Legends PvE Extravaganza!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 27, 2021.

  1. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    I am super glad this bonus is back and have been waiting for it. With that said why during the limited time Anniversary special? Kind of the worse timing =/
  2. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Does this work with the 1 player on duty T5-T6 solo complete 100 iconic solo's?
    The last time it didn't while there are still legend PvE.
  3. Nikola27 New Player

  4. inferno Loyal Player

    This is it. This is gonna be hell week but it''ll be the last time ever for me. I don't know whether I should cheer or cry.
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  5. TheBatmanFanBG Well-Known Player

    And still no new Legends...
  6. Kaladin Well-Known Player

    Thats great, need the feats I dont have yet....but really need a boost in pvp to finish those styles...nobody plays that.
  7. Advanced Majin New Player

    Can we get a Professor Zoom legend?
  8. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    is it just me or is the league of assassins legends pve map not included o_O
  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    These don't count as Legends PvE/part of the LPvE system.
  10. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    The one with flash related runs , but there only one iconic. Theflash.
    Example no villian related flash or female , but would of as zoom , or grodd,

    The one with green arrow related runs , but there only two iconics.arrow & deathstroke.
    Example there nofemale related arrow or villian, , but female would been black canary .
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  11. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    Dcuo devs, thank you for the legends week , we appreciate it .
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  12. Superbowl New Player

    Im digging Legends week it's been pretty fun so far. I like trying out all the different Legends skill sets and the feats are a nice bonus
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  13. Tamsin VaIkyrie New Player

    Anyone need a legends partner?
  14. GhostZilla New Player

    Pretty BS though for all the people that have already grinded the legends the only hard way. We had to do it 1 at a time now people come in and get x10? so stupid. If you can do a x10 legends pve how about a x10 time beacon next week?
  15. Doctor Dirty Duck New Player

    Probably worst event ever.
  16. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Do Bombshells count properly yet?

    Also Zoom would be awesome just as a re-skin on Flash, no new development work needed.
  17. Lil_Yummy New Player

    We need Kid Flash as a Legends char!
  18. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    You may think so, and plenty may agree with you. I absolutely loathe lpve. Makes me sad just thinking about it. But this is one of the greatest bonus weeks there is and especially now that there are so many skip toons introduced to the player base. Feats and sp. Just keep grinding. It's 1 week, seemingly yearly or close to it. Spent 2hrs doing it yesterday, hated every second of it really but feats and sp. I'm not even a skipper.
  19. LavaSpitter_json Level 30

    ever since this update event for lpve my game plays SUPER CHOPPY on the pc. pls fix
  20. Tropical Skittles Taste The Rainbow

    Thank You ;)