Legends PVP DLC Legends

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scarlet Rise, Jun 19, 2022.

  1. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Please explain to me why PVP legends DLC are still behind a paywall despite the broken mess it's in?
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Because someone will buy it.
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  3. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    So are you saying legal action would stop them from doing this or bad PR. In a nutshell, treat them like a child when they are doing something bad.

    Make no mistake, this is how child would behave if they did something "bad" and continuously got away with it. No ones holding me accountable so I'm in the clear. Ink should hope they never gain the eye of anyone that would make them accountable for selling a product that is "broken". I know I'm accurate by they way because this doesn't scale up. Imagine every game selling items for a "broken" part of its game, wonder how that would go for the devs?
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Legends aren't broken though. Legends PvP is more balanced than regular PvP in this game. Also all of those Legends can be played in Legends PvE if PvP isn't your thing.
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  5. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    Legends is broken. A lot of exploits atm.
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  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Have they been reported?
  7. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    This is the problem with this industry. There doesn't seem to be a clear cut legal definition for what's consider a "broken game" (like there is dishware or torn clothes). In this case its a mode. In PVP legends, two face for example is consistently unable to be cc'd. Some heroes have their basic attack hit harder than others. What if PVE had the same issues as PVP legends but they still sold powers. Ink would lose a lot of players. However, loss of players shouldn't be the reason why they stop selling powers in the example. It should be on the merit that there are complications that heavily undermine the quality of the product. It's a matter of principle.

    Bottom Line: This nonsense is not going to stand indefinitely and the more go the way of the child archetype the more the legal system will likely treat them as such (like that companies definition of a lootbox -surprise mechanics- at their court case). It will eventually catch up and create laws that publishers and gamers will not like. So "behave now" to help lessen those legal blows that almost inevitably come later.

    Note: A broken game cannot be limited by its ability to run.
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I remember someone bringing up Two Face awhile ago. I would keep reporting it until it gets fixed.
  9. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    Nothing to do with two face. Again it's broken beyond repair.
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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Such as?
  11. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    Counter exploits / spamming lunge without falling. & more
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Are mark purchasable Legends still behind the subscription?

    If so, sub a month, thrash everything, buy everything, un-sub, pretty minor spend.

    If not, where's the pay wall?
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  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Well until/if those get fixed there's Legends PvE.
  14. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    Your responses are really dry and annoying. sigh
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  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I couldn't care less what you think of my responses. The question was why are Legends on the marketplace and the answer is for profit. You can play those Legends in PvP or PvE, doesn't matter, the point is you can still play with them. If at any point in time you purchase something off the marketplace and it doesn't work as advertised like the Lightstream styles, then you have a reason to complain.
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  16. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    You can use Daybreak cash to purchase them as well as use a subscription. However, they are unavailable to F2P members outside the league of legend-esque hero rotation. Technically, if DC was popular with players that cared out PVP the pay wall or even the pay 2 win argument would likely be supported. Some legends have a natural advantage over others whether its due to bugs (ex: Two-face) or damage output imbalance (ex: Lex Luther). There really isn't anything preventing that pandora's box from spreading across DCUO other than the Community disinterest. Ink is lucky.

    Side Note: Daybreak would likely be fine with players haphazardly purchasing heroes on the off chance they get hero they end up enjoying... It could cost a penny to get all legends and the issue would still remain. For instance, purchasing anything can begin the process of conditioning a player to spend more (the indepth look into Diablo Immortal monetary practices is rather illuminating). Beginning or continuing your purchasing habits based on an issue you're trying to overcome doesn't seem to be a "healthy" way to "support" DCUO.

    P.S. - Legends are 300 DB a piece and the beginning limit in purchasing DB Cash is 500.
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah but if that's the case, they've always been behind the paywall, access to legends characters for marks was always a subscriber perk and from what you're describing it still is a subscriber perk, so what's the harm in that? I'm not quite sure why you're expecting it to be free? Is that your view just because of the state of PVP more generally? Or because you think it should just be something dropped down to the lower tiers?

    I mean I know there's vast areas of the game that are now free to play, but they're still trying to attract subscribers right so it's not a terrible idea they retained this perk.

    Why don't you just sub for a few months, buy them all then cancel the sub, I'm pretty sure you don't lose them after you cancel once they're owned, yea? (of course I know you can also just buy them outright) or am I missing something? It sounds like you just want these things for free, just because.
  18. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Personally, I do want them free but I'm not going to suggest they become free because I want them to be. That isn't a sound enough reason to make it free. DCUO has always been behind a paywall and it seems "world culture" has been behind in understanding the consequences of that (though that seems to be changing). Daybreak/Ink/DCUO doesn't have the benefit of being in a niche market anymore (relative to most of its years). The main benefit it has now is community disinterest/unpopularity in avoiding criticism and evading forces that can hold them accountable.

    Another take is having Legends PVP be completely free would at least support interest in it (though I am not aware by how much). As it stands there are natural (newcomers versing seasoned players) and artificial (bugs/imbalances) constraints that hinders player experience. Having a paywall on top of all that isn't helping legends popularity at the very least.

    Note: I already discussed the "harm" in subscribing in my side note within my previous post.
  19. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Every legends is working (And they even made sure to not update their skins so there would be no place for a lawsuit) and can also be played in LPVE though. They arent falsely advertising (unlikely the movement styles). Just because the game is not in a state you find enjoyable doesnt mean they are scamming you.

    Remember you are purchasing a license to use the item. As long as the item can be used as advertised its not agaisnt any law.
  20. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    I am not speaking to whether or not I enjoy the content. When there are enough broken or fractured elements in a game mode that leads to it's degradation, devs/pubs ability to sell "accessories" for it should be revoked. Re-reshaping the standards of game (to its "detriment") so you can keep using it shouldn't be allowed either.

    Forget about getting Legends DLC for free, Legends PVP should be considered defective and be suspended from consumer use until it meets "standards". If ink doesn't know what those standards are than they should look to its performance in 2013 or 2014 as a reference point.