Since I don't want to keep high jacking Enquirer's Two-Face thread, I figured it might be a good idea to make a thread on the subject of how the burst damage of different legends characters work. First, for those not familiar with this burst damage is a reference to the amount of damage any legends character can do in the time an opponent is countered to the time the opponent gets back up from said counter. This is important as many legend's characters have their best damage tied to powers that can be countered, vulnerable to block or vulnerable to interrupt, dodgeable, like Hal Jordan's air strike, or do more damage to helpless enemies, like backflip. Many characters have their best damage worked out in Enquirer and co.'s guides, but if there is a character not covered in there, if you think you've thought of a new way to squeeze out more damage here's, or you just have a question about something, here's a place to ask it. Now for a first look I wanted to take a look at Lex. Clutch already made an excellent video demonstrating Lex's burst damage. The burst damage starts with Power Discharge, tap range 1x or 2x then tap melee, to blockbreak. The next portion is Upperccut, tap melee 2x then hold melee, clipped with Lex's 3 or L2+Circle. If you counter with a block or a lunge Uppercut would be the step you would start at. Lastly, Fist Slam, tap melee then hold melee, clipped with Lex's 5 or R2+Square. One downside to Lex is that his 5 or R2+Square moves him, potentially of nodes. If you press jump however it will cancel this, discovered this by accident in Legends PvE. Hope to maybe take a look at Catwoman if I can get any good video of her. Anybody else have trick, tips or questions about burst damage in legends?
Nice post! A small tip, always look at precision combos. Those can be clipped with powers so most likely you're going to be using them for a source of burst damage. In addition to that look at what powers can be jump cancelled, have shorter animations, deal more damage against a hard stunned (countered) opponent etc. You're most likely going to need to string these types of things together in order to deal good burst damage.
You might wanna look at E's guides in the Oracle Database. Each character has a section under "Advanced", sub section "after a hard stun". You can use those for burst damage too. Using my phone so I can't link it.
Also if you wanna borrow my vid where I used Catwoman against Saint Walker (just the burst damage one) feel free.
I actually had a friend asking about Guy Gardner's burst. When I looked him up in Shiny's thread something looked off. His 3 and 6 hit for an average of 234. Only Atrocitus hits that low, but he has a PI to boost those same powers, Gardner doesn't. Also doesn't help that he uses 2H. Everything I think of keeps revolving around his 2, maybe clipping a combo from his 1, but it always seems so low.
The damage from that one move is lower because of Atro I think. Or at the least when he was being designed they looked at how hard Atro's hit, and didn't take his PI into account. As per his burst being low, let me quote Clutch from when we were on test when Guy was released: "Y U MAKE RED LANTERNS BAD?"
Here's my contribution! Cheetah's counter damage How to do this combo? Hold range button cliped with skill 1 clipped with breakout trinket + hold range button cliped with finisher (skill 6) I'll add more maybe this day or weekend.
Huh, I'm just curious, I know it works for DS but can you clip the finisher by any chance with Cheetah? I doubt it what with it having a cast bar and everything, just I've never tried it. Also how much damage did you pull off there?
Never tested the might finish clip with her or Faust. 3,3k in Circe, 3,5 in Batman. But if you look at chat in Batman's part, you can see "Julienes Blood Sacrifice damage Demettra for 1298", and actualy it did 1560.
Sure, at Circe's part, the damage for Blood Sacrifice is incorect too lol. Maybe a math log error due the berseker ability?
Not disagreeing there. Plus this us dependent on you being able to clip Cheetah's 1 aside from the finisher.
Yea, that too. I am curious if the damage modifier will still apply to the first move though since it was cast prior to the soder.
Here's a video showing Catwomans counter burst damage potential. Average damage of 3,4k. How to do this combo? Hold range button clipped with Whip Flurry (skill 3) cliped with breakout trinket + tap meele hold meele cliped with Cat Swipe (skill 2) cliped with Smoke Cloud (skill 5) + hold range cliped with Backflip (skill 5) Note that you'll be vunerable to a counter if you hold ranged cliped with backflip, so use it depending on the situation. There's a bug where you can clip 3 to 4 skills with her shield, but that's an exploit, dont use it.
*buzzer sound* you don't use the brekout trinket at all actually. Repeat after me: 2,4,3. The double clip also isn't considered an exploit. Would have been banned from basically every tournament. Including SOE Live.
Really isn't an exploit or something that should not be there? And also is not a double clip, if you're fast enough you can clip backflip and whip pull.