Legendary not working

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xCapitanAmericax, Sep 17, 2015.

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  1. xCapitanAmericax Active Player

    I have removed my "All Access" for the system ... I can not enter instances T6 / T7 lack of episodes. I paid my "all Acces" on 14/09/2015.

    I sound like a scam which now can not perform my regular game, so I ask for compensation.


    AND i Exit the game and NOW cant enter the game, but my friends playing now...bahhh I am paying for this? Seriusly???
  2. Kzinti Committed Player

    There is maintenance going on, that is effecting Login for some (me for one)
    I can not login to any of my accounts ( I have 4)
  3. xCapitanAmericax Active Player

    now i can enter but i cant play T6/T7 ( i am ALL ACCESS...)
  4. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    So my legendary isnt working for me and a couple in my league. This is weird because we renewed our legendary recently.
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  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Hi there. We believe this is related to this morning's maintenance and expect it to clear up shortly.
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  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We believe this is related to this morning's maintenance, and expect it to clear up shortly.
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  7. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Ok, thank you.
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  8. General Obvious New Player

    I have the same problem I renewed my legendary membership on september 11th and all was fine until I tried to log in 5 minutes ago and it says I've exceeded my max character slot amount. whats going on?
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  9. Zneeak Devoted Player

    What kind of sorcery is this?! How am I supposed to live with a 2k cash-limit? This better get fixed soon, I pay money not to be this far down the totempole :p

    Edit: On a serious note, seriously, I hope this get fixed quickly. I stopped buying DLC's/Episodes a LONG time ago due to subscription, so I cannot play the content until this gets sorted out.
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  10. Beauwight Well-Known Player

    But I wanna play my gaaaaammmmme! *throws temper tanturm and stomps around*

    Oh well, there's still about a half hour left in the original maintenance window, so I guess any actual whining needs to wait at least that long. :p
  11. xCapitanAmericax Active Player

    .... I still have the problem that has gone my "All Access"....Thanks Mepps. We should be compensated in some way ... I've lost all day.
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  12. Silent Abyss New Player

    I mean I renewed my membership because It expired. And now it won't even activate. I paid $15 monthly and it won't activate.
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  13. Fiash2k Active Player

    cant play anything cause my inventory is full ... fix it asap.
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  14. Hyppoli Well-Known Player

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  15. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

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  16. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    Yeah just got on and my legendary isn't working neither, says I need to deactivte characters
  17. UnbreakableII Well-Known Player

    Im with my legendary off too, I have almost one month of legendary to expire, what you will do about?
  18. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    my legendary isn't working either any idea when it will be fixed?
  19. General Obvious New Player

    same here... they add stuff however we temporarily lost the most crucial component to actually play..... Please Fix this.... not to troll the thread or anything but we didn't pay to be on the sidelines
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  20. McClain Active Player

    Same issues here. This is a serious pain in the ***. All my money is in escrow, no access to DLC's, lost my extra bank/inventory slots, my inventory is a complete mess now! And the worst part is all my damn 200 skill points have been reset!!!!:mad:
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