Legends PvE Extravaganza!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 27, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    UPDATE: This bonus week has been extended one additional week because of the connection issues we have experienced. Thank you and enjoy more 10x feats!
    • Like x 22
  2. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    OMG that's amazing.
    I couldn't participate due to busy schedule, but hopefully I'll be able to catch up now. Much appreciated!
  3. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    However for those who are still in need...GO GET EM PEOPLE.
  4. Magnificent Loyal Player

  5. Yaiba Committed Player

    I can't really enjoy LPVE if most runs take too long to finish, I want to know if you or another devs have any words about roleless buffs being in the instances. Don't get me wrong, this is still a great event but i would like to see some changes to make it really enjoyable.
    • Like x 1
  6. Kestral Committed Player

    Thank You <3
  7. mouseymouse1976 Active Player

  8. mouseymouse1976 Active Player

    Ahh I'm sorry. :(
  9. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Oh yeahhhhh as the Kool Aid Man would say. I'm seriously happy I can actually sleep this Wednesday, thanks Daybreak!
    • Like x 1
  10. Boston Phantom Well-Known Player

    Yes....one more week of of. I can get more feats. DCUO finally gives us something.:)
  11. ILeavemebee New Player

    awesome good news!
  12. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Oh, man, I don't think I can take another week of Trigon.

    Everyone knows every line of dialogue now, right? You stupid cow! Stinkin' wompers! Damn, Jared, chillax!, Etc.
  13. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Valentine's event start tomorrow? (Meaning 4-6 hour shutdown tomorrow morning)
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Say what now? Did they say V-day starts tomorrow? I didn't see that (and do NOT want that btw....too much to do this week).