Legends PvE Extravaganza!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 27, 2021.

  1. LavaSpitter_json Level 30

    nvm, it was my computer bluetooth lmao
  2. Doctor Dirty Duck New Player

    I just find it unfair that I grinded them feats for years and years, now new people get them easy. If the new people get CR skips/ Easy PVE legends feats then why cant we get x10 artifacts or x10 time beacons/solar credits?? But Devs wont do that because they are greedy people and only care about their pockets
  3. Aesthete Well-Known Player

    But you got the privilege of obtaining feats from old content before the rest of us have. Isn't that something to be proud about?
  4. Corsair X Well-Known Player

    Can't play Legends if the Server keeps lagging and crashing all day. Can someone Please! look at DCUO today 1/30. I thought it was me. I'd in the middle of the Hydra bounty and every other character disappeared. I die respawn and no one is around, only eventually to disconnect. Relog and find your down for a maintenance. to secs later relog a waiting list to get on. It has been happening to others. I have seen the lag and dc posts in chat. We've tried all day. Rinse, Repeat. Please fix
  5. ReedSpacer New Player

    If only the game would work right long enough to play.... STEP IT UP DAYBREAK.
  6. Dragon Power Well-Known Player

    Can't believe someone would complain about this event. The feat system is poorly designed and anything that makes it easier is welcome. I get it, you worked hard initially, but deal with it. Get off your pedestal and let the game improve and let others have a chance. Life's too short and there can be other ways to implement playtime retention/monetization.
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  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    From our perspective, you have been able to enjoy having the feats/skill points for years longer than anyone getting them today, so there's still value in what you have done that isn't being taken away.

    Also, it has taken years to get your character to where it is at now. You could have ten years of advancement. Someone joining the game today should not have to play for 10 years to get to where you are, play the latest content, or play with someone like you who has been playing that long. As the distance in content increases between level 1 and max level, the play time required in that content must slowly decrease.

    Finally, LPvE is a legacy system that did not end up as popular as we would have liked, but lingers because some players do like it and there are these rewards to be gained. This *extreme* bonus week takes that into account, where other bonus weeks are less extreme.

    In the future, we may end up reducing the feat counters in LPvE, but we have decided for now that this kind of bonus week is better because it drives folks together so queues pop faster and it doesn't "take away" the counts players like yourself may be proud of obtaining, and that's specifically keeping perspectives like yours in mind.
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  8. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    Don't take this the wrong way but I do feel it's a bad time for this, with Anniversary event and want to work on current dlc, it can take up quite a bit of time, then try to get legends in at the same time, just feels over whelming. Would of been better if it was after a seasonal event, just my opinion on this.
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  9. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    While I get it, and would even feel the same way in your shoes, some of us are done with legion and the anniversary event so it's been nice to have something to do that pops a feat every few minutes. I'll still run 3 characters thru the alert and vaults/ stabilizer but that's 30mins if friends are on.
    But yeah, I can imagine how crazy this is if you still need to run both events.
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  10. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Would this be why we haven't seen any new Legends in years?

    I enjoy the 10x events and would enjoy more of the maps more often if some of the issues were looked at (Paradox, for instance, is a brutal time-sink where the final fight sometimes glitches on the pillars).
  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Can you make it 20x the next time :)
  12. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    That being the case, then Legends should always count 10x, with bonus weeks being 20x or higher.

    And PVP counting Feats (win X number of 4x4's, etc) should also increase to 5x or greater.

    And counting Feats for bounties of older content (since it's nearly impossible to get a group to do Starro, Brine Hulk, etc).

    Speaking as someone who got all these Feats the long way, it doesn't hurt me one little bit that newer players get them easier. In fact, other players having more SP & being more capable can only help me / the group to get through instances.
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  13. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Based on the number of players who make their toons as close to iconics as possible, I imagine that the reason some people like Legends is simply because they get to 'be' their favorite DC heroes / villains.

    I also think that the reason most people don't like Legends is that they don't get to use their regular Powers / Loadout / CR / Stats.

    So, what if Legends characters became entirely skins, with the player retaining all their regular Powers & Stats? Could be done specifically as Legends instances, or as skins chosen for regular On Duty instances (but the player gets credit for the Legends Feats). Obviously it would require adjustment of the On Duty menu, giving the player the option of choosing their own skin or the Legends skin. Additional Legends Feats could be added for every On Duty instance. Might even be enough renewed interest in Legends to justify creating new Legends (which would just be skins anyway - and there's already 1000 iconic npc's in the game that could immediately be put to use).
  14. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Who cares if you dont think its fair some people get feats easier then you! I plant my feet firm down into the earth and stand by saying they should sell skill points! Who cares if its pay to win! Yall better get a piggy bank and save up

    Chase a bag, dont worry about what other people are doing
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  15. nawanda Loyal Player

    Probably the best post I’ve ever seen from Mepps.

    For years myself and others (Draconiano, MrSuperman) campaigned on these forums for the devs to address that these feats were out of kilter with what could realistically be expected of a player - to run LPVE 5,000 times.

    Every time we posted, lots of people would weigh in and accuse us of being lazy or entitled or of being too obsessed with trying to get every single feat.

    These LPVE bonus weeks are fantastic. I had already run about 1,250 LPVE prior to the first one, last June, to maximise my feat progression. Am I bitter that someone who had hitherto never touched LPVE has an opportunity to run it just 130 times and overtake me? No, because all I want is opportunities for me to work on and progress my character.
  16. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Start making legend artifacts and continue support for lpve a simple money grab just waiting for you guys to take advantage of. Just like pvp you developers are not even trying to add new systems to these modes. You wonder why they are not popular blows my mind. I think pets would be a great new progression system for lpve or mods for ur powers in ur loadout bar 3 slots for each power. You want ideas for pvp? I think I'll keep.my pvp ideas to myself it would probably kill pve nobody would be interested in pve amymore.
  17. Gundraasi Well-Known Player

    What would "Zoya the Destroya" reply to this? ;)
  18. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    It’s also unfair that the baby boomer generation had to use payphone’s if they wanted to get in touch with each other outside of the home. So in fairness to them, everyone should throw away their mobile phones. Oh, and they had to open and read encyclopedia’s to look up information. So in fairness to them, lets all pledge not to use the internet.

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  19. mouseymouse1976 Active Player

    First life isn't fair. Second why do you begrudge these people a chance to get feats. You are kind of being selfish about it. If you find it so unfair don't play the game.
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  20. lxTheOverseerxl New Player

    So im stuck at connectn screen been about 4 weeks:(