Legends PvE Extravaganza!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 27, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager



    UPDATE: This bonus week has been extended one additional week because of the connection issues we have experienced. Thank you and enjoy more 10x feats!

    It's time for Legends. Play Legends PvE this week, get feats, celebrate. The Legends PvE Extravaganza is back!

    This week only, all Legends characters will be available to try and all Legends PvE maps will be available in the On Duty menu. Legends PvE invites you to complete PvE content playing as iconic DC characters.

    More importantly, Legends PvE feat contribution will be multiplied tenfold. That's 10x, 1000%, decupled, TIMES TEN. When working towards any Legends PvE feat with a counter, instead of one completion incrementing the counter by one, a completion will increment the counter by 10!

    To repeat, this week – from Thursday, January 28, 2021, through Wednesday, February 10, 2021 – all players will receive 10x feat contribution (counters) in Legends PvE, plus all Legends PvE maps and characters will be available.

    PLUS, during this bonus week, all Legends characters will be 30% off in the Marketplace, so get caught up if you need to.
    • Like x 22
  2. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Eyy, that's awesome! My leaguemates are so happy, LOL
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  3. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    For a moment, I had hope we are getting the new Harley model as a legend. :(
    But I love LPVE, so I might aswell take advantage of it :)
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  4. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Damn mepps. Why though. Now I can't not play LPVE. ugh. Can't pass it up.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Shoot...and this was the week I was going to go after those SFFE feats. Ah well...so much for that...Trigon's prison...HERE I COME!
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  6. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Nice! Not sure I'll run it much, but given I grinded LPVE a lot the last time we had this, I don't have as many counter feats to do this time around.

    Thanks for the event, I'm sure many will be playing for this to get caught up on feats.
  7. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Thank you. I know a lot of us wanted this bonus week back.
    • Like x 3
  8. Corsair X Well-Known Player

    Great new! I haven't played Legends in forever. I'm to busy grinding for my OP gear that will take me well into 2022, lol But seriously, I could use a break. I love Legends and own many.
  9. Wildcat Committed Player

    • Like x 1
  10. Supremo BR Well-Known Player

    Ok so, let me see, 250/7=35,714, which means I’ll have to run 35, 36 lpve a day...
    I’ll start meditating right now in preparation.
  11. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Outstanding, Now that is some good news
  12. Cyro Committed Player

    This event is right up there with double nth for me, so excited for this
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  13. Nikola27 New Player

    I've never played legends pve so any advice for the most efficiant feat hunt and hero/villain would be most appreciated.
  14. Elusian Crowd Control

  15. sickwwefreak New Player

    my league will be happy
  16. Corsair X Well-Known Player

    Prepare to get beat by every Batman & Catwoman in Legends. Clip attack wrestlemania!
  17. Pher Active Player

    I really appreciate that you offered this awhile ago and allowed me to knock off several progression feats, so thank you. I know you've already put this in motion for this time, but might I suggest bumping the multiplier up to 20x or even 30x? As you progress in these feats the ROI diminished significantly ( kudos to anyone who did it the old fashioned way ) but for new players, even with the 10x, it's daunting to try and finish the feats, especially once you break the 250 level.
    • Like x 1
  18. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Oh nice.

    2 questions:

    -What's the fastest map
    -are all of the bugs with variants counting or not worked out (ie Bombshell WW, TV show Supergirl, etc)
  19. The Con Dedicated Player

    I assume that it's Oan Science Cells
  20. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Depends on your group, really.

    For me, Hall of Doom is the fastest if adds are handled correctly (skipping adds and transporting crystals for big hits on bosses are key).

    Trigon can be good - it’s pure add skipping with competent dps’ing.

    Oan is the one that players are least likely to mess up. Good for blind ques.
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