Legends PvE Week is BACK!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Angeliana, Aug 20, 2024.

  1. Angeliana Senior Community Manager


    Hey PvE-ers! We invite you this week to play as your favorite, iconic DC characters in a series of PvE content in what we call – Legends PvE!

    During this week, Tuesday, August 20, 2024 through Monday, August 26, 2024, all Legends characters will be available to try out and all Legends PvE maps will be unlocked and available in the On Duty menu. That’s not all – Legends PvE feat contributions will be multiplied TENFOLD! That’s 10x, 1000%, decupled, TIMES TEN! When working towards any Legends PvE feat with a counter, instead of one completion incrementing the counter by one, a completion will increment the counter by 10!


    If a certain Legends character catches your eye during the event, add them to your Legends Avatars permanently by taking 20% off the entire roster of Legends Characters and 20% the Upgrades Tab in the Marketplace! Sale lasts from Tuesday, August 20, 2024 to Monday, August 26, 2024, so take advantage of it before it comes to an end!
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  2. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Well-Known Player

    ;) ty

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  3. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Thank god! I only got 4 feats left in here. Been waiting patiently for this.
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  4. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Time to wrap these up so I never have to worry about these feats again! Get 'em while the gettin's good!
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  5. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I wish you’d make Legends PVE like Ominibus content and have it unlockable loot drops. I don’t know why you have it daily locked since that would encourage more to run it instead?
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  6. BlackGuns Active Player

    Thank you! Wish it came with a new Legend like Gorilla Grodd, or a small QoL improvement like access to cross weapon combos or maybe have the character select pop up when you queue the LPVE mission, but still thanks!

    So, with this Bonus Week being specifically for Legends "PvE-ers", does that mean there's hope for a Bonus Week for "PvP-ers" in the future?
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  7. BlackGuns Active Player

    For sure! Legends Omni sounds awesome! Would also be awesome to have access to all LPVE maps all the time so we can actually use the Legends they want us to buy rather than the 1 or 2 per day that get loot locked.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sigh. Finally an event I was looking to participate in....but I'll be doing Homecoming still. Ah well...next year I guess. Couldn't do it next week....no?:(
  9. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    You know what would be really wicked if we could bring our artifacts to legends PVE. I can see it now, inventory Legends PVE sounds amazing "swaptastic" we need to get our hands on that Legends wolf pack token. Would you guys wolf pack your artifacts a second time to be used in Legends PVE?
  10. Sollace Committed Player

    Bonus x2 artefact, it's time, people are leaving the game!!!!
  11. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

  12. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    No? Not even if the development team pulls up their socks on that game mode that has been doing nothing for centuries. What if they did let you use your artifacts in Legends PVE and started actually doing something with that game mode instead of ignoring it like the PVP mode DC Universe used to have. Would you not wolf pack your artifacts a second time lmao
  13. Grim931 Committed Player

    You seriously want people to spend an extra $100 per art... for characters we already have to buy... in a game mode that's dead 98% of the time?

    This is beyond ridiculous. I highly doubt anyone wants to shell out that kind of money just to unlock them for use in a dead game mode.

    I would much rather them just make the characters more powerful. The only issue with Legends is that most of the time, it takes forever to play. It feels like the characters aren't as strong as they should be, and this isn't a problem that we need to fix by enforcing another paywall for customers.

    Do me a favor and file this idea somewhere that can never be seen again.
  14. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    The Legends are clamped 70% with stats revamp. That's why they added artifacts to pve content because they almost lost the whole player base with stats revamp haha if you want to feel some progression with Legends you'll need to ask the devs to use artifacts in Legends pve aswell as pvp. Unfortunately stats revamp was a failure artifacts kinda saved the game but it's starting to show otherwise now. It's time for some big changes going forward. But I don't see any problem with a Legends wolf pack to try and get some player base in that game mode again
  15. Grim931 Committed Player

    Stats Revamp had literally nothing to do with Legends. They have no gear to clamp... there's nothing there, and they've always had the same stats.

    I don't know why you keep claiming this every where you post like it's a fact, either.

    Either way, no matter the case, I do not want to put any additional money into Legends characters, period. I refuse to pay to make them feel more powerful. I do not want to be forced to use Wolf Pack tokens to be able to use already existing Artifacts in the Legends game mode. Again, they can simply buff the Legends characters and not require any version of Wolf Pack tokens to be used here. Most artifacts are either Role-based or power-based, so literally only a few general artifacts would even be useful in the Legends environment, anyway.

    Your idea here is one of the worst ideas I have ever read on the forums, and that's saying something.
  16. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Legends have a base cr which means they have base stats which base stats are a part of the stat revamp clamp which is why they hit for peanuts. The failure to Stats revamp is due to the clamp which is why they brought in artifacts which were unclamped to try and keep the population they had left. They tried to save the game from a dumpster fire revamp
  17. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    @Angeliana Do you like Legends PvE?
  18. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Ill be getting my PS5 soon. But will miss this event. Otherwise. I'd join you for this.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You'd join me doing Homecoming spam? Nooooooo....Save yourself!!;)
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  20. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    Maybe if if it was x1000 I would do it but that's a Big if..