. I showed you how to be a badazz with him :p
    • Like x 1
  15. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    by Jurgen Blitz

    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Atrocitus............. A brief summary of playing as Atrocitus
    Powers................................... List of usable powers
    Weapon Combo's.................... Melee weapon combos
    General Tips........................... How to use your weapons and powers together
    The Recap.............................. Some of the basic points you should come away knowing
    Fighting Atrocitus..................... How to play against Atrocitus
    Closing Remarks..................... Thanks for reading!
    Click here for specific statistics

    Intro to using Atrocitus

    Atrocitus is a character that uses flight as movement mode and brawling as weapon. He has very low health, one of the lowest among the Legends roster (slightly above 5500) however has a couple of powers, that when used together, can make up for this. In fact, all of his powers have an area of effect damage and a crowd control effect, which makes Atrocitus a great choice for maps base on node captures. Again, because of his low health, and with only one mitigation ability in the form of a Supercharge, he is a “glass cannon” character that can go down quickly…. But not before letting his rage be felt and even take other characters with him. Clip your heavier Brawling combos with your powers and the result will be devastating.


    Rage Flail- A construct-based power with an impressive range that can stun up to 4 enemies. It is a slow working power that can take up to a full second to execute. The delay, however, can be used to your advantage if you trigger the power when an incoming enemy is not yet at range, so that the Flail will hit almost as soon as he gets within Rage Flail´s range.

    Ire Stomp- A 360 degree AoE attack that knocks back enemies. It is notable that this is usable while controlled.

    Rage Expulsion- The Red Lantern´s trademark “blood puke” is a cone AoE attack that causes damage over time to all enemies caught in the cone, and also induces panic. Rage Expulsion´s DoT ticks are somewhat weak, however the initial tick is fairly decent and they tick 5 times in total.

    Plasma Pool- An AoE power with a HUGE range, that will ground enemies and hit for 17 ticks of damage dealing moderate damage. The initial tick is larger than those that follow. The Pool will not be visible after the 9th-10th tick, but the burning effect will remain until the 17th. The ticks will affect the player even if he leaves the area or if Atrocitus is KO´d. Plasma Pool is cast around Atrocitus, not at range. And the animation takes almost 2 full seconds, so you have to be sure that you won´t be swarmed while casting it or you will be a sitting duck. This power, when active on an enemy, also increases the damage from your other powers, so this is an excellent way to open up a fight.

    Furious Lunge- A mutlitarget knockdown that moves you towards an enemy. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your regular weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost and is a good power to clip with.

    Rage Of The Butcher- A 100% Supercharge that prevents all incoming damage during its casting. This power increases Atrocitus´ health pool by almost 3000, giving Atro a 8,2k health pool. For 12 seconds after this power is activated, all damage dealt by Atrocitus is returned to him as healing. While this power is active, another power takes it's place

    Raging Roar ( only while Rage of the Butcher is active)- It is a cone AoE that pushes back opponents and is vulnerable to interrupt. It hits for 3 ticks of damage.

    Weapon Combos

    Lunging right (Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The standard lunge, but one of the fastest ones in the game, and hits pretty hard.

    Stomp Smash (Hold Range) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- Your standard block breaker. It can be jump cancelled allowing you to go into a lunge however does not close the vulnerability window. Useful if your opponent goes to roll away or block breaks at the same time as you.

    Ground Pound (hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An attack that knocks back opponents in a small cone in front of you. A good option for clipping after interrupting an enemy.

    Doublefist (Tap melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Brawling´s only stun. The combo is quite fast, making it a very useful combo.

    Backfist (Tap melee, Hold melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A combo that knocks back the targets within a small arc.

    Hammerfist (Tap melee x2, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is one of the combos that can start with a lunge instead of a tap, making it an ideal option against hard-stunned enemies. It knocks back opponents.

    Punt (Tap melee x2, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A very strong move that applies a knockback against your target. It is one of the longer animations so it is very advisable to clip. It is performed after hammerfist.

    Launching Uppercut (tap melee x3, Hold) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- One of the most versatile combos for a Legends Brawler, devastating after a hard stun. This is another combo that can start with either a Tap or a Hold, and it will lift the target up in the air.

    Haymaker (tap melee x3, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The most powerful combo available to you and it knocks back opponents. This attack is slow and should be clipped. However it is very predictable so will not be used too often so be ready to land a block breaker on your opponent.

    Special Note on combos:

    After performing double fist, you can then tap melee once then hold melee to combo into launching uppercut.
  16. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    Although somewhat adaptable, Atrocitus is meant for one thing and one thing only: Berserk melee fighting in areas with multiple enemies. In a short amount of time, you can deal massive damage to entire teams. If you're properly supported you can bulldoze entire teams.

    Through your damage over time abilities, you can burn down opponents very quickly. Always apply your damage over time moves as soon as you can.

    Casting Plasma pool as soon as you can is vital as it increases your damage from all your other powers as well as setting up a very nice DoT on your opponents.

    Be very careful with your combos. Due to your low health you will go down extremely quickly. Your supercharge is a saving grace.

    Your supercharge has a bit of a learning curve to it. It can heal you back almost fully, or it can do almost nothing. It is as effective as you make it. To have it perform at it's best, do not use any combos that will leave you open to blocking or interrupt unless you are positive you will not be hard stunned. Combining that method with using your powers, you can heal back most of your health.

    From my experience, you can choose two battle modes for Atrocitus, which we can call Battle Opener, and Area Burner. Battle Opener is the situation where you jump in before the others, and set a DoT or two, acting as a distraction while the rest of your team arrives. You may fall, but the damage from your DoTs will leave the enemy team vulnerable. This choice is idea if you have your supercharge ready as you can very easily cause a lot of damage with little risk to yourself and make things much easier for your team when they arrive.

    In the Area Burner mode, ideal to fight in crowded areas or to contest for nodes, the roles are inverted, and it works well with characters that hit heavy at melee or that have many melee CC options (like Amon Sur, Sinestro, Bizarro or Steel). In this situations, you allow them to go first and Control the enemy team, leaving you space to safely set your two DoTs to heavily damage the enemy players over time, making it a struggle for them to contest the node..

    Some weapon/power combinations are:

    Stomp Smash to Rage Flail- in the few situations where an enemy is blocking far away from you and doesn't have much health left, this combination will block-break and then hit while the enemy´s down, while also making the animation much shorter, allowing you to possibly finish them off before they get back up.

    Furious Lunge to Hand Clap/Stomp Smash- The usual shenanigan, tricking your enemy into thinking that the Lunge is part of a weapon combo. Many players fall for this and block, use that chance to block-break and hard-stun them.

    Hammerfist/Rising Uppercut to Ire Stomp/Furious Lunge- These are the weapon combos you will be using most of the time. On the weapon side, both are very similar in terms of speed/damage (Hammerfist is quicker while Rising Uppercut hits harder), so choose one or another depending on how much time you think you have before the target could break out and block. Regarding the powers, Ire Stomp seems to have a wider range, which will come in Handy if there are many enemy players around you. Furious Lunge, on the other hand, adds movement. This seems like a stupid thing to say, but it can come in extremely Handy in some situations. For example, after interrupting an enemy using block-breakers in mid air, Furious Lunge would allow you do keep dealing damage to said enemy as he falls to the floor, whereas Ire Stop would stay in the spot and probably miss all of its damage. The damage from both powers is practically the same, so in the end, using one or another depends of your surroundings.

    The Recap

    -DoTs, DoTs, DoTs! Atrocitus needs his bloody raging DoTs to be effective. Try to have at least one active at every time. Maximize the use of them by hitting as many enemies as possible (remember that Rage Expulsion Works in a cone). Use Rage Expulsion on enemies that aren´t blocking, or they will mitigate the three hardest hits, reducing the total damage by about a half.

    -Be patient! Don´t jump into a fight without analyzing the situation. How many enemies are there, how much space do you have, from how many directions can you be attacked from… Everything counts with a melee carácter with a low health pool as Atrocitus. Choose your weapon combos wisely.

    -When to use the Supercharge? It can obviously save you from dying, but choose the momento wisely. There are three ideal situations: when Atrocitus is below 30% health, when he´s below 50% but fighting against 3+ enemies, ori f your teammates have been knocked down contesting a node and you are the only one left. This last situation will preventa ll damage and CC effects for some time, stalling the enemy team and giving time for some of your teammates to arrive.

    Fighting Atrocitus

    Sadly, this is very simple: counter him, and unleash everything you have while the opponent is hard-stunned. With luck, he can go down really fast, even before the player has time to get up again.

    Something you can do, to make Atrocitus's life more difficult is to roll out of the way or Plasma Pool. This will save you quite a bit of health. Obviously that becomes more difficult to manage on node maps so you need to know your counters very effectively for those situations.

    While he can deal heavy damage, he lacks any real defensive option. His supercharge is his only real defense and that is only as effective as you let it be.

    If you are fighting a team, depending on team composition, he would be a very good primary target because if he is left unattended, he will deal massive, massive damage to your team.

    Closing Remarks

    Thanks to Jurgen Blitz for this guide and here's to hoping it has taught someone a thing or two about Atrocitus!
    • Like x 2
  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player


    Table of Contents
    Intro to using Bane................. Into to using Bane
    Powers.................................. List of usable powers
    Supercharge.......................... Using Bane's Supercharge
    Weapon Combo's................... Weapon combos
    General Tips.......................... General tips for Bane
    Advanced............................... More advanced tactics
    The Recap............................. A quick recap of the information found here
    Fighting The Bat Breaker......... Fighting against bane
    Closing Remarks.................... Thanks for reading!
    Click here for specific statistics

    Intro to Using Bane

    Bane is a character with high survivability and has an above average damage output. He uses brawling as his weapon and acrobatics as his movement mode. Using your supercharge to maximum effectiveness and knowing how to counter are key with Bane.


    Ground Slam- A 360 degree AoE attack that knocks back enemies. It is notable that this is usable while controlled.

    Battle Roar- A cone AoE move that will hit for 3 ticks of damage and pushes back enemies. It is vulnerable to interrupt so jump canceling it will be a very good idea. You will mostly use this when your opponent is hard stunned. There is a dovetail when jump cancelling it though, so you will not be able to use another power after jump cancelling it for just under a second.

    Seismic Slam- Summons a large rock for you to throw at enemies or smash on them. It can knock back and ground enemies.Throwing deals more damage. Do not use this when you do not have crowd control immunity as you can drop it.

    Crushing Lunge- A mutlitarget knockdown that moves you towards an enemy. Be careful as it's maximum range is not as far as your regular weapon's lunge. It has a low power cost and is a good power to clip with.

    Venom Up- A 100% supercharge that increases your health and critical attack chance. This will be discussed further in it's own section. When used two times in one life it grants an additional power

    Grappel Line (during second use of Venom Up only)- Pulls a single target towards you and grounds it.

    Venom Clap- A mid ranged AoE move that hits for 5 ticks of damage. This is a great move to open up with. The first tick deals a good portion of damage, it will continue to tick away at opponents throughout your fight.


    Read all of this very carefully. It is essential to playing Bane.
    Bane's supercharge, Venom Up, is a major asset. It is a 100% supercharge that can be used once, and it will heal and apply a buff to your weapon and health, and a second time, further increasing those boosts. During the animations for these you have complete immunity to control effects and will absorb up to 10,000 incoming damage. Bane's physical size will also increase with each use.

    Use 1:
    Heals 1092 to 1637 health
    Increases health from the normal 6552 to 7207
    Grants an additional 12% critical weapon attack chance and 35% critical weapon attack damage.
    ---Coupled with the already in place bonuses you have a total of 22% critical weapon attack chance and 68.75% critical attack damage
    This form will last until you are knocked out, or use Venom up a second time.

    Use 2:
    Heals 1092 to 1637 health
    Increases health from 7207 to 8190
    Grants an additional 25% critical weapon attack chance and 65% weapon attack damage.
    ---Coupled with the already in place bonuses you have a total of 35% critical weapon attack chance and 106.25% critical attack damage.
    This form will last 60 seconds.

    Tips for Supercharge Use

    The first Venom Up will last indefinitely, so stay in that form as long as possible as it gives a sizable advantage over most other characters. I will use the second venom up when I am in need of extra health, damage, or my team needs 60 seconds of a very hard push.

    In your second form, it is very possible to wear someone down simply with basic melee taps. If you happen to catch someone off guard and hit them with punt or haymakers and get a critical hit you can expect your damage to be in the low thousands from a single hit.

    Your health buff can turn you into a very tank like character. The physical size increase is very likely to attract attention as you are quite literally turned into a giant. Just be prepared for that.

    Keep in mind if you have used Venom Up and you die, you will lose all Supercharge gained towards your second Venom up.

    Weapon Combos

    Lunging right (Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The standard lunge, but one of the fastest ones in the game, and hits pretty hard.

    Stomp Smash (Hold Range) Block Breaker, Vulnerable to interrupt- Your standard block breaker. It can be jump cancelled allowing you to go into a lunge however does not close the vulnerability window. Useful if your opponent goes to roll away or block breaks at the same time as you.

    Ground Pound (hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- An attack that knocks back opponents in a small cone in front of you. A good option for clipping after interrupting an enemy.

    Doublefist (Tap melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- Brawling´s only stun. The combo is quite fast, making it a very useful combo.

    Backfist (Tap melee, Hold melee, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A combo that knocks back the targets within a small arc.

    Hammerfist (Tap melee x2, Hold melee) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- This is one of the combos that can start with a lunge instead of a tap, making it an ideal option against hard-stunned enemies. It knocks back opponents.

    Punt (Tap melee x2, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- A very strong move that applies a knock back against your target. It is one of the longer animations so it is very advisable to clip. It is performed after hammerfist.

    Launching Uppercut (tap melee x3, Hold) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- One of the most versatile combos for a Legends Brawler, devastating after a hard stun. This is another combo that can start with either a Tap or a Hold, and it will lift the target up in the air.

    Haymaker (tap melee x3, Hold melee x2) Interrupts, Vulnerable to block- The most powerful combo available to you and it knocks backopponents. This attack is slow and should be clipped. However it is very predictable so will not be used too often so be ready to land a block breaker on your opponent.

    Elbow Slam (tap melee x4, hold melee)- A special combo that is only usable during the effects of a supercharge. It is not vulnerable to block and does not interrupt. It can be of use to get some safe damage against block heavy opponents.

    Special Note on combos:

    After performing double fist, you can then tap melee once then hold melee to combo into launching uppercut. Alternatively if you have your supercharge active you can use double fist, then tap melee twice to use Elbow Slam.
    • Like x 3
  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    General Tips

    Bane is surprisingly straight forward to play and an excellent legend for new players.

    If your opponent has not yet reached you, start building up a combo to haymaker and clip it with crushing lunge. It will launch you towards your opponent and they will receive damage for both attacks.

    To open up, use seismic slam if your opponent is at range. The attack can hit critically for around 1k in damage, which can knock an opponents health down by a considerable margin before they have even laid a finger on you, not to mention ground them. This is especially useful in node maps.

    Make sure you consistently apply Venom Clap to your opponent to keep your DoT on them at all times.

    Performing launching uppercut and clipping it with crushing lunge is at the moment one of the more damaging combos you will have the time to perform during a hard stun. An alternative to that is using hammerfist and clipping it with seismic slam. Keep in mind that damage splitting may have a drastic effect on the amount of damage it does.

    You have a distinctive advantage against characters who can summon pets. Every time you KO a pet, you get a supercharge gain equivalent to that of KOing a normal player. Take down pets as soon as possible to get your supercharge.

    Barrels will also give you Supercharge. Be sure to take advantage of as many of them as possible.

    The tips found here may or may not be effective based on the level at which you play. Playing against casual players is a completely different game than playing against mid tier players and that is different from playing against top tier players.


    Baiting with Brawling is fairly difficult. It mostly revolves around making your opponent used to you and switching things up.

    Use tap melee attacks often, especially in your supercharged state to easily draw out blocks to punish.

    On occasion you can tap your ranged attack which may cause your opponent to try to lunge you.

    Be sure to take advantage of having an extra attack that is not vulnerable to block.

    Hard Stuns

    After a hard stun, one of the more damaging combos you can pull off is as follows:
    double fist into backhand, clipped with battle roar. Then jump cancel battle roar and use crushing lunge.

    If Battle roar is on cool down use launching uppercut clipped with crushing lunge.

    The amount of damage you do during that period of time obviously will go up if you have Venom Clap active on your opponent and if you have Venom Up active.

    The Recap
    -Bane can open fights very, very strongly between his Seismic slam and his Venom Clap move.
    -You have access to a brawling move most others do not have in legends. You can use it to catch people off guard
    -Stay in your first supercharge mode unless you need 60 seconds of a very hard burn for some reason. You will maintain those increased stats until you get knocked out.

    Fighting The Bat Breaker

    Bane hits hard. Very, very hard when he has access to his supercharge. Be very careful around Bane and know when to block. Brawling is a slower weapon, so you may be able to catch some of those attacks on reaction.

    With a good Bane there really is not too much you can do to fight against him except know the mechanics better than he does. If I think of anything that can help or receive any tips here I will obviously add them in.

    Be sure to watch out for his rock at the start of fights.

    Many less experienced players I have noticed will try to get a second tick or even the third tick out of Battle Roar. Interrupt them during that.

    Do not summon pet's when you are fighting Bane. Every time he kills a pet, it boosts his Supercharge by the same amount it would have if he KO'd a human opponent.

    Closing Remarks

    Guide dedicated to BlinkofAEye as he has been a fantastic partner in 2vs2's as well as Ace Chemicals.
    Hopefully you've picked something up from this:)
    • Like x 3
  19. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Great Guide!
    Quick Tip to fighting against bane in group fights. Do not forget to block other wise he can wipe off your entire group in one spot very easily. (Won't be much of a problem when Gu36 drops and split damage is added). Hardstun or knockdown bane as much as you can!
    or he will break you like the bat.
    Edit: Bout to test out the hidden combo to see how it does :) did not know that :)
    • Like x 1
  20. Sabigya Steadfast Player